Healing from ‘Mental Enslavement’ Known as
Ma'afa Syndrome* Adenike Amen-Ra
Although the shackles of chattel enslavement, imprisonment, incarceration through a war of Colonialism on People of African descent specifically and people of color generally, seems to have been removed from the US governmental system over a century ago, people of African descent in Africa, Europe, and the Americas, are still under a great oppression. Melanin People were numbered in European Caucasian slave owners' balance sheets, along with their, oxen, horses, cows, farm equipment and other tangible assets that were calculated in great detail as evidence to the crime of White supremacy and the erroneous notions of a god given "Manifest destiny". Through the Emancipation Proclamation, and the 13th Amendment, on December 6, 1865, to the Civil Rights legislation that had been passed to relinquish the legal chains, and inequality, where Congress passed Public Law 88-352 (78 Stat. 241,. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Afrikan Americans specifically and people of color generally are still enduring the collateral damage of White supremacy and it's destructive manifestations.*MAAFA SYNDROME
I call this enslaved mindset, Maafa Syndrome.Ma'afa Syndrome means the total identification with an assailant abuser or terrorist, for the hope of favor. Ma'afa Syndrome predates the term that is known as Stockholm syndrome (Capture Bonding). Many people of African descent, had/have been and are being targeted, terrorized, and indoctrinated by other ethnic groups, and classes, as though they are subordinate to that group. Many people of African Descent accept and comply with this subordination, and Assimilation, thinking they have no other alternative means... Many African Centered scholars will use the euro reference of "Stockholm Syndrome" to attribute the symptoms of the current psychological phenomena in people of African Descent. Yet the trauma and specific behaviors predate this euro contemporary coined phrase. Ma'afa Syndrome is specific to our people of Afrikan Descent.and people of color who were disenfranchised by the by themeritime pirating of lands and resources from Indigo peoples Adenike Amen-Ra M.Sp.Ed
Ma'afa is a KiSwahili word that means chaos and "terrible disaster." Ma'afa is an African term, like the word Holocaust, that is used universally for the trauma that was exacted particularly against people of African descent, by identifying them according to the color of their skin, to be thought upon as deficient and only worthy of being used as a beast of burden by colonizing imperialists. This term refers to the periods of time, when Indigo People, or People of African descent, were invaded in Afrika by Arabs and Aryan societies, to then be subjected to a war cult in the Atlantic, which subjugated the advanced cultural knowledge and vast resources within the Afrikan cradle of civilization, science, technology and spiritual achievements of the African diaspora. This Maafa has continued to occur within the Americas, and globally, by Invaders, imperialists, and colonizers that sought the expansion of their power and way of life, against Indigo people, who choose to live in harmony with creation.
Afrikan Americans in the US had to endure the Domestic terrorism, of the likes of Black Codes. In late 1865, Mississippi and South Carolina enacted the first Black Codes. Mississippi’s law required Black people to have written evidence of employment for the coming year each January; if they left before the end of the contract, they would be forced to forfeit earlier wages and were subject to arrest. Sharecropping, Jim Crow Segregation Laws, and Redlining, Re-bounded. Black children, elders, and women. African Americans are still subjected to Inequity, racist leadership, inequality in the workforce, employment in Corporate jobs, inequality in education, harassment and outright killing in stores and market places, Lynching, Police homicide, and brutality, supremacy systems, in public and commercial places, spite, hate crimes, and terrorist bombings and assaults. Black Americans still live in enemy territory, among apathetic and insensitive people, under a state of "white" supremacy, racial profiling, stereotyping, and terrorism. People of color and poor Caucasians became collateral damage and expendable assets to the proliferation of erroneous notions white supremacy.

Yet, unlike, Native Americans, Jews, Chinese, and Japanese nations, etc., no outside national actions, Economic Recovery or Health Therapy, by the US society, has been employed to give restitution or reparations, for the mental and physical abuse, for the captivity, and colonization that occurred, for the family and societal disenfranchisement that was inherited, and for what economic destitution still remains with people of African descent today.

Yet many Afrikkan descendants are in denial of the long-lasting effects of the traumatically brutal institution of the inhumane treatment and forced labor, used to build the United States. They often passively assert that slavery happened long ago, it has nothing to do with them now, and as melanin people, we should forgive and forget it, and take advantage of any ‘freedoms’ now available to us. However, the emotional and psychological damage caused by the Transatlantic war, US mass murder and genocide, colonization, human trafficking, rape, and terrorism, was so severe, that many people today still struggle with psychological, health challenges, displaced families, and economic disenfranchisement. So many of our people have assimilated, and are compliant with the WASP middle-class value system of the United States.

One of the early incentives to divide and conquer organization and unity for people of African descent, outside of Religious indoctrination and the Willie Lynch syndrome, is the Meritorious Manumission Act.
The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 are principles that controlled the thinking of Caucasians and People of African Descent then and now. This is how racism/white supremacy functions, and how this act affects us today. The Meritorious Manumission Act of 1710 was a legal act of freeing a slave in exchange for his or her "good deeds" as defined by the national public policy:
1.Saving a so-called white person's life
2. Protecting a caucasian's personal property
3. Coming up with inventions in which the slave owner could profit financially and receive credit for the invention
4. Snitching on/ Reporting to authorities of any revolt of so-called Blacks
Many of our people sold themselves out and their own people, out of desperation. Many of us still do...
Assimilation describes the process by which a person integrates socially, culturally, and/or politically into a larger, dominant culture and society.
*The term assimilation is often referenced to immigrants, refugees, and ethnic groups settling in a new land. Immigrants acquire new customs and attitudes through contact and communication with the new society, while they rarely introduce some of their own cultural traits to that society.
*Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from older members.
Social scientists rely on four primary benchmarks to assess successful immigrant assimilation:
socioeconomic status, geographic distribution, second language attainment, and intermarriage.
The challenge with this synopsis is that America was invaded by the US. The indigenous people of America were subjected to genocide and those who remained were terrorized onto Reservations. Children were then abducted and forced into assimilation where they were stripped of their way of live, culture, language, and sovereignty. While their land was parceled off.
The US had the kill the culture save the Man objectives which were imposed on all people of color

Enslavement was also an assimilation process.

5 questions for gauging African consciousness, by Dr. Amos N Wilson (February 23,1941 – January 14, 1995), Dr. Wilson was a former Professor of Psychology at the City University of New York. He would argue that "only a systematic correction in consciousness can help people, who were taught to think as slaves, and to truly escape bondage."
Dr. Amos N Wilson, the renowned author who penned books such as “The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child,” and "Blueprint for Black Power," posed five simple questions.
If Wilson’s questions are answered truthfully, they reveal and monitor Maafa Syndrome as the enslaved mindset, still within many People of African Descent.
1. What Language Do You Speak?
Language is critical to the expression of culture because it’s a way to express the values, beliefs, and customs of a people. It is fundamental to cultural identity, and if people forget their native tongue, they lose an important aspect of their culture and a piece of who they are. This is fundamental to why people must keep their own languages alive.When Indigo people were forced to adopt the languages of the English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, etc., in the United States, in essence, they were forced to abandon their own worldview and accept a foreign/alien one, that regarded them as subordinate, and that they were only present, to support the interest and economy of colonist. The mentality that allowed this relationship to happen still exists among us today. It is imperative, that Indigo people pursue their own thoughts, expressions, and Communities. Our rich African languages are alive and are the mother tongue of all other languages. learning to speak multiple languages at a young age, enhances the intelligence and capacity for social interaction and successful communication. It also reduces senility in older ages.