AMEN PAR ANKH (Sacred Temple of Living)
About Us
We are Amen Par Ankh! (Sacred Temple of Life)
We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and Environment.
We practice the oldest Spiritual systems from our Ancient KMT (KaMaTa) Ancestars of Eastern and Central Af-Ra-Ka, known as Medu Neter (Words of the Universal Laws and Principals.)
We acknowledge that we are spirits having a human experience, and with that, our Body is our Sacred temple of life, formed in our Mother's Wombs. So our mothers are venerated and held in the highest esteem as the one who has the strength to knit our flesh around our souls. She is our first teachers.
We must nurture and maintain our bodies to wellness, which supports our Mind, Soul, and Spiritual connections to each other and the Universe. As Spirit having human experiences, we connect with the universe, and outreach with our youth, to share and pass down the legacies of these concepts, on enlightenment, technology, The Natural Kingdom, Prosperity, and experiences on Health and well-being.
Amen Par Ankh -Means *Sacred Temple of Eternal Living.
Amen Par Ankh is a Ma'afia Movement of Nomes! Mafia is an east Afrakan Word meaning "Healthy Place to Live"
Sba Sasteh Meter Mosley is our High Priest
Sba Nuta Beqsu Amen-Ra is our Priestess
*Ka- Immortal Eternal Soul, Life Force, Spirit
*Ra- Sun Creation, Enlightenment, Conception of life, Manifestation, Light, Heat, Ignite
*Sa- Protector, Bes, Guardian, Shaman, Herbalist, Wiseman
*Ta- Land, Heaven, Kandaki (Queendom), Sanctuary
These words are also Heka "sounds of power" from the Primordial Universe
We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live"
Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort, to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704
*We are a Not-For-Profit- Charitable, Educational, Scientific and Religious, Organization.
*We celebrate Ma, the Living Queen Mother universe, (Yoni-verse,) through the Solstices and Equinoxes, along with the Elemental Powers and Principles of the natural kingdom of Mama Eartha.
*We practice KMT Spirituality on the paths of Destiny, Health, Career and Relationships Using the Oracle Cards and I Ching.
*We chant the KMT language, also known as Medu Neter. We also speak Wolof, Bulu, and Swahili
*We Acknowledge that the oldest Ancient societies began in East and Central Africa along the Nile Valley and spread across the continents of the planet, to establish human civilizations throughout the earth from more than 250,000 years ago. They are known as the Twa/Khoisan, and Tutsi. They are the mound builders who still live among us today.
*We are a *Nome* Ma'afia* of America. Our People were present in the Americas before the European invasions of the British, French, or Spanish. We are Indigo people of African Descent We are the oldest people on the planet. We established early American Civilizations of the Olmec Mayan, Aztec, Natchez, Blackfoot, Choctaw, and Cherokee, etc.. We infused the Hebrew, Ethiopian Coptic, Voodun, Tutsi, and KMT Civilizations, Languages, and spiritual principals.
*We are available for classes lectures, Presentations, and workshops. Libations, Home and Business Blessings and Spiritual cleansing, Naming, Birthdays, Weddings and Ascensions.
*We Celebrate the Equinoxes and Solstice Seasons, with Peret Ankh-Seed Blessings and Naming Ceremonies, Anu-Blossoms, SunRa Juneteenth Summer Solstice Celebrations, Umoja Karamu Harvest, and Kwanzaa,
*A Ma'afia is a word we have coined in our combination of the Island of Mafia, (which means -a healthy place to live) and Ma'at (which are the Divine Principals of Balance, Order, Justice and Reciprocity.)
*We commune with the Neteru (Natural forces of the Yoniverse and Nature), the Aku (the Principals and philosophy), the Sheps, (The Ancient and present Ancestors), the Peret (The Seeds- Potential Life), and the Anu (Newly Born from the vortex of the Yoniverse)
We acknowledge the edicts of:
"Eco-Nomics Is A Family Based System"
"As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without",
"Energy cannot be created or Destroyed",
"We are Souls having a Human Experience"
"Stick a seed in the ground"
"In order to Free Ourselves, We Must Feed Ourselves!"
"Reduce, Reuse, Re-Purpose and Recycle!"
"If you Don't Work You Don't eat"
Amen Par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Life) Established Amen Ankh Enterprises as the EIN for our Urban Farming Initiatives and Amen Ankh Akademy: providing Urban Home-school Resources, STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Vocational Arts and Mathematics) with an ACE (African Conscious Education) Curriculum.
If you would like to join and become a member of our organization, to practice as a KMT KRST Minister, feel free to email: or text/call: 816-281-7704
*Nome is:
5 Families= a Klan, 5 Klans= a Nome-
5 Nomes = a City-State, 5 City-States= a Nation.
In Kemetic language, Nome would be Sepat.
(*Ma'afia is a combination of the word Mafia in reference to the Mafia Island and the Goddess Ma'at, . We are reversing the cycles of "Ma'afa" Trauma.)
Located on the coast of East Africa is an Island called Mafia. The name simply means: “A healthy place to live.” We call on all aboriginal people of the planet to join us to honor and fulfill our ancient Aku-Sheps Ancestors, to protect the land, air, water, and aether. We must be stewards to the Mama Eartha, to repair the violations to the environment, to live in peace and in the spirit of justice, to protect Nu-water, Shu-Air, Geb-Ta Mother Eartha and Ankh- eternal life and Wombiverse.
Email: , or, and Call: 816-281-7704 to sign-up for courses and support: information: ,
Please Look for us on Google, FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter
We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness, and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity, and strength.
Amen Par Ankh provides Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, by Appointment
We provide Respite and Substitute teaching, Tutoring services with a Library Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House and Juice bar, Homeschool network, Outdoor Experiences, Industrial Arts, such as Canning, Carpentry and repair, Sewing, and home crafts, classes such as Cultural Cosmetics, Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Henna Healing Tattoos, and Herbal product manufacturing. Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health, and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrate and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies for the Equinoxes and Solstices, Storytelling, Workshops, and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide Women's Mothers and Children's space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life.
Please Schedule your Appointment for
Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, and Classes
Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot”.
Amen Par Ankh and Amen Ankh Urban Farm were established across the span of 2009 and 2012. We organized as a non-profit Par Ankh (House of Life) that focuses on serving the community as an outreach for balanced change by providing spiritual, emotional, mental and physical life options. Focused on the spiritual aspects of healing and self-help, seminars, classes, Libations, Cultural Arts Events and services, spiritual teachings and private Consultations sessions are offered. In 2012 The Amen Ankh Urban Farm was opened as a Teaching and Therapeutic farm to show the economically sustainable possibilities that any family can have right in the middle of a food desert and urban neighborhood. We began doing business as Amen Par Ankh Wellness Center and opened our second location, the Auset Pr Ankh. Since the opening of our offices, hundreds of people have benefited from profound emotional, spiritual, and physical improvements and have been provided the tools to continue moving forward toward life health, prosperity and wellness.
Nestled in the heart of Kansas City’s Urban Core, The Amen Par Ankh is a place where people find healing and refuge from their everyday lives and problems. Working one-on-one with individuals, a customized plan is developed to meet their needs through hands-on energy work, nutritional counseling and spiritual advisement by offering traditional and non-traditional spiritual, mental and physical healing systems designed to inspire the body…calm the mind…and soothe the soul.
The purpose in creating our Par Ankh (temple of life) gathering is to share in the knowledge of Aboriginal People of this Planet in who we really are. And to rebuild the 14 pieces of Ausar- our temple of man.
*EMWOT and Amen Par Ankh are now collecting Winter Work Wear, Hygiene Items and Educational Equipment for At-Risk Youth, homeless Teens and Incarcerated re-entry Young Adults for Amen Ankh Akademy and You G.R.O.W.W. Girls: Blankets, Coats, Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Socks, Sweaters, Boots, Drinking Water, Natural Snacks, Work Gear and Tools ...
*Hygiene Items like Soap, Hair Brushes, Mouthwash, Deodorant, washcloths, Sanitary pads, Shaving equipment, Disinfectant spray, Laundry soap, Paper products...
*Educational supplies and Equipment like, Laptops, Tablets, Whiteboards, paper, Artistic materials, Paint, Science materials, and Sculpture, Welding equipment, etc... You can drop off your items at the Amen Par Ankh KCMO 64130 Contact Sistar Nuta Adenike AmenRa El 816-281-7704
Our Ancient Ancestors inhabited the Pangea Planet before the Continents were divided. We are the original people of the ancient kingdoms or the planet. We are Sepat/Gnomes that were established throughout the Mother Eartha, following the living electromagnetic web across the planet to build our Pyramids and Mounds. The Ancients were not described by any of the words and misnomers, given by mundane society, so why should we go by these names? We are the Ancient Ones! We are the Children of Ma+Sun, Mother and Sun: Auset and Heru who are rebuilding the 14 pieces of Ausar.
Who we are is very imperative in knowing our Ancient Culture, Language, Heritage, Nationalities and Legacy! We are the families of Akabulon people of the Sun, also known as Moma AfRaKa! We are the Twa-Koi-San, Nubian, and KMT peoples. We moved across the planet, following the geomagnetic fields, through aeons of the ages establishing civilizations. We are known by our iconic sculptures found in all of the 7 continents. Europe, India, China, Asia, Australia, The America etc, We are the Ancient DNA of KMT, Hebrews, KRST, Aztec, Olmec, Mayan, Iroquois, Seminoles, Arawaks, Black Foot, Caribs, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Natchez, Tainos, Washita, and Yamasee, and all other peoples who are considered to be the offspring of the Ancient Indigenous Ones on the planet in the Earth. We are also the founders of Civilizations in Europe, China, and India are included from Hindustan (modern-day India, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan). The Ancients are Twa Men and Women, known as Bes, the Spiritual Magi, Shamans and Mystics. The Ancient Indigenous People erected the great pyramids and mounds in Amarukah, Amexem(SC Americas), and globally where every pyramid and mound can be found! We did not first arrive in the Americas by slave ships like some storytellers say, for we were already here in the West before the Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria, and the Mayflower pale-skin invaders arrived!
We know that there are many records of evidence of our presence as first peoples on the planet. It is time that we return to the Spiritual Ways of our ancient ancestors, who walked and paved the way before us before Patriarchy. We recognize The Queen Mother Matriarchy of the universe. We give thanks and praise always to the Great Supreme Divine Spirit; the True Creatress MA, also known as NUT whom we sacredly recognize as ANKH, AMEN -the Blackhole vortex, (Amun, Amon, Amin, Anu, Aton, and Atum) NUT the womb of the Universe, Alway giving birth to Stars! and NU the primordial waters of life. Honors to the Earth -Ta Geb, Tefnut, and the whom Ankh Amen have made and all elements connected to us. She is the source and the black hole vortex, from which all of life comes from. She is that tunnel, slipstream, and channel through which all life travels from and to the source. She is the Star Goddess who swallows Ra in the evening of the first day, and gives birth to Ra Her Sun as Ausar Every morning! Ma+Sun= Mason, Ma+Ra= Mary (Auset and Heru)

Though mankind tries to spitefully pollute Mother Eartha and tamper in the balance of the planet, thanks to the Ancients whose Spirits we ask to surround and guide us on this dimension we aspire to rise. It is time that we reclaim what is rightfully ours as the Humans who respect all creation and live as Royal Priesthood and Children of the Most High. We are connected to the Ancients by Spirit no matter what earthly area you reside at. At the Amen Par Ankh, we will reason, study, and share vital information together in Love and Harmony. We respect the Mothers of Civilization! Despite what spirituality, faith, religion, or movement you embrace, let us learn our Ancient Past and move ahead in the Ancient Future! The YONIVERSE AND CREATOR ARE ONE! I hope that you join us and that it will become beneficial to you! Thank you for your kind cooperation and may the true Creator be with you all!
The present so-called "Indigenous Native Americans have denied their Ancient African Ancestry. They have assimilated with western values and included the racist agenda against melaninated peoples to support, join with and grow in harmony with their Ancestral original peoples. They have completely rejected DNA Testing and any scientific evidence that will unveil their true African ancestrial origins. Their claims of indigenous existence in the Americas are based strictly on their Mythology and BELIEF system. They know that their Ancestral lineages go back to Afrika, Aboriginal Ancestry!
ALL HUe+MA+N COME FROM MAMA AFRAKA! Until All people acknowledge that Black Skinned nappy haired Mothers are the Womb of Ma+N kind as the original source of life and Mama Afraka as the cradle of life and all civilizations, then you will continue to fall into the hands of the alien Aryan, RNA- race supremacy patriarchy system! #amenankh

*We celebrate Ma, the Living Queen Mother universe, (Yoni-verse,) through the Solstices and Equinoxes, along with the Elemental Powers and Principles of the natural kingdom of Mama Eartha.
*We practice KMT Spirituality on the paths of Destiny, Health, Career and Relationships Using the Oracle Cards and I Ching.
*We chant the KMT language, also known as Medu Neter. We also speak Wolof, Bulu, and Swahili
*We Acknowledge that the oldest Ancient societies began in East and Central Africa along the Nile Valley and spread across the continents of the planet, to establish human civilizations throughout the earth from more than 250,000 years ago. They are known as the Twa/Khoisan, and Tutsi. They are the mound builders who still live among us today.
*We are a *Nome* Ma'afia* of America. Our People were present in the Americas before the European invasions of the British, French, or Spanish. We are Indigo people of African Descent We are the oldest people on the planet. We established early American Civilizations of the Olmec Mayan, Aztec, Natchez, Blackfoot, Choctaw, and Cherokee, etc.. We infused the Hebrew, Ethiopian Coptic, Voodun, Tutsi, and KMT Civilizations, Languages, and spiritual principals.
*We are outreach workers, building a Nome Society, following the precepts of *Nation Building How To, by: Sasteh Meter Mosley
*We Celebrate the Equinoxes and Solstice Seasons, with Peret Ankh-Seed Blessings and Naming Ceremonies, Anu-Blossoms, SunRa Juneteenth Summer Solstice Celebrations, Umoja Karamu Harvest, and Kwanzaa,
*A Ma'afia is a word we have coined in our combination of the Island of Mafia, (which means -a healthy place to live) and Ma'at (which are the Divine Principals of Balance, Order, Justice and Reciprocity.)
*We commune with the Neteru (Natural forces of the Yoniverse and Nature), the Aku (the Principals and philosophy), the Sheps, (The Ancient and present Ancestors), the Peret (The Seeds- Potential Life), and the Anu (Newly Born from the vortex of the Yoniverse)
We acknowledge the edicts of:
"Eco-Nomics Is A Family Based System"
"As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without",
"Energy cannot be created or Destroyed",
"We are Souls having a Human Experience"
"Stick a seed in the ground"
"In order to Free Ourselves, We Must Feed Ourselves!"
"Reduce, Reuse, Re-Purpose and Recycle!"
"If you Don't Work You Don't eat"
Amen Par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Life) Established Amen Ankh Enterprises as the EIN for our Urban Farming Initiatives and Amen Ankh Akademy: providing Urban Home-school Resources, STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Vocational Arts and Mathematics) with an ACE (African Conscious Education) Curriculum.
If you would like to join and become a member of our organization, to practice as a KMT KRST Minister, feel free to email: or text/call: 816-281-7704
Please support our fundraiser for Amen Ankh Akademy Youth homeschool coop through Fine Art America*
*Nome is:
5 Families= a Klan, 5 Klans= a Nome-
5 Nomes = a City-State, 5 City-States= a Nation.
In Kemetic language, Nome would be Sepat.
Located on the coast of East Africa is an Island called Mafia. The name simply means: “A healthy place to live.” We call on all aboriginal people of the planet to join us to honor and fulfill our ancient Aku-Sheps Ancestors, to protect the land, air, water, and aether. We must be stewards to the Mama Eartha, to repair the violations to the environment, to live in peace and in the spirit of justice, to protect Nu-water, Shu-Air, Geb-Ta Mother Eartha and Ankh- eternal life and Wombiverse.
Amen Par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Life)
Amen Ankh (Sacred Life) is our Brand and Motto. We are Urban Growers. We established a Spiritual Outreach and Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri.
This website was created to provide information, views, and opinions that are not readily available to the masses. This website provides insight and thoughts on subjects in the way and manner that is determined to stay consistent within the Expression of our Culture and Way of life. We do not practice the conventions of this world. Yet most of us are consumed by this changing world’s influence. We are so blinded to the propaganda, Indoctrination, of mass media, that we have now started “including” the Assimilation of this media into our lives. At Amen Par Ankh, we live in a way to fulfill the purpose we have for ourselves. Moving in our own direction in balance and harmony to our will. By having knowledge of self, we know how to differentiate between “living in” this world and “being of” this world. This website’s goal is to clearly illustrate the differences. We use 4 basic categories, to amalgam our way through life: Our Destiny, Health, Career, and Relationships.
We offer KMT Spiritual Readings using Oracle Cards of the Ausar Auset Society and the I Ching system.
Some of the information may seem hard-hitting and opinionated. It’s because this world and our society’s current programming teaches people to follow, consume and just mind their business and not have an opinion. We are encouraged to let others do our thinking or planning for us. We let others determine our societal moral compass, without holding convictions to what we know is right. We let others lead us to set the issues we should focus on, rather than establishing our own culture, practice, and way of life.
In this current point in history, there is an extreme tolerance and dominance to Chaos. There is an extreme sense of conformity to this world, and its values and traditions. There is an increased dependence on outward reactive energy, than our own reliance on our higher selves. There is a general acceptance of Mis-Education, Illogical false doctrines, Low character and false leaders, and teachers. Our children are growing up with more perverse, indecent, and explicit nature that was beyond our thinking when we were children. There are many more extreme problems, but a majority of the issues stem from the tolerance or lack of intolerance to chaos and corruption. This new culture of “accept everything and don’t judge” has fully crept into our society and will inevitably drag people to their lower nature.
It is the goal of this website to illustrate highlight and compare points that are not often seen through mainstream opinion, with a KRST Spiritual perspective. This should create a sense of awakening to choose very carefully about what we feed our spirits and our minds. Both for us and our children, and grandchildren. There should be a change in what we accept to be our entertainment and what we consume for our body, mind, and spirit. We pray that more people read and understand, rather than be ignorant, and distracted. This site is geared for awakening.
Contact Us and become a member, as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life!
This website was created to provide information, views, and opinions that are not readily available to the masses. This website provides insight and thoughts on subjects in the way and manner that is determined to stay consistent within the Expression of our Culture and Way of life. We do not practice the conventions of this world. Yet most of us are consumed by this changing world’s influence. We are so blinded to the propaganda, Indoctrination, of mass media, that we have now started “including” the Assimilation of this media into our lives. At Amen Par Ankh, we live in a way to fulfill the purpose we have for ourselves. Moving in our own direction in balance and harmony to our will. By having knowledge of self, we know how to differentiate between “living in” this world and “being of” this world. This website’s goal is to clearly illustrate the differences. We use 4 basic categories, to amalgam our way through life: Our Destiny, Health, Career, and Relationships.
We offer KMT Spiritual Readings using Oracle Cards of the Ausar Auset Society and the I Ching system.
Some of the information may seem hard-hitting and opinionated. It’s because this world and our society’s current programming teaches people to follow, consume and just mind their business and not have an opinion. We are encouraged to let others do our thinking or planning for us. We let others determine our societal moral compass, without holding convictions to what we know is right. We let others lead us to set the issues we should focus on, rather than establishing our own culture, practice, and way of life.
In this current point in history, there is an extreme tolerance and dominance to Chaos. There is an extreme sense of conformity to this world, and its values and traditions. There is an increased dependence on outward reactive energy, than our own reliance on our higher selves. There is a general acceptance of Mis-Education, Illogical false doctrines, Low character and false leaders, and teachers. Our children are growing up with more perverse, indecent, and explicit nature that was beyond our thinking when we were children. There are many more extreme problems, but a majority of the issues stem from the tolerance or lack of intolerance to chaos and corruption. This new culture of “accept everything and don’t judge” has fully crept into our society and will inevitably drag people to their lower nature.
It is the goal of this website to illustrate highlight and compare points that are not often seen through mainstream opinion, with a KRST Spiritual perspective. This should create a sense of awakening to choose very carefully about what we feed our spirits and our minds. Both for us and our children, and grandchildren. There should be a change in what we accept to be our entertainment and what we consume for our body, mind, and spirit. We pray that more people read and understand, rather than be ignorant, and distracted. This site is geared for awakening.
Contact Us and become a member, as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life!
Our Services:
*We Celebrate life Through Seasonal Events
*Spring Equinox -Peret Blessings and Libations
*Summer Solstice New Year -Resurrection of Ausar
*Autumnal Equinox -Umoja Karamu -Harvest and History of our Ancestars
*Winter Solstice- Ausar Resurrection/ Kwanzaa Libations
*Sistar Ankh Gatherings
Amen Communications
Amen Ankh Akademy
Adenike's Arts
Adenike's Arts
The essence of our Sacred Sistar's Circle is the love, nurturing, sharing, expansion, unveiling, and pure ecstasy that is experienced. It brings my heart joy to be able to facilitate our women’s healing and to encourage sisterhood. Sacred Sister Circles are gatherings open to any woman whose spirit is called to attend.
We can plan for:
- Libation Ceremony
- Sacred SiStars Fire Ceremony
- Het-Heru Wombdance
- Moon Cycle Ceremonies
- Yoni Steam
*Spiritual Crystal Jewelry essentials are available for purchase.*
*Lectures, Workshops, Special Presentations, Afrikan Storytelling
Whether you are hosting an intimate gathering of a few or entertaining a crowd of hundreds, Mama Nuta is well versed and prepared to share her knowledge on the subjects of:
- Ausar Resurrection
- Natural healing and Earth Cycles
- Amen Ankh Black Growers- The Three Sisters
- Urban Agriculture Alternatives and Homesteading Workshops
- You G.R.O.W.W. GIRLS- The Black Venus
- Upliftment of the Indigo Family
- Gnome Society
*Winter Solstice Vision Boards/ Dream Catchers
*Bring Ankh to Your Sheps Shrine!
Contact Mama Nuta Beqsu AmenRa Mosley El to host an Amen Ankh Event
Contact Mama Nuta Beqsu AmenRa Mosley El to host an Amen Ankh Event
*Libations For Home Blessings, Solstices and Equinoxes, Birthdays
*Umoja Karamu! Feast of Afrikan History
*Af-Ra-Ka-N -KMT Naming Ceremony
Altar/Shrine Workshop for your group!
You should always have an altar/shrine set up in the places where you spend the most time. Your altar should include aspects of the 4 elements: air, water, earth, and fire. It should also have images and/or artifacts of Ancestars who are important to you and will help you along your spiritual journey.
This workshop highlights building and maintaining. your personal shrines for your Nia work, as well as your relationships with your Sheps (Ancestars) of a deep exploration that details how personal Shrines are used, and how to make sense of the layout.
I’ll help you to know the space in your home that will best serve your Shrine and your spiritual needs.
You will know how the energy of Shrines reflects on you and your relationship with your Sacred Energies, How to keep your Shrines in balanced energy, to recognize when it’s out of balance. This workshop has proven beneficial to both the novice and experienced Shrine users.
We dive into specific aspects of:
- Specific Shrine types
- Ceremonial Shrines and etiquette
- Specific Shrine work/ practices
- Crystal grids, charging and cleansing
- Smudging and the Sacred herbs
- Sharing Shrines
$10 per attendant with 10 people ($100 minimum) provided
If you would like to bring Mama Nuta Beqsu AmenRa El to your area, please send a message to discuss travel arrangements. and call 816-281-7704
*Seasonal Teas and Apothecary
"Herbs are for the healing of the nation"
If you’re looking to heal with teas, There are many types, uses and purposes.
If you’re looking to heal with teas, There are many types, uses and purposes.
Remember, the strongest Medicine is always where the energy is in it’s highest concentration.
It moves with the changing seasons!
It moves with the changing seasons!
Lets examine trees ..
Winter... It’s in the roots.
Spring… It’s in the baby sprouts.
Summer… It’s in the fruit or blossoms.
Fall… It’s in the bark.
Spring… It’s in the baby sprouts.
Summer… It’s in the fruit or blossoms.
Fall… It’s in the bark.
This concept can be applied to any form of vegetation that is able to withstand the seasons.
We share guidelines to know what part of the plant to get the medicine from and when.
Cultural Expressions of Adenike's Arts
$25-50 Amulets and NeKabet bags are little magical bags and items with Herbal teas, Crystals, Aromatherapy, essential oils, Herbal bath salts, that are blessed with specific Affirmations and Intentions for each client's needs. The herbs vary depending on what you need the bag for, you can use these bags for the attraction of Direction, prosperity, love, protection, stress relief, rest, etc, The name of each client is drawn in a Sigil form, for healing. These are very powerful potions and notions! INBOX ME! text 816-281-7704
$25-50 Amulets and NeKabet bags are little magical bags and items with Herbal teas, Crystals, Aromatherapy, essential oils, Herbal bath salts, that are blessed with specific Affirmations and Intentions for each client's needs. The herbs vary depending on what you need the bag for, you can use these bags for the attraction of Direction, prosperity, love, protection, stress relief, rest, etc, The name of each client is drawn in a Sigil form, for healing. These are very powerful potions and notions! INBOX ME! text 816-281-7704
Please Look for us on Google, FaceBook, LinkedIn and Twitter
We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness, and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity, and strength.
Amen Par Ankh provides Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, by Appointment
We provide Respite and Substitute teaching, Tutoring services with a Library Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House and Juice bar, Homeschool network, Outdoor Experiences, Industrial Arts, such as Canning, Carpentry and repair, Sewing, and home crafts, classes such as Cultural Cosmetics, Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Henna Healing Tattoos, and Herbal product manufacturing. Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health, and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrate and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies for the Equinoxes and Solstices, Storytelling, Workshops, and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide Women's Mothers and Children's space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life.
Please Schedule your Appointment for
Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, and Classes
Amen Ankh Urban Farm
Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot”.
We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, and liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for all Original peoples.
Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.Amen Par Ankh and Amen Ankh Urban Farm were established across the span of 2009 and 2012. We organized as a non-profit Par Ankh (House of Life) that focuses on serving the community as an outreach for balanced change by providing spiritual, emotional, mental and physical life options. Focused on the spiritual aspects of healing and self-help, seminars, classes, Libations, Cultural Arts Events and services, spiritual teachings and private Consultations sessions are offered. In 2012 The Amen Ankh Urban Farm was opened as a Teaching and Therapeutic farm to show the economically sustainable possibilities that any family can have right in the middle of a food desert and urban neighborhood. We began doing business as Amen Par Ankh Wellness Center and opened our second location, the Auset Pr Ankh. Since the opening of our offices, hundreds of people have benefited from profound emotional, spiritual, and physical improvements and have been provided the tools to continue moving forward toward life health, prosperity and wellness.
Nestled in the heart of Kansas City’s Urban Core, The Amen Par Ankh is a place where people find healing and refuge from their everyday lives and problems. Working one-on-one with individuals, a customized plan is developed to meet their needs through hands-on energy work, nutritional counseling and spiritual advisement by offering traditional and non-traditional spiritual, mental and physical healing systems designed to inspire the body…calm the mind…and soothe the soul.
The purpose in creating our Par Ankh (temple of life) gathering is to share in the knowledge of Aboriginal People of this Planet in who we really are. And to rebuild the 14 pieces of Ausar- our temple of man.
*EMWOT and Amen Par Ankh are now collecting Winter Work Wear, Hygiene Items and Educational Equipment for At-Risk Youth, homeless Teens and Incarcerated re-entry Young Adults for Amen Ankh Akademy and You G.R.O.W.W. Girls: Blankets, Coats, Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Socks, Sweaters, Boots, Drinking Water, Natural Snacks, Work Gear and Tools ...
*Hygiene Items like Soap, Hair Brushes, Mouthwash, Deodorant, washcloths, Sanitary pads, Shaving equipment, Disinfectant spray, Laundry soap, Paper products...
*Educational supplies and Equipment like, Laptops, Tablets, Whiteboards, paper, Artistic materials, Paint, Science materials, and Sculpture, Welding equipment, etc... You can drop off your items at the Amen Par Ankh KCMO 64130 Contact Sistar Nuta Adenike AmenRa El 816-281-7704
Our Ancient Ancestors inhabited the Pangea Planet before the Continents were divided. We are the original people of the ancient kingdoms or the planet. We are Sepat/Gnomes that were established throughout the Mother Eartha, following the living electromagnetic web across the planet to build our Pyramids and Mounds. The Ancients were not described by any of the words and misnomers, given by mundane society, so why should we go by these names? We are the Ancient Ones! We are the Children of Ma+Sun, Mother and Sun: Auset and Heru who are rebuilding the 14 pieces of Ausar.
Who we are is very imperative in knowing our Ancient Culture, Language, Heritage, Nationalities and Legacy! We are the families of Akabulon people of the Sun, also known as Moma AfRaKa! We are the Twa-Koi-San, Nubian, and KMT peoples. We moved across the planet, following the geomagnetic fields, through aeons of the ages establishing civilizations. We are known by our iconic sculptures found in all of the 7 continents. Europe, India, China, Asia, Australia, The America etc, We are the Ancient DNA of KMT, Hebrews, KRST, Aztec, Olmec, Mayan, Iroquois, Seminoles, Arawaks, Black Foot, Caribs, Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Natchez, Tainos, Washita, and Yamasee, and all other peoples who are considered to be the offspring of the Ancient Indigenous Ones on the planet in the Earth. We are also the founders of Civilizations in Europe, China, and India are included from Hindustan (modern-day India, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan). The Ancients are Twa Men and Women, known as Bes, the Spiritual Magi, Shamans and Mystics. The Ancient Indigenous People erected the great pyramids and mounds in Amarukah, Amexem(SC Americas), and globally where every pyramid and mound can be found! We did not first arrive in the Americas by slave ships like some storytellers say, for we were already here in the West before the Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria, and the Mayflower pale-skin invaders arrived!
We know that there are many records of evidence of our presence as first peoples on the planet. It is time that we return to the Spiritual Ways of our ancient ancestors, who walked and paved the way before us before Patriarchy. We recognize The Queen Mother Matriarchy of the universe. We give thanks and praise always to the Great Supreme Divine Spirit; the True Creatress MA, also known as NUT whom we sacredly recognize as ANKH, AMEN -the Blackhole vortex, (Amun, Amon, Amin, Anu, Aton, and Atum) NUT the womb of the Universe, Alway giving birth to Stars! and NU the primordial waters of life. Honors to the Earth -Ta Geb, Tefnut, and the whom Ankh Amen have made and all elements connected to us. She is the source and the black hole vortex, from which all of life comes from. She is that tunnel, slipstream, and channel through which all life travels from and to the source. She is the Star Goddess who swallows Ra in the evening of the first day, and gives birth to Ra Her Sun as Ausar Every morning! Ma+Sun= Mason, Ma+Ra= Mary (Auset and Heru)

Though mankind tries to spitefully pollute Mother Eartha and tamper in the balance of the planet, thanks to the Ancients whose Spirits we ask to surround and guide us on this dimension we aspire to rise. It is time that we reclaim what is rightfully ours as the Humans who respect all creation and live as Royal Priesthood and Children of the Most High. We are connected to the Ancients by Spirit no matter what earthly area you reside at. At the Amen Par Ankh, we will reason, study, and share vital information together in Love and Harmony. We respect the Mothers of Civilization! Despite what spirituality, faith, religion, or movement you embrace, let us learn our Ancient Past and move ahead in the Ancient Future! The YONIVERSE AND CREATOR ARE ONE! I hope that you join us and that it will become beneficial to you! Thank you for your kind cooperation and may the true Creator be with you all!
The present so-called "Indigenous Native Americans have denied their Ancient African Ancestry. They have assimilated with western values and included the racist agenda against melaninated peoples to support, join with and grow in harmony with their Ancestral original peoples. They have completely rejected DNA Testing and any scientific evidence that will unveil their true African ancestrial origins. Their claims of indigenous existence in the Americas are based strictly on their Mythology and BELIEF system. They know that their Ancestral lineages go back to Afrika, Aboriginal Ancestry!
ALL HUe+MA+N COME FROM MAMA AFRAKA! Until All people acknowledge that Black Skinned nappy haired Mothers are the Womb of Ma+N kind as the original source of life and Mama Afraka as the cradle of life and all civilizations, then you will continue to fall into the hands of the alien Aryan, RNA- race supremacy patriarchy system! #amenankh

Ankh Seneb Wdjet (Life health Spiritual Power) to the Ancient Indigenous Ones globally! Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Unity, Equality, Light and Blessings!
Amen Par Ankh Medu Neter Consultations for Destiny, Health, Career Relationship by Sba Nuta Beqsu AmenRa El |
- Join our Geo Gnome Community and Become a Member of Amen Par Ankh our Sepat/ Geo Gnome! With your Donations of $20/per Month to support our cause. You will receive our Spiritual Readings, of Destiny, Health, Career, and Relationships, our monthly Newsletter, and participation in all of our Seasonal Celebrations and Events!
- You are invited to receive your 4 ancient Kemetic Readings for Destiny, Health, Career, Relationship- and KMT Naming ceremony, from Amen Par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Life)- for $100.00 ($30 Separately)
- Upon receiving your Destiny readings, you will be eligible to receive your KMT Name and Naming Ceremony. (cost varies)
- With your Donations of $30 or more, you will receive an Ebook:
NATION BUILDING HOW TO By: Sasteh Meter Mosley
You are Invited to support our fundraising initiative for Amen Ankh Akademy Green STEAM Network:
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Please Contact:
Sba Nuta- Kandaki Ma Nuta Beqsu Adenike Moses Amen-Ra El
Sba Nuta- Kandaki Ma Nuta Beqsu Adenike Moses Amen-Ra El
*Donations to (Paypal) or
Please Read and Support our Blogs:
We are building Amen Ankh Akademy Green Gnome, African Conscious Education, STEAM(Science Technology Engineering Industrial Arts, and Mathematics) Homeschool Network--- WITH GRATITUDE, WE WILL BE HAPPY TO RECEIVE ANY IN-KIND DONATIONS AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF:
- (Tax write-off receipts available)
- Automobile, Truck Donations-
- Vacant Lots, Houses, Buildings, Sheds, Trailers etc.
- Farming Equipment
- Laptops or other Hi-tech Items for Amen Ankh Akademy, our Green STEAM Homeschool Cooperative
- Work Wear for Construction, Farming, and Landscapers
- Winter Wear, Socks, Hats, Gloves
- Hygiene Products, for Young Men and Women;
- Water and Healthy Food Commodities for after-schoolers...
- Afrikan Centered Education, Books, History, Biographies
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa
I am available for Consultations, Life Coaching and Counseling, Lectures, Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Birth and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, Home and Businesses, Afrikan Storytelling, Conferences and Workshops
Contact: or
Phone: 816-281-7704
The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your American Medical Doctor for professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.
. Donations to Amen Par Ankh
Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)
I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa
We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...
(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa
We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring.
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704
The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your American Medical Doctor for professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.