Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Amen Par Ankh Winter Solstice Fast and Visioning Days

We are rapidly approaching the season of the Solstice. This is a time when the days are the shortest until we reach the 21st, through 25th .

 At Amen Par Ankh, the Winter Solstice is our holy-Days of reflection. We recommend that we are mindful of our bodies, minds and Spirits.

You are invited to participate in our Winter Solstice Fast and visioning celebration DAY for 2014!

In the Northern Hemisphere Winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22. The sun appears at its most southerly position, directly overhead at the Tropic of Capricorn (23 degrees 27 minutes south latitude). The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of winter. It is the exact opposite in the Southern Hemisphere. Solstice loosely translated in Latin is "sun stands still". For several days before and after each solstice the sun appears to stand still in the sky, i.e., its noontime elevation does not seem to change from day to day. Then it is Reborn again in the East position again and the days begin to lengthen.

Starting Monday 17th- 5 days before December 21st, 2013, until December 25th.

Start by Fasting off of meat only eating vegetables and fruits for the remaining days until the solstice.

On the 19th – 23rd only consuming Water, Grapes, Oranges for enzymes, (with Rice to take care of your Carbs -for those who have to work)
The more advanced, can drink only water for 1-3 days for the 21st and 22,...

Adding more Vegetables on the 24th

Break the fast on the 25th with Apples and more vegetables, Carbs and Fruits
We are Also inviting you to the Amen Par Ankh this Saturday, December 21st for our Solstice Celebration and Visioning Day! Our chi has been built up to it’s highest through our fast. Now we can come together in collective consciousness to vision for the future. Bring your Visions- We have plenty of magazines, notions and Glue. From 10:00am- 1:00pm

For More Information and RSVP- Contact Sba Sasteh Meter Mosley, and Adenike Amen-Ra Call AND Text- 816-304-7240 Email amen.parankh@gmail.com or amen.ankh@live.com

This is a time to create your vision Board. A vision board is a tangible collection that creates your window into the future. As words have life, you can send out your sacred sounds into the universe that will not return void. So envision for your Mind Body and Spirit- the Food Resources and comfort for your Senses as well as your Family, Friends and Loved ones around you.
The Winter Solstice is also a time for mindfulness; We must go within to engage our inner~net~work. This is a time to set goals and envision a fresh new path. We must throw out the "Stinkin Thinkin" of the past that is our own undoing.

Fast off of media energy too. All of the devices and appliances we have around us creates an energy wave that often times distracts us from our progress.

We must be mindful of our Family, Loved Ones, Friends and Associates. Our melanin is depleted by the lack of Sun and can sometimes cause us to be depressed and lonely to the point of suicide. Often times, many are stagnated and will release toxic energy. Remember, stress lowers our immunity, making us vulnerable to viruses and other disease.

The information presented is provided for information and educational purposes only. It is not meant to substitute for medical advice or diagnosis provided by your physician or other medical professional. Do not use this information to diagnose, treat, and cure any illness or health condition. If you have, or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your physician or health care provider.

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , or amen.ankh@live.com, and Call: 816-304-7240 to sign-up for courses and support: http://www.gofundme.com/amen-urban-farm , information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ , Look for us on FaceBook & Twitter We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunment - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House & Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. We offor Classes in ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrate and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self determination) All Original people. Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Green Griot Gathering at Amen Par Ankh!

Green Griot Gathering

at Amen Par Ankh!

GREEN GRIOT GATHERING is a Cultural-Cultivation and Celebration Family of Local Urban Growers who are committed to ecological sustainability and living in harmony with nature!

Green Griot Gathering is a Cultural Performance group for YOUR live or Virtual Cultural Events! 

We teach Green Ecology through Spoken Word, Storytelling, Dance, and Singing, for your special Events, Weddings, Receptions, Ascension Ceremonies, Birthday Parties, School Assemblies, Theaters, Community Centers, Churches, Workshops, Expos, We are Artist to activist for Community and Political action events.
We Perform Libations Ceremonies, Opening the way for the Ancestors) African Naming, Home Blessings to your customized needs.

We are calling on Griots- Authors, Poets, Spoken Word, Spirit Dancers, Step Dance teams, Singers and Performers! For Auditions and Rehearsal for our LIVE EVENTS!!!!! 

If YOU consider yourself a GRIOT- We Are Calling YOU!
Every Sunday at 1:00pm - 9:00pm

We welcome Griots to Turn-Up and Sit-in a Cypher at the farm! -We speak on Nature, Food Sovereignty, Urban Agriculture, Foods NOT Lawns- No- GMOs, Environmental Sustainability, Hunting, Gathering, Bees and many other Green Ecological topics. We invite you to share your creativity or come and enjoy our Aboriginal way of life, health and sustainability at the Amen Par Ankh! 

Every Tuesday and Friday night at 6:00pm- For Rehearsals for CD & DVD Recording, Internet Radio, Lectures on Urban Farming and Health and Wellness, conferences and workshops to outreach and teach STEAM urban agriculture and Ecological Accountability and Sustainability in Schools, Community Centers, Churches, and Theaters locally, across the country and the world!
RSVP Call- Text: 816-281-7704 or Email: , amen.parankh@gmail.com or amen.ankh@live.com

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) offers

Cultural Ministry Services and  Special Community Event Planning and Presentations
Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing & Classes

We are available to consult and perform the following services for you: Ceremonies and special events to our community.
We provide Life Coaching, Gentle Yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special Events:
Contact us as prices vary pending location and duration.

  • Libation Ceremonies, opening the Way of our Aku (Ancestors),   
  • Afrikan Weddings
  • Afrikan Naming Ceremonies (Infant Blessings and Adult Naming) 
  • Home Blessings,
  • Birthing- Birthday Blessings (Newborn to Elders)
  • Healing and Energy Work
  • Ascension Ceremonies
  • Seed Festivals
  • Vow Consecrations
  • Life Coaching for the 4 aspect of Health, Career, Destiny and Relationships.
We have presented for many Community forums, gatherings and events like the Omoja Karamu annual Feasts in November,
We also convene ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations), every Thursday at 7pm.


CALL: 816-281-7704 Check our Website: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh 
We share Libation, Seasonal Celebrations, Food Harvest Festivals, Weddings, Receptions, Birthday Parties, music, poetry, song, dance and culture of food for all ages!

 A griot, jali or jeli (djeli or djéli in French spelling) is a West African historian, storyteller, praise singer, poet and/or musician. The griot is a repository of oral tradition, and is also often seen as something of a societal leader due to his traditional position as an adviser to royal leaders.(Wikipedia)

HARAMBEE! (people come together)



As Above- So Below... As Within- So Without - To know thyself- is to know the existence around oneself.


EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR the Revolution Revelation on this Spoken Word Titled: East Meets West of Troost Presents: The GRIOT GATHERING Local Kansas City spoken word artists and their music It is an eclectic blend of Grassroots, Cultural, Political Spoken Word, Folk and Hip Hop Musical artists from the heart of KCMO!

We offer this CD compilation of local artists who share our mission and sing about current event issues ranging from the Nuclear Weapon plant poisonings of workers and their Neighborhoods to Kansas City Missouri’s School District. Thought provoking and fun, these selections are a blend that only these Kansas City artists can bring to Hip Hop spoken word. It's the return of people’s music; -it offers a deep human connection, through STRONG sonic celebration...
Buy Your Copy from PayPal or on these websites: http://www.gofundme.com/Amen-Urban-Farm , http://sastehmosley.wix.com/griot  , http://emwot.ws  


A Griot (Gree-os) is an Afrikan Storyteller -Serer: kevel or kewel; Wolof: gewel) is an African historian, storyteller, praise singer, poet, Shaman, Vezir or musician. The Griot is a repository of oral tradition and is often seen as a leader due to their position as an advisor to royal personages.

In the modern world, storytelling techniques such as music, chant and audience participation make up the best presentations of African storytelling. Communication methods such as video and the Internet now allow anyone to experience the joy of an African story well told. African storytelling is a call and response interaction. There are distinctions of storytelling from Africans who still practice this art all over the world.

Empirical stimulation of the five senses helps to create a memory.
Use of color, sparkle, music, song, foods, chants, shaking hands and embrace and wonderful aromas aid in embracing the experience.

The storytellers or “Griots” know people will listen if the stories are fun and entertaining.

An audience that is laughing or otherwise experiencing deep emotions will be fully engaged in the story and therefore open to more learning.

Animals, Insects, plants and other forms of nature are part of the African storytelling process.

Familiar characters, such as Anansi the Spider, show up in many African stories. No matter how they are portrayed, such characters as the weaver-bird, the lion, mosquito and the hyena all become players in this special storytelling. Trees, lakes, rivers and other plants provide a geographical reference as well.

Morals and instructions in proper conduct can be found in African storytelling.
The first Griots not only entertained but they also served as vessels of moral guidance. It is rare to find an African story that does not convey deeper meanings. Each time a person hears a story, even when it is repeated, they may find a new perspective on the teaching. Master Griots were the Social Activist. They often played the fool to draw off the direct attention of a leader, yet they were able to touch the consciousness, heart and mind of a ruler, to help them see constructively, the error of their ways without confrontation and embarrassment.

African storytelling taught historical lessons.

Storytelling is a way for any culture to pass on its history. From stories from Africa, generic terms used now such as “Hero” “King & Queen” Nome, or “family” once had real names, meaning and a place in the geography of the Africa. These stories, still told with names in some parts of the world, help the audience to know where they fit into the world and history. By placing an unforgettable story in the hearts of children, left an indelible memory etched and unfolding in the minds of each child, for them to grow and pass from generation to generation, on vital moral and ethical principals, concepts and mores.


Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Special Seasonal Events, Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Home Schooling, tutoring, Before and After school Youth activities, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and .
Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life!
Email: amen.parankh@gmail.comamen.ankh@live.com, Call: 816-281-7704
sign-up for courses and support:  Org-Ankh Electric Food gift Boxes! information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ ,
Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life.
Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥.
We offer: Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes

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Natural Cures Not Medicine: Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy ...: If you have been exposed to any form of radiation, either for medical diagnostic purposes (fluoroscopy/mammography/other med...

Beat radiation exposure and cancers in an urban environment! Baking soda also creates and alkaline state in your body. Viruses and cancers cannot exist in and alkaline environment in your body.

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life!Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses and support: http://www.gofundme.com/amen-urban-farm , information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ , Look for us on FaceBook & TwitterWe celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existance on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunment - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House & Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair Braiding, beading and Lox twisting, ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses, Gifts, Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We acknowledge creation. We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life.Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers.We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self determination) All Original people.Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Biography of Nuta Beqsu Amen-Ra

QueenMa Nuta Beqsu Moses (Adenike Amen-Ra) is an Social Activist, Urban Grower, Minister, Artist, Entreprenure, and Educator who is committed to freedom, Food Justice, Environment and Ecological balance, recycling, and Green Economic Sustainability for Indigo Aboriginal people. She is a minister of Amen Par Ankh (Sacred Temple of Eternal Life) and an  Administrator of Amen Ankh Akademy, in the heart of the most desolate areas impacted by economic blight and food deserts in Kansas City, Missouri.
From left to right: Student Minister Vincent Muhammad, Minister of Agriculture: Kalifa Abdul, Carol Coe: Green Acers Urban Farm and Research Project; Sasteh Mosley: Green Griot; Nuta Adenike AmenRa Amen Ankh Enterprises; Sister Julie Muhammad
QueenMa Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra) 
She is an Urban Grower, director, and counselor of a wholistic wellness initiative: Amen Par Ankh(Sacred Temple of Life), co-partner with Amen Communications; and an Executive Director of EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost). Her diverse Educator background includes work as a college and career coordinator, an Exceptional Education Teacher, a community organizer, a Griot (storyteller.) and a graphic arts and Technical designer. She has Launched the Green Griot Gathering at Amen Par Ankh, a performance arts group for neighborhood-based organizations and entertainment venues. She is an Executive Director for recycling initiatives, Education and coordination of at-risk youth, conducting Staff development Workshops for educators on Green outdoor classrooms. She also coordinates Seasonal and special events, site visits and tours, with EMWOT, Amen Par Ankh and The Green Griot Gathering, and EMWOT property Managment.

She has served in the community as a IT Visual Communications Technician and Public Relations Manager.  She also serves as a member of the Economic committee for the Black Agenda Group, KC, and Communications, Tutoring, Green youth development with Stop The Killing Kansas City- Coalition.  She is the owner of Adenike’s Arts and IT Partner of Amen Communications. She is dedicated to identifying and alleviating the impact of racism and it's economic disparity of the food systems, Education and Economic development. She has an intense interest in contributing to the development of a local to international food Justice movement that embraces small African American farmer’s and home cottage Industries in the Americas, and the diaspora.  She views food cultivation as part of the larger movement for freedom, justice and equity. Sba AmenRa has presented at numerous local community meetings and national conferences on food and Health and is implementing community food security, composting, and permiculture practices.  She is featured in the podcast, Ask an urban Farmer, and Ankh the Way of life on Blog Talk Radio. She is an “org-ankh” grower. She was born in England and has traveled across the U.S. with her Father who served in the US Airforce. She is the Mother of two, a "Queen Ma,” of 2 grandchildren, mentor and teacher to many Youth, Scholars and Initiates, and Adults.

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) local Spiritual Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , Call: 816-281-7704 sign-up for courses and support: with paypal, -amen.parankh@gmail.com. Information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ , Look for us on FaceBook and Twitter We celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, Amen Ankh Akademy, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House and Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair Braiding, beading and Lox twisting, ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses, Gifts, Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We acknowledge creation. We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, and Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, and liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self determination) All Original people. Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Monday, November 25, 2013


On behalf of the Green Griot Gathering at Amen Par Ankh and EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost) we sincerely express our thanks and appreciation for your interest and participation with Umoja Karamu (Unity Feast) event, on November 24th 2013

We would also like to thank our sponsors; The KC National Black United Front . Asante Sana for  all who had attended. We had a wonderful time. The food service was superb.   
I think of the Umoja Karamu not only as a harvest celebration of food and family, but spiritually, it is a way to venerate our Aku (ancestors) for their legacy
Special Thanks to
KC National Black United Front
Councilwoman, Sharon Sanders Brooks, The inspiration of the name “Green Acres” and the Kansas City Urban Farm Initiative.
Special Recognition of Sponsors
Ajamu and Kinda Webster
Bill Grace Samori Toure'
Brother Kazuma Furlow, Queen Mother Furlow of the Afrikan Village/ Temple of Maat
EMWOT (East Meets West of Troost)
Amen Ankh Urban Farms

Special Thanks to All Personal Supporters:
Brandon Heru Amen-Ra (Adenike’s “QueenMa’s” Grandson “Prince”)
Dre Taylor- Males To Men
The Chess Club
Amen Ankh Urban Farm
Black Urban Farmers Coalition
Green Griot Gathering at Amen Par Ankh
Ø  Adenike Amen-Ra
Ø  Sasteh Meter Mosley- http://emwot.ws
Ø  Yvonne Walker
Ø  Featuring
             o  Christina Scales
o   Imani Maat Hotep
o   Les Izmore

Please, feel free to call us for your family, business, and other Special events.
Adenike AmenRa (816) 281-7704

Event Planner, Priestess Amen Par Ankh and EMWOT
If you need further Information on seasonal events, contact the Amen Par Ankh (Sacred house of life) for Libations and Cultural Ministry Services: Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing & Classes
For more than thirty years, the Kansas City, Black United Front has sponsored the Umoja Karamu in Kansas City, Missouri. This year, the Green Griot Gathering at Amen Par Ankh will present the 5 Passages of OUR-story in a grand celebration of harvest and honor of the legacy of our Ancestors. We will infuse culture in a dinner theater atmosphere with passages of poetry and spoken word

 UMOJA KARAMU means (Unity Feast)

Our Celebration will feature African American Historical Presentations Music, Spoken Word and Poetry and an abundant Potluck Feast: (Families please bring a covered dish)
Sunday, November 24th @ 4pm-9pm...

Historic Presentations and Dinner Theater of Spoken Word and Poetry by the Green Griot Gathering at Amen Par Ankh: Sasteh Meter Mosley, Adenike Amen-Ra, Yvonne Walker, Imani Maat Hotep, Christina Scales, Les Izmore, For More Information Call us: 816-281-7704 

Umoja Karamu, meaning "unity feast" in Swahili, is an African American celebration begun in 1971 by Dr. Edward Sims, Jr., held on the fourth Sunday in November. Its purpose is to instill solidarity, Afrikan values, and appreciation of Afrikan heritage into Afrikan American families. Libations to honor ancestors, historical readings, music, and a potluck feast will mark this observance.
The celebration is based on five periods of African American life, each represented by a color and a symbolic food.
1. The color black- Pre Invasion – (Black Beans) Black families before slavery
2. The color white- Maafa – (White Rice) scattering of black families (during slavery)
3. The color red- Emancipation – (Grape Juice) Black Liberation struggle
4. The color green- Struggle for Civil Rights – (Greens) the struggle for Equal rights
5. The color gold- Looking to the Future – (Corn) hope for the future

EMWOT and Amen Par Ankh are now collecting Winter Wear and Hygiene Items for At-Risk Youth, homeless Teens and Young Adults: Blankets, Coats, Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Socks, Sweaters, Boots, Drinking Water, Work Gear and Tools - Hygiene Items like: Soap, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, Mouthwash, Deodorant, washcloths, Sanitary pads, Shaving equipment, Disinfectant spray, Laundry soap, Paper products etc... You can drop off your items at the Amen Par Ankh 4030 Brooklyn Ave. KCMO 64130

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , Call: 816-281-7704 sign-up for courses and support: http://www.gofundme.com/amen-urban-farm , information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ , Look for us on FaceBook & Twitter We celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunment - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House & Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Head wrapping, Natural Hair Braiding, beading and Lox twisting, ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses, Gifts, Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We acknowledge creation. We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing, & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self determination) All Original people. Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

EMWOT The Griot Gathering

EVERYONE NEEDS TO HEAR the Revolution Revelation on this Spoken Word CD!

 It is an eclectic blend of Grassroots, Cultural, Political Spoken Word, Folk and Hip Hop Musical artists from KCMO! A compilation of artists and their music. They sing about Grassroots, current event issues ranging from the poisoning of Nuclear Weapon plant workers and their Neighborhoods to Kansas City Missouri public Schools. Thought provoking and fun, these selections are a blend that only these Kansas City artists can bring to Hip Hop spoken word & Jam. It's the return of people’s music; -it offers a deep human connection, through STRONG sonic celebration....

The CDs opening cut is from our leader of the struggle for all employees who have worked at, Kansas City’s Nuclear Power Plant and were exposed and poisoned by the toxic environment. “The Colonel’s Brief” by Maurice Copeland this is an excerpt on patriotism. He makes a profound statement about the most overlooked and under-served people of the world.

“Honeywell” by Cherith Brook is a protest march manifesto! With the backing of a full brass & drum corps, he sings with clever sarcasm in support of the ongoing advocates, activist, and protesters like the KC Peace Planter member, Sasteh Mosley (a Nuclear Conversion Activist/Speakers Bureau Lecturer) and other poisoned Workers from Kansas City's nuclear weapons plant.

Dirty D/King Kihei is a spoken word artist who espouses the many sentiments of the disenfranchised people who dwell in Urban Kansas City with the weavings of the excerpts of “The Community Update,” “Recess,” and “Power and Lights Out.”

Artists, SAHJ Kaya and Divine Intervention, add their energy with a Reggae flavor in “Nuclear Weapons.” She rages- “RAY-GUN! what you testin for?!!!” while “Political Strings” moves with spirit and a jazzy backup.

Other contributing artists; Priest Hughes and 337 as The Recipe Poetry Guild – create a poignant brew with their clever spoken word juxtapositions against nuclear weapons with: “Self destruction,” and the downsizing of education with: “Parent Teacher Conference”… Their climax selection is my favorite, “What Happened to Hip Hop?!” This is the most Jammin Jewel of the CD for me! The Recipe told the truth about the greed, materialism that consumed and diluted the quality of the Hip Hop movement! I love the refrain “What happened to hip hop- did it die- did it fall down on the wayside?…

“Palm of Your Hand” is a powerful conclusive ending with a primal piercing purging high-pitched release and energy, leading to chants which permeate the collective consciousness of our time!


Featured Artists:

Maurice Copeland- Peace Planters Coalition

Dirty D/King Kihei- EMWOT

Cherith Brook- Catholic Workers

SAHJ Kaya & Divine Intervention

Priest Hughes & 337- The Recipe Poetry Guild

El Manna - Kingpen Coalition

A griot or jeli (djeli or djéli in French spelling) the griot is a repository of oral tradition, a West African storyteller. The griot delivers history as a poet, praise singer, and wandering musician. As such, they are sometimes also called bards. [the griot] has to know many traditional songs without error, he must also have the ability to extemporize on current events, chance incidents and the passing scene. His wit can be devastating and his knowledge of local history formidable." Although they are popularly known as 'praise singers', griots may also use their vocal expertise for gossip, satire, or political comment. Most villages also had their own griot, who told tales of births, deaths, marriages, battles, hunts, affairs, and hundreds of other things.

Griots — masters of words and music, Griots and Griottes — have been around for a millennium. the male griots and female griottes were historians, genealogists, advisers to nobility, entertainers, messengers, praise singers — the list goes on. Today, they perform on television and radio and record CDs. Many are popular singers who reinterpret traditional songs, giving new meaning to old words — As performers, griots and griottes are in great demand, not only for ceremonies and parties in West Africa, where they have traditionally appeared, but all around the world. Here in the United States, they tour universities to give insight into West African culture.

EMWOT -East Meets West of Troost Presents: THE GRIOT GATHERING

With your purchase of this CD, you will help support At-Risk Youth in education, cultural arts and positive Economic development, Sasteh Meter Mosley (a Nuclear Conversion Activist/Speakers Bureau Lecturer) and other poisoned Workers from Kansas City's nuclear weapons plant. Thank You for your generous donations to this cause!

The Griot Gathering has been devoted to nudging everyone from all persuasions in the direction of freedom and spiritual evolution. This music is “cultural-hip hop-folk-ethnic-funk.” They express a yearning for spiritual revolution -“There can’t be a revolution without Strong Men, Women and Children.”

To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one neighborhood at a time.

To promote and foster the highest ethical relationship between businesses and the public through voluntary self-regulation, consumer and business education, and service excellence.

EMWOT is dedicated to the sharing of experiences, stories, best practices and methods for achieving sustainability in both our personal lives and our communities.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

TRUTH About Latex and Synthetic Products

TRUTH about

•All Synthetic products have many dangerous chemicals

•Latex Condoms cause the same allergies as latex gloves, Bottle nipples, pacifiers, cervical caps, and diaphragms, etc..

•No side effects are listed on the labels of these products

•The allergic affects increase with each use

 One ingredient in condoms is Talc Powder. It's used as a lubricant and is dangerous.

 Talc contains magnesium silicate, boric acid, zinc oxide, bleaching and coloring agents and other chemicals.

 The American Medical Association reveals that Talc is Toxic. Talc has caused poisoning when swallowed and when applied to open skin. Talc is chemically similar to asbestos and has the same poisonous effect and can cause a number of problems.

 Problems Include:

•Cancer of The Uterus & Prostate

•Hardening of Fallopian Tubes

•Cancer of the ovaries

•Pneumonia (when inhaled)

•lung irritation (when inhaled)

•Vomiting (when inhaled)

•Coughing/ Bronchitis  (when inhaled)

 Let's Continue to The Spermicide. The recognizable spermicide  is called P-Nonylphenol.

 Phenol is actually the chemical base of nonylphenol and is derived from cancer causing Coal tar. This is a poison that causes all skin to die that comes in contact with this spermicide. So, the interior liner of the vaginal canal, the penis, uterus, and even within the uterus, is vulnerable to a gangrenous infectious condition after use. 

•Causes Low Sperm Count

•Breast Cancer

•Birth Defects

•Prostate Problems

•Reproductive abnormalities (Fibroids, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Chlamydia, etc..)

Think its safe to say you should not use Latex at all. If so, go to a good Health Food Store and buy them there.

 This information is documented in the following books...

 1.Nutricide: The Nutritional Destruction of The Black Race

 2.African Holistic Health

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses and support: http://www.gofundme.com/amen-urban-farm , information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ , Look for us on FaceBook & Twitter We celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existance on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunment - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House & Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair Braiding, beading and Lox twisting, ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses, Gifts, Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We acknowledge creation. We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self determination) All Original people. Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Monday, November 11, 2013

KMT MA's Prayer

Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life) and Amen Ankh Academy; is a local home school network, and Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry and an Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Minister and Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra El and become a member of our Gnome Maafia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.ankh@live.com ,and Call: 816-281-7704 to sign-up for courses and support: PAYPAL: amen.parankh@gmail.com , information:  http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com ,also Look for us on Twitter & LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of First People Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool Curriculum network and Afterschool STE-A-M (science technology, engineering Arts and mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group. We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies, KMT Readings for Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship Consultations using the Ausar Auset Method, We perform Home Blessings, African Naming, KMT Ordained Weddings and Wedding planning, We celebrate and observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We Grow and make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gifts, and Accessories. We provide an Online Radio Call-in show for Outreach ministry: Amen Communications http://www.blogtalkradio.com/amencommunications Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, Par Ankh Reading Room, Herbal Teas & Juice bar, Nature walks and Outdoor camping Experiences, classes such as Spiritual Jewelry making, Sewing and other hand crafts, Henna Healing designs, of Head wrapping arts, Making Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. Also Envisioning, Dream Catchers, Vision Boards, Art Healing Mandalas, Spiritual Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings & Classes The information on this Blogsite has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle. Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot”. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra Please like our facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/Green.Griot https://www.facebook.com/PARANKH , https://www.facebook.com/Amen.Ankh.Farm , https://www.facebook.com/Adenike.Art , https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ankh-The-Way-of-Life-Communities
Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

The Anti-KRST is in the World- Satanic Clergy Among Us

Satanic clergy amongst the Yoruba | ADELAMI

The occupants of today’s state of Israel, who call themselves Jews, are identified in the Bible as Satan’s very spawn (Revelations 2:9; 3:9). They are Amorites, who, just like their fellow Amorites of Europe and Asia (especially Turks), committed genocide of the original Black peoples of the Middle East including the true biblical Hebrew, Israelites, Moabites, Edomites, Philistines, amongst others. The Amorites took over the region of Palestine and ever since have been claiming to be the original peoples of God – the largest identity theft since the Original people began on this planet. – Just like Olosi (popularly spelled as “Lucis” and “Lucifer”; also known as “Satan”) who tried to take the place of IYE (the Almighty, wrongly pronounced and spelled as Yah and Jah). They also plagiarized the original texts of the original Scriptures, altering many things, and propagated worldwide their fictitious religious dogmas that constitute the tripod or axis of evil: Christianity, Islam and Judaism. They are the Anti KRST. One of the alterations was to replace the Name of the Imisi Iye (popularly and wrongly spelled as “Messiah”), Èṣù (or Èshù which is short for Èṣùmare and wrongly spelled by the Amorites as Yeshu, Yeshua), with that of their chief god Zeus (IeZeus, Iesous, Je-w+Zeus= Jesus.) Their "Christ", is the false prophet, the prophet of Olosi. Zeus Christ opposes Èṣù, implying that Zeus and his followers are anti-Imisi Iye or anti-Messiah and Olosi (Lucifer) is their father. They deceive many to believe that the followers of Èṣù are anti-Christ- when the truth is that those who follow the tripod or axis of evil- Christianity, Islam and Judaism- are the anti-KRST. As the masses join with this evil force, they are deceived into partaking in their own genocide through witch hunts of indigenous practitioner and castrations and lynchings of many who are falsely accused of homosexuality.

These Amorites began to preach their false religions to the people especially black people, in order to enslave them spiritually, mentally and then physically. Initially the phony Arabs used the Hausawa (Hausa people; re-lexified in the bible as “Assyrian”) and Fulani to preach Islam to the west African people and then got converts to do the work for them. Later, the Europeans arrived and did same with Christianity, often sending the indoctrinated children of our own Ancestors who were captured and brought to the United States to live and work as chattel slaves on the land that was stolen from the Native Americans.

Many of these converts have been vigorously turning their own people from IYE (I AM), (into Je-w+Zeus =Jesus)- who is Satan. Zeus is their Father Lord/Baal, of the Amorites. This is a repeat of history of same incident that happened in biblical Israel prior to Fulani and Babylonian deportation and Greco-Roman conquest/Hellenization. They own lots of consumer goods, chariots (automobiles), and property. They commit idolatry by worshiping and filling the land with idols and setting up their temples in every street and highway. They teach the people to cast their eyes onto their various idols and kiss their feet – images of Zeus and crosses of Tammuz (1 Kings 19:18), crescent and star of Ramadan (re-lexified to “Remphan”; Acts 7:43) – and fornicate with alien ways, with the spirit of harlotry and child molestation and abuse, which is in their midst. They also brainwash their people into rejecting knowledge and not reasoning. Many of them are under the delusion of being born-again as they are not filled with the Spirit of IYE (2 Chronicles 18) but consumed by unclean spirits, having given their lives as sacrifices to Zeus. Since they teach the people to call upon strange and evil names, they ask for death and their portion is death, just like the four hundred and fifty (450) prophets of Baal that were executed by Elijah (1 Kings 18:41), unless they humble themselves and seek forgiveness from the true God I AM.


Confused Traditional Rulers (The True Shepherds)?
These Neo-Amorites are supposed to be the "true shepherds, true pastors, divine representatives and priests", but have gone after other gods that bear strange names. Many of them have been fattening themselves via personal aggrandizement at the expense of their people and scattering their people, initially via slave trade, across the face of the earth (Ezekiel 34). Some got to their thrones by ungodly means, and were chosen by brutish men only. They mix Ifa, which IYE gave to mankind for blessings, with Islam and Christianity. The Muslims amongst them even abandon the traditional and heavenly caps (fila) and crowns for that of Islam. Many political leaders also join Christian and Muslim gatherings which are clearly profane assemblies. Some practice our Original ways exclusively, but still bare Christian, Roman alien names. Overall, they are the ones given the task, by virtue of their position, of leading the people in veneration- coming close to the divine and natural way of life. However, their association with alien ways and religions, confuses and discourages their subjects.

 Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life) and Amen Ankh Academy; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry and an Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Minister and Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra and become a member of our Gnome Maafia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , or amen.ankh@live.com ,and Call: 816-839-7945 to sign-up for courses and support: http://www.gofundme.com/amen-urban-farm , information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com , Look for us on Twitter and LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of Afrikan and Native American Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool network and Afterschool STEMM (science technology, mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group.We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies and Outreach to observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gift Boxes, and Accessories We provide an Online Radio Call-in show for Outreach ministry: Amen Communications http://www.blogtalkradio.com/amencommunications Dial-in : (347)989-8509We provide whole Life Coaching For Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship, Ancient Cultural Wedding Ceremonies- Destiny Naming Ceremony and Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, Par Ankh Reading Room, Herbal Teas & Juice bar, Nature walks and Outdoor camping Experiences, classes such as Spiritual Jewelry making, Sewing and other hand crafts, Henna Healing designs, of Head wrapping arts, Making Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. Also Envisioning, Dream Catchers, Vision Boards, Art Healing Mandalas, Spiritual Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life.Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot” Sasteh Meter Mosley. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra Please like our facebook pages: https://www.facebook.com/Green.Griot https://www.facebook.com/PARANKH , https://www.facebook.com/Amen.Ankh.Farm , https://www.facebook.com/Adenike.Art , https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ankh-The-Way-of-Life-Communities/140162689375565 Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.