Showing posts with label Re-Community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Re-Community. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter and East Star the Festival of Renewal

Easter Eastre East-Star -the Festival of Renewal

The Holy day of East Star was originally a celebration of renewal and rebirth for original Indigo people. Celebrating the return of early spring, it honors the Mother Nature goddess is known in ancient Indigo societies as Nu, Nut, Auset, and Het-Heru. The Sun star was represented as Ausar, Set, and  Heru.  Later in west Afrikan cultures, nature was represented as the Orishas, and in many cultures following, like the Druids, then the Greeks, Romans and Pagans as, Eostra, Hathor, Isis, Ishtar, Oestera, Eastre(Esther), Aurora, or Adonis...

Earth has been referred to as Mother since ancient times as “Mother Earth” and “Mother Nature.”

The Goddess Nut, swallows the sun as Heru striking his uncle Set every evening, then to give birth to the Sun as Ausar every morning. During the night, guided by the moonlight of his mother Auset, a battle of Heru and his uncle Set is fought to release Heru's father, Ausar, and to once again witness the rising of Ausar to take his place as earth sovereign of all things green and growing. 

Auset brought forth her son Heru, after the murder of her husband Ausar, symbolic of abundant crops, as the rains from the sky met the welcoming earth in the spring. Festivals like “The Marriage Feast of Canaan” were Spring fertility rites in ancient times which celebrated Pregnancy, and the dawn of spring and fertility. The dawn of the Sun Star the equinox, was in the east, so Sunrise celebrations centered on growth and renewal were celebrated. Growers celebrated to ask petition for abundant crops, and eggs were eaten and exchanged as talismans.

Easter is exceptional, depending on where you live in proximity to the Equator. There are only 3 seasons, instead of 4 for those living near the equator.

Other Names of Spring Goddess:

With brightening and longer days after the Vernal equinox, Eastre is full of growth and passion of new life. Eastre was known as Ma, the Great Mother Goddess of Northern Europe, by our Ancient Twa/Khoisan Ancestars. She is a goddess of dawn and spring, and her name derives from dawn, the light arising from East. The word, East and the female hormone, estrogen is also related to her.

The Rite of Spring,

Eastre’s male consort was the Sun god Ra, and rites of spring were celebrated in her honor on the first day of spring. Celebrations were on the first full moon following vernal equinox. The full moon represents a “pregnant” phase of Eastre, passing into fertility to give birth to the Sun’s offspring.

“Eastre” is derived from the direction East, and the Spring Goddess is associated with dawn. Eastre is related to the Indo-European Hausos, Goddess of dawn, and the Roman and Greek Goddesses, Aurora and Eos. In German Austron means dawn, derived from Aus, “to shine.” The ancient word for Spring was Eastre, and Goddesses in many cultures are celebrated as the bearer of springtime.

Aphrodite ~ Cyprus

Ashtoreth ~ Israel

Astarte ~ Greece

Demeter ~ Mycenae

Auset ~ Het-Heru (Hathor) ~ Kemet (Egypt)

Ishtar ~ Assyria

Kali ~ India

Ostara ~ Norse Goddess of fertility

The Middle East celebrates many Spring festivals, including the Iranian Nowruz, ascension of the mythological king of Persia. Commemorated by Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, Zanzibar, Albania, Kurds, and central Asia, it is a Zorostrian holiday, and celebrated by Baha’i’ and Nizari Ismalili Muslims.

Sham El Nessim has been celebrated since 2700 B.C. the ancients celebrated this creation story with a feast at the Great Pyramid. The feast of Shemu, means ‘renewal of life’ later changed to Shu/‘shamm’ (smelling or breathing) and ‘nessim’ (breeze). Sham El Nessim is celebrated as a national holiday, and is celebrated by Christians and Muslims as “Easter Monday”.

Rabbits and Eggs

Eastre represents renewal and fertility, and eggs and rabbits were sacred to her. Rabbits are a potent symbol of fertility, as a female rabbit can conceive a second litter while still pregnant with the first! The markings of the full moon were believed by some Eastern cultures to be an image of a rabbit pounding a mortar.

The Earth in Spring is filled with fertility and awakening, many people get married during this season and many children are born during this time. The egg is an obvious symbol, and it has been a symbol of rebirth since ancient times. The hare was the sacred animal of the Spring Moon. At vernal equinox, an egg is the symbol of New Life.

Our Mother Earth

Earth is referred to as Mother since ancient times: “Mother Earth” and “Mother Nature.” Watching the cycles of Nature one sees that rain falling brings life to Earth, so ancient cultures saw Father as Heaven, and Earth as Mother.
Auset suckling her Sun Heru

So essentially Easter is the celebration of the fertile womb and the lunar menstrual cycle. Easter was not always celebrated as the Ascension Christ from the dead; the meaning of Easter was quite different from what Christians celebrate today. Long before the name of Jesus, many peoples associated this festival with the coming back to life of the god of the earth Ta-mmuz (see Ezek 8:14,) also known as Geb, Ausar, Adonis Orpheus or Perseus, who had been dead in the underworld during the winter to rise in the spring. The name by which Christians still celebrate the festival is the name of the ancient fertility goddess Eastre, Ishtar, Auset, or Ashtoreth (whose name also survives in the name of one of the books of the Old Testament, the only Bible book that contains no reference to God - the Book of Esther).

Ausar is the god who conquered the underworld. Easter was celebrated as a time of new life, Beauty, sunshine, and birth. Jesus (in the Christian version of the myth) is just the latest in a long line of gods to symbolize new life through resurrection. Easter was originally (and still is) a celebration of the fertility of the earth, renewed each springtime. The egg, the chick, the rabbit, the flowers, are all fertility symbols (and much older than this latest Christian symbol of the resurrected god). Its celebration has often been marked by sexual exuberance, pregnancy and new birth, as is still prominent in the pre-Lenten Carnivals and Mardi Gras festivals and the phallic symbolism of the May pole and the cross.

The precise date of Easter has at times been a matter for contention. By the later 2nd century, it was accepted that the celebration of the holiday was a practice of the disciples and an undisputed tradition.

The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the March equinox. Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March. Easter is a movable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The date of Easter therefore varies from 22 March to 25 April inclusive. churches in and around Rome observed the practice of celebrating Easter on the following Sunday calling it “the day of the resurrection of our Savior.”

Western Christianity, using the Gregorian calendar, Easter always falls on a Sunday between 22 March and 25 April inclusive, whereas Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian calendar, whose 21 March corresponds, during the 21st century, to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar, and in which therefore the celebration of Easter varies between 4 April and 8 May. Initially, in the early days,

The specific day on which the resurrection should be celebrated became a major point of contention within the church.

If his resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him, when was he crucified- To rise again in three days? Did he rise on the Sabbath or the first day of the week?

It is the central tenet of Christian faith and theology and part of the Nicene Creed: "On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures.” The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of the Christian faith, according to the Apostle Paul, who even says that if Jesus Christ has not been resurrected then the Christian faith is worthless and futile (1 Cor. 15:14-17). Therefore, without Easter there is no Christianity.


Maafa syndrome was constantly occurring in the Americas, long before Stockholm syndrome... Maafa Syndrome is the total identification with an abuser, for the hope of favor. Maafa Syndrome is capture bonding. Many of Our Indigo People of color have totally rejected their own Cultural and Spiritual practices and Icons, that were empowering for Nation building and their own interests and survival, to completely surrender and embrace a false god, created in the image of a western alien construct by Asians, Aryan Caucasians and Arabs, for the sole purpose of perpetuating, propagating the interests and survival of Arabs, and Aryan Caucasians, to absolutely and perpetually control the Cultural Social, economic, political, educational, capital resources of the masses of Human Indigo peoples of color around the world! These believers have colorized this Icon, (like making chitterlings into a gourmet delicacy,)  and will lay down their lives, and turn on their own family, to protect this deeply embedded inception... "The Matrix is a technicolor dream world"... Morpheus...

Historically, the Christian church, because it could not eradicate the celebration of this popular festival, reinterpreted it and assigned to it a new meaning, but was unable to erase completely its original significance. The Mother and Sun Icons, the egg and the rabbit, the Ankh, the Khepra Beetle (the real symbols of this festival) will continue to be loved and celebrated as long as we can marvel at the new life which the spring brings.

Things to Energize You!

Decorate your home with Spring flowers; crocuses, daffodils, violets, lilac, lilies, roses, iris
Add something green: a plant, candles, soap to represent growth and expansion
Work on projects and ideas initiated around Winter Solstice

Here are some favorite Spring Flower symbols. Add some to your home!

Dogwood Flower: 4 petals symbolize 4 directions
Iris: Purity, wisdom, faith, birth blessing, life, and resurrection
Honeysuckle: Rebirth, renewal, spiritual sight, versatile mind
Jasmine: Lunar, psychic, spiritual love
Lily: Strong associations with fertility, purity, rebirth
Rose: True love, joy, yellow roses for Eastre

These are some of the many herbs that can be used for cleansing and raising our immune system:

Green Tea
Purple Dead-Nettle
Stinging Nettle

The soil is prepared, planting season has begun, so sow your seeds and hard work will bring you full bloom!

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach and Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member, as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or, and Call: 816-281-7704 to sign-up for courses, information: , , Look for us on Twitter , LinkedIn. We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House ; Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, Henna healing designs, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. We offer Classes in ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrate and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, and Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We create custom landscapes of Victory gardens for health and home. We also provide Urban Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot” Sasteh Meter Mosley. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, and; liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for all Original peoples. Feel free or Contact the Amen Ankh Urban Farm... or call: 816-281-7704 Please like our facebook pages: , , ,
Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Building Bridges Between Parents and Their Children's Education


I was asked by Kihei to comment on our parents and education in Kansas City. The following are some points as a Special Education Teacher in the Kansas City School district:@ Kihei-

  • We must revolutionize the way we think about education for our youth! As parents We must return to “Dynastic” thinking. What I mean by this is- passing on a heritage and leading by example. This is how the elite think in provision for their children. “PRO-VISION”  -Visioning for the Long term future with expectations and outcomes! I’m talking about 10-20-50year plans for the outcomes and expectations for their youth and their children’s place in their family business, neighborhood and ECO-NOME.

  • PARENTS NEED TO TEACH THEIR OWN VALUES, FAITH SYSTEMS AND HISTORY- Learn and Practice a value system like- the Nguzo Saba- (Principals Seven)... Celebrate Umoja Karamu AT HOME Celebrate Kwanzaa AT HOME-

  • THEY MUST READ TO THEIR CHILDREN- AND let their children catch them reading- by example- talk about books, Find Local Black writers and authors, and talk about current events in the news. This helps with values and critical thinking. If the parent is not teaching and passing on their values- some one else is/will. Buy the Final Call(There is a man standing right in the street to give you knowledge and/or a delicious bean pie!) and other local black newspapers and magazines. Places like The Urban League give away magazines free of charge.

  • WE NEED TO HOMESCHOOL! I want to start an underground homescholar network system!

  • The only way the ELITE would put their child in a boarding school or institution, is after they personally build the institution with a state of the art Environment and materials, equipping their child with what they need-TO LEAD- Not to follow. When we think about accreditation- That should be the PARENTS going through the school with a fine tooth comb- From the toilets, the Cafeteria, Classrooms and Teachers.

  • High Expectations and belief in our youth- When you have parents, teachers and administration that have low to no expectation for their youth and family- “every bodies grunging for the dollar and surviving from day to day in a “by-design-system” We were too quick to decapitate the heads of the giant district. We have gone through so many superintendents- but we were too quick to replace one with another who may be taking under-the-table deals to sell out our youth. We fail to acknowledge that when the head comes off the body falls and our children suffer from the collateral damages.

  • We forget that our youth are learning from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE -ALL THE TIME!

  • When the children come home to a latch-key world of an empty unsupervised house with Acidic Chicken nuggets(pink slime)- “?Chips-salt and grease” and Cinnamon rolls from da corna-lika-stow- or poptarts - potpies or some other frozen microwave meal of GMO playfood… When Mom & Pops are outa sight- the child is outa they mind- you have “Da katz away da mice will play” situations- Drug use, delinquency, violent desensitizing videogames, Sex- pregnancy- HIV, mind-numbing TV couch-potato- childhood-diabetes-obesity beasts. All under a truculent background of misogyny-ated message music dope buzz beats and Rap... It's a setting for gang indoctrination.

  • We have Amen Par Ankh(Sacred Temple of Life) on my block... Any scholar can come by my door and get free fruit and tutoring... Just by word of mouth they come by...

  • We need Teachers–who are invested in the neighborhood’s development to teach our children- how to return –Come right back and work in the neighborhood to take ownership and re-develop community.

  • So Parents need to stop thinking about (getting their child- “OUT of the ghetto”) “Work to live” NOT “live to work”.

  • Another issue; Putting a child into college with only a remedial background is - like playing our children in a lottery – 9x out of 10 you lose -setting our children up for failure- THESE COLLEGES KNOW THIS and take the child in anyway- use their money for remedial classes then kick them out with a debt for life.

  • I would like to encourage the Parents who sit down with their families at least once a week and have a family morning, day, night, weekend- lock-in- turn off all electronic media- and eat a home cooked meal- Our children need MORE fresh fruits and vegetables in their bodies to grow properly- not milk. So a fresh salad or smoothie... -to eat and talk with NO distractions. Have a smoothie breakfast- or Sunday dinner with Elders to teach family history, values and establish goals and objectives together...

  • Go outside and enjoy the weather and observe life around, Look at the moon and read the stars... take a walk- go to a park,

  • Sit with them in a court room, bring them to a bank, or any career vocational setting, let them see black business owners, talk to automotive, or lawn cutting business owner, a black judge or attorney,

  • Visit the elderly and volunteer in a nursing home, Community Garden, Urban Farm or Hospital ... 
  • Teachers should be identifying our struggling children not only academically but socially for the students success... It is a war zone in the neighborhoods in many cases, with child custody issues and 2 youth dying every week...
  • We NEED Counselors on staff for crisis counseling. when a youth dies in the community- it effects all of the people who knew that youth...

"It takes a village to raise a child"... this may be an over saturated Afrikan Proverb- (And I personally don't like the term "village" to describe aboriginal or indigenous communities) - I like Knome-Gnome Nome , Council of Elders- "The Griots" or as Sasteh uses "the Klan" (is this upstaging Kanye West or what-LOL) the "X-Klan" lol... But my point is - We need to help the parents and/or single parents who are overwhelmed or dysfunctional. - "We are only as strong as the weakest link" also comes to mind. You Can't just ignore the whole child and just isolate academics... We are Mind, Body, Soul and Spirit...

Father Daughter
Father Daughter

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or, and Call: 816-304-7240 to sign-up for courses and support: , information: , , Look for us on FaceBook & Twitter We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existance on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunment - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House & Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Hebal products. We offor Classes in ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrat and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We sell Org-Ankh Electric Food Boxes! We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers and Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self determination) All Original people. Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Through the Song of The Child -THIS is How We Heal Ourselves

So, Instead of burning bridges between Black People of Color- Let's Build bridges of forgiveness and healing! We are too quick to ostracize and alienate each other, when there is a larger state of oppression surrounding us. Let us forgive and heal each other! Let us allow our elders to speak and be respectful and not exploitative...

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special Events. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , Call: 816-304-7240 sign-up for courses, Membership and support with our website: , information:  , , Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life. Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥. We offer: Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansing & Consulting