Owned by our Urban Farmer Youth, Managed by Queenma Nuta Adenike AmenRa Moses; Executive Director- We grow, prepare and sell local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respectful, earth gentle ways to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our communities and by increasing awareness of nourishment, environment and health. By honoring the traditional teachings of our Indigenous relatives we restore respect for the blessings of food, soil, water, and air that we must have to ensure a healthy life for our seeds (the next generation.) Amen Par Ankh Farms is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by “improving neighborhood access to healthy food.
Urban Farming-- "The first step to free ourselves is to feed ourselves!!!" Production, Promotion, and Perpetuation- Teach a Girl- Heal a Nation!
We are establishing food buyers and Food Growers coop, to work with local Urban Growers and people who want to buy fresh organic locally grown produce to support the families east of Prospect in the 64130 Zipcode area. They are offering free deliveries for Fresh Food Boxes and Fruit Baskets in our food buyers club. A food box is great for Meetings and family get-togethers!

*Amen Ankh Farms is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by “improving neighborhood access to healthy food.
*Amen Ankh means "sacred life" - providing a Health and Wellness Ministry, working with EMWOT for a Farm-a- See/ Grow Food not Lawn Initiative.
1.We provide a Home Lawn and Garden Service with a twist.
2.We not only offer free estimates for your lawn care, We also can prepare a health and wellness assessment, where we will create a healing garden of vegetables and Herbs to help with your particular comfort or ailment.
3.We also share a Home blessing and spring cleaning service, to align your home environment with the unique Colors, Flowers, and atmosphere for your optimal access to abundance.
4. We cultivate a relationship of mentors and friendships, between Elders and At-Risk Youth, to support our urban neighborhoods. We will also work with court-ordered community service.
Contact Us! Let EMWOT teach you how to become an Urban Farmer! 816-281-7704
Ron Finley has stated: "We are killing more people from Drive-thrus than by Drive-bys."
*Amen Ankh (Sacred Life) urban farm is nestled in the heart of an east side neighborhood in midtown Kansas City to provide local access to healthy foods.
Adenike "Nuta" AmenRa is an Afrikan descendant and an Indigo Natchez Native American. She lives her life as a KMT Minister, boldly gleaning the wild herbs and peach trees in their vacant lot, on an Urban Landscape, of the Midwest- Heart of America- Kansas City, Missouri. The Soil is cultivated using Straw and Strictly Natural Organic Compost of a Vermiculture of worms, spent coffee grounds, leaves, grass cuttings and sometimes even community contributions of barbershop hair, families or restaurant kitchen scraps, lawn care clippings from all over the metro Kansas City urban landscape!
The Amen Ankh (Sacred Life) Ministries offers is a variety of products, like Green Tomato Cha Chow, peach and Apple Butters, Beverages and baked goods that are a delight to enjoy. You can order a Green protein smoothie with a nip of Lentil or Alfalfa sprouts, Wild Garden Stews, or a nice hot cup of Herbal tea to knock off the morning chill. We make a spring cleaning and strengthening Plantain Green pot, using Fresh Scallions, and Peppers. We also provide services- like Homemade soaps and cosmetics, Green Lawncare, Green Cleaning, Tailoring, Repair, Personal Care, Hair Washing and Twisting and workshops and classes.
Amen Ankh Akademy is a Home School Green STEAM (science technology engineering Industrial Arts and Mathematics) - Substitute Teaching, Meditation and Breathing, African Storytelling - and Afrikan Centered Resources, Crafts, Puzzles, Coloring Books, Games
*Amen Ankh Ministries is a Health and Wellness initiative, to abolish Food Deserts by returning neighborhoods to Victory Gardens and local access to healthy non-GMO Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, and to foster initiatives for Healthy living, and prosperity. We are a part of the Amen Gnome movement*
The first step to free ourselves is to feed ourselves!!! Production, Promotion, and Perpetuation-
*Our Young Woman's initiative: You G.R.O.W.W. Girl- Teach a Girl- Heal a Nation!
G.R.O.W.W. stands for Gaining Resilience Opportunity Wellness and Wealth as an outreach to teach Homesteading, fiscal fitness, and home Economic crafts to young women. Our Girls are sacred temples. We carry within us the Ankh of life and family.
*Amen Ankh Farm grows affordable produce for the local communities and promotes the development of healthy-eating attitudes and behaviors through our "Farm-A-See" Project. The farm also aims at increasing Kansas City students’ nutritional knowledge and awareness of food systems and environmental sustainability through hands-on educational programs. By localizing consumption and following environmentally sustainable farming practices,
*Amen Ankh's outreach includes local residents in the adjacent five neighborhoods, as well as Social Organizations, Religious and educational institutes, restaurants and businesses.
*We are a Health and Wellness Gnome society of Indigenous American families, Using Local indigenous Herbs, Fruits and plant life (Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash) and cruciferous vegetables, Cabbage, Kale, Arugula and Chard With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, and other nutritional drink supplements - producing Baked Goods, cosmetics, liniments, etc. Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) All aboriginal people of Afrikan descent must bridge the chasm of the destruction caused by global MAAFA (The destruction of Indigo Civilizations).
Urban Farming-- "The first step to free ourselves is to feed ourselves!!!" Production, Promotion, and Perpetuation- Teach a Girl- Heal a Nation!
We are establishing food buyers and Food Growers coop, to work with local Urban Growers and people who want to buy fresh organic locally grown produce to support the families east of Prospect in the 64130 Zipcode area. They are offering free deliveries for Fresh Food Boxes and Fruit Baskets in our food buyers club. A food box is great for Meetings and family get-togethers!

*Amen Ankh Farms is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by “improving neighborhood access to healthy food.
*Amen Ankh means "sacred life" - providing a Health and Wellness Ministry, working with EMWOT for a Farm-a- See/ Grow Food not Lawn Initiative.
1.We provide a Home Lawn and Garden Service with a twist.
2.We not only offer free estimates for your lawn care, We also can prepare a health and wellness assessment, where we will create a healing garden of vegetables and Herbs to help with your particular comfort or ailment.
3.We also share a Home blessing and spring cleaning service, to align your home environment with the unique Colors, Flowers, and atmosphere for your optimal access to abundance.
4. We cultivate a relationship of mentors and friendships, between Elders and At-Risk Youth, to support our urban neighborhoods. We will also work with court-ordered community service.
Contact Us! Let EMWOT teach you how to become an Urban Farmer! 816-281-7704
Ron Finley has stated: "We are killing more people from Drive-thrus than by Drive-bys."
*Amen Ankh (Sacred Life) urban farm is nestled in the heart of an east side neighborhood in midtown Kansas City to provide local access to healthy foods.
Adenike "Nuta" AmenRa is an Afrikan descendant and an Indigo Natchez Native American. She lives her life as a KMT Minister, boldly gleaning the wild herbs and peach trees in their vacant lot, on an Urban Landscape, of the Midwest- Heart of America- Kansas City, Missouri. The Soil is cultivated using Straw and Strictly Natural Organic Compost of a Vermiculture of worms, spent coffee grounds, leaves, grass cuttings and sometimes even community contributions of barbershop hair, families or restaurant kitchen scraps, lawn care clippings from all over the metro Kansas City urban landscape!
The Amen Ankh (Sacred Life) Ministries offers is a variety of products, like Green Tomato Cha Chow, peach and Apple Butters, Beverages and baked goods that are a delight to enjoy. You can order a Green protein smoothie with a nip of Lentil or Alfalfa sprouts, Wild Garden Stews, or a nice hot cup of Herbal tea to knock off the morning chill. We make a spring cleaning and strengthening Plantain Green pot, using Fresh Scallions, and Peppers. We also provide services- like Homemade soaps and cosmetics, Green Lawncare, Green Cleaning, Tailoring, Repair, Personal Care, Hair Washing and Twisting and workshops and classes.
Amen Ankh Akademy is a Home School Green STEAM (science technology engineering Industrial Arts and Mathematics) - Substitute Teaching, Meditation and Breathing, African Storytelling - and Afrikan Centered Resources, Crafts, Puzzles, Coloring Books, Games
*Amen Ankh Ministries is a Health and Wellness initiative, to abolish Food Deserts by returning neighborhoods to Victory Gardens and local access to healthy non-GMO Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, and to foster initiatives for Healthy living, and prosperity. We are a part of the Amen Gnome movement*
The first step to free ourselves is to feed ourselves!!! Production, Promotion, and Perpetuation-
*Our Young Woman's initiative: You G.R.O.W.W. Girl- Teach a Girl- Heal a Nation!
G.R.O.W.W. stands for Gaining Resilience Opportunity Wellness and Wealth as an outreach to teach Homesteading, fiscal fitness, and home Economic crafts to young women. Our Girls are sacred temples. We carry within us the Ankh of life and family.
*Amen Ankh Farm grows affordable produce for the local communities and promotes the development of healthy-eating attitudes and behaviors through our "Farm-A-See" Project. The farm also aims at increasing Kansas City students’ nutritional knowledge and awareness of food systems and environmental sustainability through hands-on educational programs. By localizing consumption and following environmentally sustainable farming practices,
*Amen Ankh's outreach includes local residents in the adjacent five neighborhoods, as well as Social Organizations, Religious and educational institutes, restaurants and businesses.
*We are a Health and Wellness Gnome society of Indigenous American families, Using Local indigenous Herbs, Fruits and plant life (Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash) and cruciferous vegetables, Cabbage, Kale, Arugula and Chard With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, and other nutritional drink supplements - producing Baked Goods, cosmetics, liniments, etc. Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) All aboriginal people of Afrikan descent must bridge the chasm of the destruction caused by global MAAFA (The destruction of Indigo Civilizations).
Furaha Nia Quote:"Buying organic is about more than just eating healthy.It is about supporting life. And supporting our growers who provide life.If we continue to buy genetically modified foods (that do not reproduce themselves) then our agriculturists will be forced to produce and market what sells - GMO.One day, there may be no self-reproducing food. Meaning... You cannot take a seed out of it and put it in the ground.And that's when we will truly see this US government show out."
*Amen Ankh Farm aspires to protect the environment and to improve the watershed and ecosystem.
*The Mission of Amen Ankh Urban Farm is:
to establish Ausar's Mandate: Global production, promotion, and perpetuation of food resources and comfort -
to grow prepare and sell local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways
to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth and our communities and by increasing awareness of nourishment, environment and health. By honoring the traditional teachings of our Indigenous relatives we restore respect for the blessings of food, soil, water, and air that we must have
To Live our lives as indigenous Sovereigns on Earth
To ensure a healthy life for our seeds (the next generation.)
To live in a sustainable Ecosystem with the planet.
To educate our own children to be leaders in/for an ecologically responsible and sustainable way of life.
*"Our bodies are the temple of our soul, mind & spirit. Like any “spacesuit” we must care and maintain this body for our existence on the planet."
Know Thyself!
Live on Purpose!
As Above, So below…
As within, So Without!
Nuk Puk Nuk!
Food Not Lawns! (Photo From Joanna Grace Pepper Farmer)

Food is Life! Food is connected to our very core of survival We must instill in our children, the values of raising our lives from survival to philanthropy. Amen Ankh Urban Farm is a core connection to Amen Ankh Akademy. We are building a homeschool cooperative network between families teach and practice STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Industrial Arts, Mathematics) Education into a PreK-8th Grade Initiative.

Amen Ankh Akademy's mission: to prepare our youth for the global world, to pursue leadership, invention, production and enterprise, yet to also be committed to their own local wealth creating community and economic development.
Long Description
AMEN ANKH AKADEMY of Cultural Arts and STEAM is a Digital Underground Homeschooling Cooperative to TEACH OUR YOUTH! Amen Ankh Akademy is a global virtual stream of consciousness! Amen Ankh means sacred life- We venerate all living things from creation! We are a Homeschool cooperative bridging the gap against the School to Prison Pipeline. We teach STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Industrial Arts Mathematics) through a virtual home school network and Afrikan Conscious Education Curriculum that will ready our children Pre-K-8 Accelerated course of study; for the next level-
Our curriculum and daily class schedule includes:
Relaxation Meditation, Positive affirmations
Positive Healthy Natural living, Critical Thinking
English, grammar, Reading, Vocabulary
Science; Biology, Chemistry Applied Agriculture, Engineering
Accelerated Mathematics Calculus, Geometry
Foreign Language selections of:
Wolof, French, Swahili, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese
Music: Voice, Instrumental
Martial Arts: Boxing, Capoeira, Tai Chi, Kemetic Yoga
Food Science
Fine Arts and Industrial Design
Environmental Conservancy
Afrikan Our-Story
Entrepreneurial Production and Manufacturing
Agriculture, Biology etc,
and hands-on vocational experiences with Mentors, customized for each student's gift, destiny, and, Career IEPs. We also have after-school objectives with Youth Going Green and You G.R.O.W.W. Girls.
Nuk Puk Nuk!

Food Not Lawns! (Photo From Joanna Grace Pepper Farmer)

Food is Life! Food is connected to our very core of survival We must instill in our children, the values of raising our lives from survival to philanthropy. Amen Ankh Urban Farm is a core connection to Amen Ankh Akademy. We are building a homeschool cooperative network between families teach and practice STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Industrial Arts, Mathematics) Education into a PreK-8th Grade Initiative.

Amen Ankh Akademy's mission: to prepare our youth for the global world, to pursue leadership, invention, production and enterprise, yet to also be committed to their own local wealth creating community and economic development.
Long Description
AMEN ANKH AKADEMY of Cultural Arts and STEAM is a Digital Underground Homeschooling Cooperative to TEACH OUR YOUTH! Amen Ankh Akademy is a global virtual stream of consciousness! Amen Ankh means sacred life- We venerate all living things from creation! We are a Homeschool cooperative bridging the gap against the School to Prison Pipeline. We teach STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Industrial Arts Mathematics) through a virtual home school network and Afrikan Conscious Education Curriculum that will ready our children Pre-K-8 Accelerated course of study; for the next level-
Our curriculum and daily class schedule includes:
Relaxation Meditation, Positive affirmations
Positive Healthy Natural living, Critical Thinking
English, grammar, Reading, Vocabulary
Science; Biology, Chemistry Applied Agriculture, Engineering
Accelerated Mathematics Calculus, Geometry
Foreign Language selections of:
Wolof, French, Swahili, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese
Music: Voice, Instrumental
Martial Arts: Boxing, Capoeira, Tai Chi, Kemetic Yoga
Food Science
Fine Arts and Industrial Design
Environmental Conservancy
Afrikan Our-Story
Entrepreneurial Production and Manufacturing
Agriculture, Biology etc,
and hands-on vocational experiences with Mentors, customized for each student's gift, destiny, and, Career IEPs. We also have after-school objectives with Youth Going Green and You G.R.O.W.W. Girls.
"Seeking the Wisdom: of the Ancestors to Nurture our Seeds to Build a New Future"
Amen Ankh Academy of Cultural Arts and Sciences is an online homeschooling curriculum with a network of artisan vocational guilds built around agriculture. We teach an accelerated learning curriculum based on each students IEP. Each student will learn 5 languages before the 8th grade.
We continue to engage our families and communities with the knowledge and understanding of Afrikan self-awareness and awakening! Feel Free to post your Afrikan Centered Knowledge- A great virtual resource for home scholars are using this stream. Our Youth are watching everything we do.
Giri So (Word at Face Value), Benne So (Word to the Side), Bolo So (Word From Behind), So Dayi (The Clear Word), Aduno So (The Astonishing Word.)
“Knowledge of self is the key to healing and freeing ourselves from global Maafa.”
We model ACECC which was a Contract School operated in cooperation with what was known as the Kansas City, Missouri School District, until 2011. It was managed by the Afrikan Centered Education Taskforce Incorporated (ACETI)
The Afrikan Centered Education Collegium Campus was composed of three buildings serving scholars K-12, located on a 40.2 acre campus, west of Swope Parkway between 63rd Street and Meyer Blvd. ACECC disseminated the knowledge of the best of global Afrikan achievements, often written out of history, to prepare our youth for the global world, to pursue leadership, invention, production, and enterprise, yet to also be committed to their own local wealth creating community and economic development.

We wish to encourage Family nights where families sit down together again around the family dinner table to share a home cooked meal. Share food fellowship and fun without the television, games, cell phones and computer... *Fresh Foods build your immunity with antioxidants. Remember sick and shut-ins with a gift bag or gift box of Fresh Fruit and Veggies Also Great for juicing too! Call us to receive your selections. (816) 281-7704

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: amen.parankh@gmail.com , or amen.ankh@live.com Call and Text: 816-281-7704 sign-up for courses and support: information: http://emwot.ws/Amen_ParAnkh , http://amen-parankh.blogspot.com/ , Look for us on FaceBook & Twitter
We celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity, and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House and Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Head Wrapping, Natural Hair Braiding, beading and Lox twisting, ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses, Gifts, Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We acknowledge creation. We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) All Original people. Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.