Showing posts with label Kemetic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kemetic. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Highest Calling the Law of Gender

I found this proverb as a beautiful expression of the positive energy of the masculine & feminine principles. While it is true that both energies live within each one of us... it is an even stronger representation when the energy aligns with its incarnated gender! 

 The complete version of this proverb is as follows:

“A woman’s highest calling is to lead a man to his soul,
So as to unite him with the Source;
Her lowest calling is to seduce,
Separating man from soul
And leave him aimlessly wandering.
A man’s highest calling is to protect a woman,
So she is free to walk the earth unharmed.
His lowest calling is to ambush
Forcing his way into her life
And Leave her tied to the mundane world.”

As I always re-member, I am a soul having a human experience, this proverb speaks to me as the paradigm of Ausar and Auset.

This original Kemetic creation story tells about the first manifestations of life, siblings, humans, and principles as- Set, Ausar, Auset and Neb-Het. Jealous Set destroyed his brother, Ausar the benevolent ruler, carved his body into 14 pieces, and hid these pieces all over the planet. Ausar's body parts represent the geo-sacred spaces all over the planet. They also represent the aspects of spiritual powers of mankind that have been destributed all over the earth from KMT and can also be found in each of us and in all aboriginal cultures. Auset traveled all over the world and found all of the pieces of her husband except one. She became the first to give birth through immaculate conception. These 4 siblings represent the 4 aspects of the human spirit. She gave birth to a son and named him Heru. He grew to vanquish his father's murder and restore the benevolent kingdom of  God and mankind.

We all have the choice to be bound by the mundane world or ascend to our highest spiritual nature...  to hear the voice and rise to do the biding of the creator, or to live only in our carnal nature, to seduce, deceive, show force, and rely only on the impirical nature of our human bodies and senses. 

Many have no clue what the millennial-long social contracts have been within the scope of gender and human family relationships. Yet, there are divine principals of Yen and Yang, male and female that dwell within all of us. Gender is one of the laws or principles of Imhotep (aka- Hermetic principles)

People are now struggling with gender roles in these times so, some may have a problem with this proverb because of gender politics in the media. Many people have been utterly and hopelessly poisoned by the corruption of western society and western thinking. We live with venomous comments that reek of hateful propaganda, spoon-fed to the masses regularly through media and even academic outlets.

 It would uplift us all to heed the words of wisdom of our ancestors; unfortunately, many will just trample and destroy these values, just as many had contributed to the destruction of the Cherokee people and continue to destroy aboriginal peoples and their way of life.

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special Events. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses and support:, for more information:  ,  , Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life. Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥. We offer:

Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing, & Classes

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life)

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) nestled within the Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special Events.
Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life!
Email: , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses and support: amen-urban-farm , information: http:// ,

Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life.

Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥.

We offer

Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing & Consulting

Cultural Ministry Services

We are available to consult and perform the following services for you:

(All services below are fee-based)


We are all members of Creation! We are Seeds, then Siblings, and then we become Ancestors. It is part of the Kemetic tradition to acknowledge and proclaim our relationships and membership in our Family.

For example, the spring brings the announcement of pregnancy and allows everyone to acknowledge that new life - Seeds (one yet to come) - is on the way from the source of Creation. For this gift we hold a Seed Ceremony (like a baby-shower) to celebrate pregnancy, the gift to the mothers (fertility) and to the father (virility,) and the new life on the way.

Once the new child/children are here a welcome ceremony is held 30-days after the arrival.

Between six-months and the first year of the child/children arrival a naming ceremony is held. This time period is considered the period where-in the child determines if it wants to stay. The naming ceremony (Aq Ren) marks the child/children's commitment to stay in this world. During the naming ceremony the child is dedicated to the Neteru, Aku (Ancestors) and Mut-Tef Ka-Neter (Mut (mother), the Tef (father) Ka-Neter ('god parents')), and to the faith and community. Both the consecration and naming ceremony are performed for adults as well.

We are available to provide services for as few as one, or for as many as a village.

Some Services -Counseling, Mediation, Coaching, Readings and Consulting - can be provided via video and tele-conference, other services are provided on location.

For information, consultations and Services call:


Kemetic Seba Services

Libation Ceremony

Pouring a liquid to open the way for the Creator, the Seeds (yet unborn), the Siblings, and giving venerating the Aku (Ancestors) is part of our way of life. We provide this consecration for our community at all ceremonies.

Adult Naming Ceremony

Names, like words, have generating power - they call you into being. Insure your name associates you with the Creator and the life-creating and life-sustaining forces, and with your cultural heritage. We are also available to consult on name selection.

Child/Youth Naming Ceremony

You should have a name that calls Your child - him/her to power, prosperity and abundance.

Kemetic Wedding Ceremony

Contact Amen Par Ankh to begin planning you Wedding and receive your Kemetic Consecration for yourself and your family.

Ancestor Ascension Ceremony

The funeral ceremony is principally designed to bid the deceased farewell; the Ancestor Ascension Ceremony is to acknowledge and celebrate your departed loved-one as an Ancestor. An Ascension Ceremony is generally scheduled to take place approximately 40-days after the transition of the deceased.

Home/Business Blessing Clearings and Consecration Ceremony

Your home and business are a reflection of your personal and professional self. They serve as an extension of you. Be sure they both support your highest and best self by creating a welcoming and clear environment.

Amen Par Ankh will come to your location to clear negative, stagnant energies and then bring light into your space through music, aroma, prayer and blessings.

When is it appropriate to clear and bless your space?

When you are preparing to move into a new home or office setting

If you feel uncomfortable in your surroundings

After a separation, death or divorce

Before and after a major experience or transition

To clear out the old and bring in the new

You will be amazed at the difference in your home-your sanctuary, and Your Business!

To schedule your clearing and/or blessing, contact Adenike and Sasteh (Prices will vary depending on length and depth of the ceremony and travel accomodations)

“We realized that it was time to have our home Blessed and Cleared of Energies for our new family. We want to make a permanent, progressive change in our lives.”

Green Griot Gathering
Amen Par Ankh offers African Storytelling to teach urban agriculture in Schools, Community Centers , Churches, Theaters locally and across the country and the globe.

We share music, poetry, song, dance and culture of food for all ages!

African storytelling is a call and response interaction. There are distinctions of storytelling from Africans who still practice this art all over the world. In the modern world, storytelling techniques such as music, chant and audience participation make up the best presentations of African storytelling. Communication methods such as video and the Internet now allow anyone to experience the joy of an African story well told.

Empirical stimulation of the five senses helps to create a memory. Use of color, sparkle, music, song, foods, chants, shaking hands and embrace and wonderful aromas aid in embracing the experience.

The storytellers or “Griots” know people will listen if the stories are fun and entertaining. An audience that is laughing or otherwise experiencing deep emotions will be fully engaged in the story and therefore open to more learning.

Morals and instructions in proper conduct can be found in African storytelling.

The first Griots certainly did entertain but they also served as vessels of moral guidance. It is rare to find an African story that does not convey deeper meanings. Each time a person hears a story, even when it is repeated, they may find a new perspective on the teaching.

Animals, Insects, plants and other forms of nature are part of the African storytelling process.

Familiar players, such as Anansi the Spider, show up in many African stories. No matter how they are portrayed, such characters as the weaver-bird, the lion, mosquito and the hyena all become players in this special storytelling. Trees, lakes, rivers and other plants provide a geographical reference as well.

African storytelling can teach historical lessons.

Storytelling is a way for any culture to pass on its history. From stories from Africa, generic terms used now such as “Hero” “King & Queen” or “family” once had real names, meaning and a place in the geography of the Africa. These stories, still told with names in some parts of the world, help the audience to know where they fit into the world and history.


Counseling - Family, Marriage, Grief Counseling is designed to assist and guide participants to a healthy place. Our counseling guides you through the process of examining and understanding from which solution, resolution, wholeness and completeness can be had. Counseling is highly recommended in for Family, Marriage and Grief matters.
Family Counseling & Marriage Counseling
Before, during and post-marriage

In School, Community Crisis and Intervention Counseling
We provide youth and family grief counseling and supportive services.

In life conflicts occur. Most often we are able to resolve them on our own; however, there are some occasion and some conflicts that require professional assistance. Mediation can be the solution that enables both parties to find a resolution. Mediation empowers both parties with a neutral third party and support that is committed to a healthy outcome for both sides. Mediation is a win-win for everyone.

Family Mediation

Mediation - services address family conflicts, anger management, business conflict, adolescence

Youth counseling
Mentoring, Manners, Etiquette, Self-Management, Behavior Control, Values

Discrimination Mediation
We provide discrimination mediation

Coaching - Life, Business, Endeavors
Each of us can use support of a Coach to get more from ourselves than we can generally command alone. The best athletes, entertainers, leaders, and business-people all have coaches to call, push and guide them to giving and doing better than they would if left to do it on their own. A Coach is like your conscious and your mirror - they reflect back to you the extraordinary and outstanding self that you say you can be. Do not leave your life to chance - move beyond ordinary to extraordinary with coaching.
Coaching can be for a short period of time - to complete a project for example - or indefinite that you may continually produce at your very best.
Business Coaching
Coaching to supports you in achieving optimal performance and prosperity

Life Coaching
Coaching to supports you in achieving optimal performance and prosperity

Readings – Health, Relationship, Destiny, Career- the four corners of our life as humans. Cultivating your highest Spiritual, Energy Having peace, harmony, order and balance is essential to our well being - Readings allow us to look at what is present that you may need to address in order to achieve your optimal well being. Spiritual Readings assist you in relating to the families of creation - the Neteru, Ancestors, Siblings and seeds. Energy Readings assist you in recognizing if you are balanced and or if there are imbalances.

Spiritual Readings
to assist you in being centered, grounded and balanced.

Energy Readings
to assist you in being centered, grounded and balanced.

1. Cleansing Therapies

Diet & Nutrition counseling,

Holistic Nutrition


Bath products,


2. Energy Body Work-


I Ra-Sa Ankh- Energy (Reiki/Karuna)

3. Movement Arts

Thai Chi-

Yoga –Dance

4. Sound, color and light Therapies

Music Meditation and breathing

Mandala color healing


Henna Applications

5. Natural hair treatments




Lox- start-up / tune-up

6. Holistic Medicine




Eating Disorder Recovery

Addictions Recovery

Healing From Trauma

Family of Origin Work

Spiritual Development

Adolescence and Families

Couples Work

7. Youth Education/ afterschool and summer workshops

Tutoring, Homework/ Homeschool help, mentoring, manners, etiquette, self-management, behavior control, Values

8. Sustainable Goods and Natural products
Become a member of the Amen Par Ankh family and receive special discounts on all services, packages, workshops and products and gifts!

General Circles

Please see the classes and workshop section.
Family sessions

In-office, long-distance or remote:

60 minute Session = $50

Group/ family Package held within 4 day periods = $200/$50 per session

Long-Distance Session = (prices vary according to distance)

Additions to an existing session = $25

Grief/ Emotional Release Ascension Ceremony

In-office, long-distance or remote:

$50 per session for an individual

Group/ Family Package held within 14 days = $195/$65 per session

Spiritual  Blessings
Amen Par Ankh offers an excellent cleaning, makover, Refresh, Redocorate, and Renewal-  for your place of business, home or any area that needs those special touches!
Prices vary according to each individual need. please contact our Par Ankh: 816-304-7240
Natural Healing Health Reading and Counsultation

In-office, long-distance or remote:

$75 per session

Package of 3 held within 14 days = $195/$65 per session

CHILDREN’s Counseling

Having children in need of services can sometimes stretch your pocketbook. We understand and make it easy for you and your child(ren) to receive the services needed. Please see following:

We also offer In-School and Community Crisis and Intervention Counseling.

Children 0 – 10

With family members – $20

Session alone – $25

Children 11 – 13

With family members being treated – $30

Session alone – $35

Children 14 – 18

With family members being treated – $35

Session alone – $40

Special pricing is available to assist those with budget constraints.


Private Sessions in-office, phone, Skype or other remote types:

One-on-one – $50 per hour

A Package of 4 sessions paid upfront receives a 20% discount, making sessions $150!

There is a wonderful opportunity for a holistic healer who would like to be in private practice and--at the same time--part of a Farm and spiritual center with other healers supporting each other. A treatment room is currently available for full or part-time use. The rate for Full-time use is $500/per month or $90.00 per week. half-time use is $50-per week, with a $100 discount for anybody that is able to make at least a 6-month lease agreement, and there are daily/hourly rates available, as well. Room features 5 screened windows that can be opened to allow fresh air into the room and blinds that open from the top. Floor is oak wood. Rental of the room also includes use of the lobby and a bathroom with a Jacuzzi tub for hydrotherapy, for your clients, and kitchen access to for a break room. Discounts are also available for use of the larger areas that are part of the center if you would like to work with clients in a larger space, as well.
ANKH (life) SENEB (health) WDJET (Strength) UDJA (prosperity)

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Miracle Herbs: Plantain

The Miracle Herbs: Plantain

Plantain (Plantago major) is another perennial herb found throughout lawns in the United States.   Yet Plantain is considered a common and noxious weed by some and a miracle plant by others.
(Please note: Consult your physician before using any herbal or alternative medicines.)

Native Americans carried powdered roots of Plantain as protection against snakebites or to ward off snakes. Plantain has been used as a panacea in some Native American cultures and with some very good reasons. Many of its active constituents show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antitoxin. The leaves, shredded or chewed, are a traditional treatment for insect and animal bites and the antibacterial action helps prevent infection and the anti-inflammatory helps to relieve pain, burning, and itching. There is some investigation ongoing to study its affects on lowering blood sugar.

 Plantain is both edible and medicinal. The young leaves are edible raw in salad or cooked as a herbal additive and are very rich in vitamin B1 and riboflavin. The herb has a long history of use as an alternative medicine dating back to ancient times. Plantain contains the glycoside Aucubin. Aucubin has been reported in the Journal of Toxicology as a powerful anti-toxin. This chemical is found in many modern day components including: Ascorbic-acid (Vitamin C), Baicalein (an anti-inflammatory), Benzoic-acid (a food preservative), and Citric-acid (a natural preservative).

Plantain is easily cultivated and normally likes any soil and a sunny location.  It is an important food plant for the caterpillars of many species of butterflies and many types of birds enjoy the seed heads.  Plantain grows from a short, tough rhizome and has a large number of long, yellowish roots. It grows in a rosette form and has large oval, dark green, leaves about 4 to 10 inch long with ribbed veins. The flower stalks are tall and slender with dense flower spikes.  Each tiny flower is brownish and bell-shaped with four stamens and purple anthers, and they bloom most of the summer.

Seeds: Plantain seeds contain up to 30% mucilage which swells in the intestines, acting as a bulk laxative and soothing irritated membranes. The seeds are used in the treatment of parasitic worms. Distilled water made from the plant seeds makes an excellent eye lotion.

Leaves: The leaves and the seeds can be used medicinally as an antibacterial, antidote, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, and an ophthalmic. Medical evidence exists to confirm uses as an alternative medicine for asthma, emphysema, bladder problems, bronchitis, fever, hypertension, rheumatism and blood sugar control. 

Root uses: A tonic from the roots is used in the treatment of a wide range of complaints including diarrhea, gastritis, peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, cystitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, asthma and hay fever. The root is said to be used as an anti-venom for rattlesnake bites

 Harvest: Gather fresh young edible leaves in spring. Gather Plantain after flower spike forms to dry for later herb use. Harvest roots in late summer or fall.

 Extracts of the plant have antibacterial activity and it is a safe and effective treatment for bleeding, it quickly stops blood flow and encourages the repair of damaged tissue. The heated leaves are used as a wet dressing for wounds, skin inflammations, cuts, stings and swellings and is said to promote healing without scars. Poultice of hot leaves is bound onto cuts and wounds to draw out thorns, splinters and inflammation. Plantain also causes a natural aversion to tobacco and is currently being used in stop smoking preparations.

Healing salve:  In large non-metallic pan place 1 pound of entire Plantain plant chopped, and 1 cup Coconut oil, cocoa butter, Shea Butter, palm oil or any other natural vegetable butter. Cover and cook down on low heat till all is mushy and green. Strain while hot, cool and use for burns, insect bites, rashes, and all sores.  This is great for mosquito bites. Note: Can be used as night cream for wrinkles, but I’ve never tried this.

 Plantain has been called Man's Foot because it grew wherever their feet touched the ground – there is a reference to this in Longfellow’s poem, “Hiawatha.”   

 Plantain is good for injuries because of its coagulating properties, (blood thickener), but those with blood disorders, those who are on blood thinner medications, or prone to blood clotting, should not use Plantain internally. If harvesting it yourself, make sure to get your plants from an area that has not been sprayed with any chemicals or pesticides, and make sure that you have correctly identified the plant before consuming.

The leaves are actually edible and somewhat similar to spinach, though slightly more bitter. They can also be used in salads or other culinary uses.

 Where to Find:
We dry and freeze and prepare plantain leaves from our Amen Ankh Urban farm.
Most people are able to find plantain in their own yards but if you live in an area where your yard is sprayed with chemicals or fertilizer, dried plantain leaves can also be ordered at the Amen Ankh Farm or online- . Our pre-made  remedies, are prepared right at the Amen Pr Ankh. We make a plantain leaf first aid ointment for Children, also Plantain tincture, and plantain and goldenseal pre-made salves (natural Neosporin). If you can’t find Plantain in your area, We have the seeds to plant Plantain (even though your neighbors might think you are crazy!)

Herbal Uses:

The leaves can also be made into a tea or tincture, and this is said to help with indigestion, heartburn and ulcers when taking internally.

Externally, Plantain has been used for insect and snake bites, and as a remedy for rashes and cuts. I use it in making my Homemade Healing Salve, which we use as a natural antibiotic ointment on cuts and bruises.

 The natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of plantain leaf make it great for healing wounds, and for itching or pain associated with skin problems. A tea made from Plantain leaf can be sprayed on mosquito bites to ease the itch.

I also make and use the Tea, salve and poultices for every day cuts, scrapes and bug bites.

When we are bitten by mosquitoes, stung by bees, or come in contact with spiders or other insects, I use a salve containing plantain leaf (or just chew the leaves and apply to the bite) to help ease the reaction. I also used a plantain salve and poultice when my son was bitten by a brown recluse and continued this daily for about 2 weeks and his skin never decayed at the bite.

 A tea, tincture or salve made with plantain also greatly eases the itch of poison ivy, oak or sumac and I keep it on hand for this reason.

 A tea or infusion of plantain leaf can be poured into the ear for ear infections (as long as the ear drum has not burst) to east the pain and shorten duration of ear infections.

 I also make a lotion with plantain, calendula and coconut oil and it is extremely helpful for any skin irritation, including mosquito bites, eczema, psoriasis, chicken pox, rashes and sores.

There is unconfirmed information that a plantain infusion, taken internally, it can help protect the body from the effects of chemotherapy and that a plantain infusion can improve blood sugar. While taking plantain in these situations would generally be considered safe, one should still check with an attending physician before doing so.

DISCLAIMER: The above statements are not from the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure or prevent any disease. We recommend that you consult with a physician from the American Medical Association especially when using prescribed medications or treatments. This notice is required by the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

Ever used plantain or another herb that grows in your back yard?

Pease Tell me about it in a comment below!

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special Events.
Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life!
Email: , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses and support: , information: , ,
Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life.
Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥.
We offer: Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Through the Song of The Child -THIS is How We Heal Ourselves

So, Instead of burning bridges between Black People of Color- Let's Build bridges of forgiveness and healing! We are too quick to ostracize and alienate each other, when there is a larger state of oppression surrounding us. Let us forgive and heal each other! Let us allow our elders to speak and be respectful and not exploitative...

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special Events. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses, Membership and support with our website: , information:  , , Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life. Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥. We offer: Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing & Consulting

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



While many people think of the dandelion as a weed, herbalists know it as valuable herb that can be used as a food and medicine.


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Hundreds of species of dandelion grow in Europe, Asia, and North America. Dandelion is a perennial that can grow to a height of nearly 12 inches. Dandelions have deeply notched, toothy, spatula-like leaves that are shiny and hairless. Dandelion stems are capped by bright yellow flowers. The grooved leaves funnel rain to the root.

Dandelion flowers open with the sun in the morning and close in the evening or during gloomy weather. The dark brown roots are fleshy and brittle and are filled with a white milky substance that is bitter and pungent.

Dandelion is a rich source of vitamins A, B complex, C, and D, as well as minerals such as iron, potassium, and zinc. Dandelion leaves are used to add flavor to salads, sandwiches, and teas. The roots are used in some coffee substitutes, and the flowers are used to make wines.

Parts Used:

Dandelion leaves act as a diuretic, increasing the amount of urine the body produces. The leaves are used to stimulate the appetite and help digestion.

Dandelion flowers have antioxidant properties. Dandelions may also help improve the immune system.

Traditionally, dandelion roots and leaves were used to treat liver problems. Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach.

In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion has been used to treat stomach problems, appendicitis, and breast problems, such as inflammation or lack of milk flow.

In Europe, it was used in remedies for fever, boils, eye problems, diabetes, and diarrhea.

Today, the roots are mainly used as an appetite stimulant, and for liver and gallbladder problems. Dandelion leaves are used as a diuretic to help the body get rid of excess fluid.

Herbalists use dandelion root to detoxify the liver and gallbladder, and dandelion leaves to support kidney function.

Medicinal Uses and Indications:

Traditionally, dandelion has been used a diuretic, to increase the amount of urine the body produces in order to get rid of excess fluid. It has been used for many conditions where a diuretic might help, such as liver problems and high blood pressure. However, there is no good research on using dandelion as a diuretic in people.

Fresh or dried dandelion herb is also used as a mild appetite stimulant and to improve upset stomach. The root of the dandelion plant may act as a mild laxative and has been used to improve digestion. There is some very preliminary research that suggests dandelion may help improve liver and gallbladder function, but the study was not well designed.

Some preliminary animal studies also suggest that dandelion may help normalize blood sugar levels and lower total cholesterol and triglycerides while raising HDL, "good," cholesterol in diabetic mice. But not all the animal studies have found a positive effect on blood sugar. Human studies are needed to see if dandelion would work in people.

A few animal studies also suggest that dandelion might help fight inflammation.

Available Forms:

Dandelion herbs and roots are available fresh or dried in a variety of forms, including tinctures, liquid extract, teas, tablets, and capsules. Dandelion can be found alone or combined with other dietary supplements.

How to Take It:

Eating dandelion in food is safe for a child.  Ask your doctor before giving dandelion supplements to a child, so your doctor can help you determine the dose.  Some traditional doses include:

•Dried leaf infusion: 1 - 2 teaspoonfuls, 3 times daily. Pour hot water onto dried leaf and steep for 5 - 10 minutes. Drink as directed.

•Dried root decoction: 1/2 - 2 teaspoonfuls, 3 times daily. Place root into boiling water for 5 - 10 minutes. Strain and drink as directed.

•Leaf tincture (1:5) in 30% alcohol: 30 - 60 drops, 3 times daily

•Standardized powdered extract (4:1) leaf: 500 mg, 1 - 3 times daily

•Standardized powdered extract (4:1) root: 500 mg, 1 - 3 times daily

•Root tincture (1:2) fresh root in 45% alcohol: 30 - 60 drops, 3 times daily


For these reasons, you should take herbs with care, under the supervision of a health care provider. The use of herbs is a time-honored approach to strengthening the body and treating disease. Herbs, however, contain components that can trigger side effects and interact with other herbs, supplements, or medications.

Dandelion is generally considered safe. Some people may develop an allergic reaction from touching dandelion, and others may develop mouth sores.

If you are allergic to ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigold, chamomile, yarrow, daisies, or iodine, you should avoid dandelion.

In some people, dandelion can cause increased stomach acid and heartburn. It may also irritate the skin if applied topically.

People with kidney problems, gallbladder problems, or gallstones should ask their health care provider before eating dandelion.

Possible Interactions:

Dandelion leaf may act as a diuretic, which can speed up how fast drugs leave your system. If you are taking prescription medications, ask your health care provider before taking dandelion leaf. If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use dandelion without first talking to your health care provider:

Antacids -- Dandelion may increase the amount of stomach acid, so antacids may not work as well.

Blood-thinning medications -- Theoretically, dandelion is a blood thinner, so it may increase the risk of bleeding, especially if you already take blood-thinners such as aspirin, warfarin (Coumadin), or clopidogrel (Plavix).

Diuretics (water pills) -- Dandelion may act as a diuretic, increasing the amount of urine to help your body get rid of excess fluid. If you also take prescription diuretics or other herbs that act as diuretic, you could be at risk for an electrolyte imbalance.

Lithium -- Animal studies suggest that dandelion may make the side effects of lithium worse. Lithium is used to treat bipolar disorder.

Ciproflaxin (Cipro) -- One species of dandelion, Taraxacum mongolicum, also called Chinese dandelion, may lower the absorption of the antibiotic ciproflaxin from the digestive tract. Researchers don' t know whether the common dandelion would do the same thing.

Medications for diabetes -- Theoretically, dandelion may lower blood sugar levels. If you take medications for diabetes, taking dandelion may increase the risk of low blood sugar.

 Alternative Names:

Lion's tooth; Priest's crown; Swine's snout; Taraxacum officinale

•Reviewed last on: 1/2/2011

•Steven D. Ehrlich, NMD, Solutions Acupuncture, a private practice specializing in complementary and alternative medicine, Phoenix, AZ. Review provided by VeriMed Healthcare Network.

Supporting Research

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