Amen Par Ankh
(Sacred Temple of Life)
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We Support the Indigo Family Af Ra Ka N Naming Ceremonies Home Blessings Festivals Retreats |
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AfRaKaN Gnome Family Unions |
We are available for Your Circles of Life- and all seasonal Events!
Contact Us!
Kandaki-Ma Sba Nuta Beqsu Adenike Amen-Ra Moses El
*KMT Medu Neter- KRST Minister,
*Spiritual Life Coaching and Consultations for
*Destiny/Purpose, *KRST Naming Ceremony,
*Health, *Career, and *Relationships
$30 donations to PayPal:
Call/Voicemail/Text: (816)281-7704
Inbox me on Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin
Wellness Consultations For Destiny, Health, Career, and Relationships Sundays by Appointment.

HETEPU means Peace Be Unto You!
At Amen par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Life)
*We celebrate the Events of the 4 Seasons of
The Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes and the Summer and Winter Solstices
*Seasonal Ceremonies and Special events.
With the Equinoxes and Solstices, we offer a special ritual in our spiritual advance training, as we further our personal lives. Join us for courses to up-grade your life.
*The Optimum Life Course
If you are ready to take your life up to the next level, you want to master Your Envisioning! Plant your seeds of vision, and advance as you go-within, This is a life-changing weekend course. We still have room for Singles, couples, and families to join this awesome course with a special focus on the Equinox or Solstice.
We connect with my many Suns, Snets, Sistars as KMT KRST (Ka Ra Sa Ta)
We give honor to the KMT African family trinity of Ausar, Auset, and Heru
KMT stands for:
Ka-Immortal Eternal Soul, Life Force, Spirit
Ma- Universal, Yoniverse
Ta- Space, Land, Heaven, (Queendom), Sanctuary
*KRST stands for:
*Ka- Immortal Eternal Soul, Life Force, Spirit
*Ra- Sun Creation, Enlightenment, Conception of life,
Manifestation, Light, Heat, Ignite
*Sa- Protector, Bes, Guardian, Shaman, Herbalist, Wiseman
*Ta- Space, Land, Heaven, (Queendom), Sanctuary
I present and Lecture and celebrate life with AfRaKaN /AKaBalon storytelling and workshops
Ra- Sun Creation
Ka- Immortal Eternal Soul
N- Neteru -Divine Principles and Governing Laws
Ba- Immortal Soul
*AfRaKan Storytelling: *Black Family Trinity- Ausar Resurrection, *Adenike's Arts: Reduce Reuse Recycle, *The Real Meaning of Ankh, *The Black Venus, Sari Bartman, *Bes the Twa Khoisan World traveler -
For Special Events: *Birthday Parties, *Baby Showers, *Wedding showers, *Retreats *Event Photography, *Amen Ankh Travel Agency, *AMEN ANKH AKADEMY Afrikan Centered Home Scholar Educational Resource *Sacred Ceremonies
Holy Days: *Winter Solstice: Ausar Ressurection: Story of the Black Family Trinity of Ausar Auset and Heru; *Spring New Year Vernal Equinox: Ankh Anu! Seedling Blessings, African Naming Ceremony, Children's Celebrations, *Anuk Ausar Summer Solstice, *Het-Heru Harvest: *Ancestar Days, *Elder Recognition, *Ancestral Rites,*Umoja Karamu, *Rite of Passage, *Kwanzaa Libations, *Afrikan Liberation, *Home Blessings, *Seasonal Equinoxes and Solstices* Cultural Gifts: Herbal Healing, Natural Cosmetics, Mandalas, and Domestics, We Support AMEN ANKH AKADEMY Green STEAM Homescholar Educational Resources, Tutoring, Mentorship
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(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa
I am available for Lectures, Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Birth and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, Home and Businesses, Afrikan Storytelling, Conferences and Workshops, along with Educational Resources and Curriculum for youth, homeschooling, Tutoring, Workshops, and sleepovers,
Ankh Seneb Wdjet (Life health Spiritual Power) to the Ancient Indigenous Ones globally! Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice, Unity, Equality, Light and Blessings!
Support our Leadership:
NATION BUILDING HOW TO By: Sasteh Meter Mosley
$30 Donations to PayPal
You are Invited to support our Cultural Art initiative for Amen Ankh Akademy Green STEAM Network:
Amen Par Ankh means (Sacred Temple of Life) We are a Ministry of Health, Wellness, and Ecological Sustainability. We practice Ancient Ancestral KRST conscious Spirituality, known as KMT. We grow and preserve our foods, and create and practice cultural arts. We live in harmony as stewards of nature, with all Creation, and the Ancient Ancestors. We welcome Members, Sponsors, and Donations
We celebrate the Seasonal Circles of Life! We acknowledge our connection with the Cosmos. The Solar, Lunar and Stellar events have been studied for eaons by our great Ancient Ancestors! We recognize our role in Environmental and Ecological sustainability. We Grow and Gather Our Own Foods, Recycle, Compost, and Homestead.
*Amen Ankh Akademy ACE Green STEAM HomeSchool Communiversity
*AmenAnkh (Sacred Life) Urban Farms
*Adenike's Art Reduce Reuse Recycle
*Amen Communications
Visual Communications, Electrical Engineering Contractor, Wiring, Repair, Installing, Security Alarms,
* Use our Referring Agent # 36RTX- for Auto, Health and Home Insurance, Legal Shield, Debt Consolidation and Credit Repair, or call toll free: 877-855-8111
*KMT Afrakan Minister Officiant and Event Planning:
*KMT( Kemetic) Libations
*KMT Naming Ceremonies
*Full Wedding Services: Prenuptial Counseling, Event Location layout, Tailored Wedding Garments for Entourage,
Wedding planning and Ceremony,*KMT Ascension Services,
* Amen Ankh Artist to Activists: Inspirational and Motivational Speaking, workshops and Lectures
*Spoken Word poetry,
*Ancient Storytelling and Historical Readings- Fine Art, Posters, Apothecary,
*Umoja Karamu Ceremony,
*Ancient Cultural Music and Drumming with DJ MiKaEli
The information on this blog has been put together for general information, education, historical reference, Spirituality Current Events and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional medical advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.
Donate through PayPal: or
Eco-friendly salvaged goods,
Workwear and Safety equipment,
Farming tools and Equipment
Electronics, housewares
Building materials and furniture,
clothes and books.
The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.