Showing posts with label Alternative healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alternative healing. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Police Brutality State of the Union


We offer our deepest sympathy and sorrow to all families who endure the tragic loss of their Sons and Daughters, who have suffered a tremendous betrayal and injustice and a direct assault to our human dignity, Security and The very lives of Indigo people. Just by the color of our skin and not the content of our character.

We must first acknowledge that the proliferation of open murder of unarmed Black people by armed caucasians in police uniforms in the USA Inc, is not only an issue of "Police brutality." The police and the Judicial system are an appendage to a white supremacy/racist system. So Police brutality is in reality an issue of systemic white supremacy, of caucasian race terrorists, often dressed as police, yet serving on all levels of economics, health and environment within the United States, occupying the Americas. Caucasian Police officers are often recruited to join a police department from a nationalist gang. Then many new recruits enter one "Fraternal Order" from another "Fraternal Order" hate conglomerate- seamlessly, with identical mindsets... There is nepotism blended with "brotherhood" to create "The Blue Wall of Silence." Blue silence IS Blue Violence. 

There is a difference between the conduct of black police officers and caucasian police officers. Black police officers don't go into caucasian communities, wealthy, middle class or poor- and harass the people in the community! Black officers are not racially profiling or killing unarmed caucasian people, running racial profiling detective investigations, patrolling high crime areas in poor caucasian neighborhoods, or conveniently accessible in those neighborhoods, while off duty. 

Are there caucasians who are "good cops," who are not involved with white supremacist groups or police corruption? These officers are complicit to "white privilege." That means they turn deaf ears and blind eyes to the water cooler jokes, discriminating office politics, and the subtle overtones and disparities in the profiling, paperwork, and records between black and white. This is endemic of the "Blue wall of silence" Blue silence IS Blue violence!

You can count to the thousands of Black men over the decades, especially after the 1990s war on drugs, who were killed by cops right in front of a camera- and the police officer(s) not indicted, and then given paid leave to later returned back to work or relocate to another precinct, only to continue their rampage of brutalities. I was surprised to hear only the push for cameras for police officers in the aftermath of Mike Brown's death in Ferguson Missouri, and not the total revamp of police policy, training, and procedures, not only in that direct police department but as a national mandate. Who really stands to gain from this?

The sad answer is the stance of perpetual white supremacy. The United States has never be able to legislate against hate. All of the Desegregation, Integration, and Assimilation has never been able to change this. People of African Descent have always been on the bottom end of the Pyramid of Economics and Justice. I am reminded of the character Winston in the book: 1984, by George Orwell, where Winston is trapped in a totalitarian state and is being tortured in room 101, to betray his human values and love. He exclaimed, "DO IT TO HER NOT ME!" So the Red, and Brown, Women, and Men, The Woman's rights issues, the LGBTQX coalition, and any other stance will always be complicit with white supremacy, while betraying and degrading the human rights of "Black" people in De Facto.

Some Police officers are bigots, who are recruited from nationalists hate groups to continue to sponsor, and participate in racists organizations while they're "off duty"... (We know police officers are never really "off Duty") While they are on duty, they may be assigned to work with a population of people, who they have prejudgment about... Do I need to spell this out any further? Another problem is the "Blue wall of silence," that these bigoted bullies are able to hide behind, and are protected from indictment and punishment. Isn't the US still standing in a time of war, since 9-11? So calling 911 is like having your personal SWAT team on speed dial.  Dialing 911 is now a way for Becky the Bigot, to exact assault and controls on innocent Black people and be absolved of punishment. In fact Becky the Bigot has always been around to incite violence on Black Men playing the roles of Potiphar's Wife, and Delilah, crying rape at their whim.  Caucasian women have always been in the background of white supremacy, washing out the blood on KKKlan robes, and breeding young racists. For example, the murder of Emmet Till, The burning down of Black Wallstreet's of Florida and Tulsa, Oklahoma,  the silent history of child molestations of Black minor young boys and athletes, human trafficking/sexual assault, and abuse in job sites, factories and maid services. In fact, the school-to-prison pipeline is so pervasive, through the foster care system, where psychotherapists indoctrinate Black children of incarcerated parents to reject their parents and families and resort to organ harvesting and homosexuality etc.

 #FacismIsRacism #BlueWallOfSilence #BeckyTheBigot #DomesticTerrorist #BlueSilenceIsBlueViolence #AmenAnkh #BlackLivesMatterToo  #BradTheBigot #TimothyTheTerroist #NeilTheNatzi

How can the police officers who killed Mike Brown and other innocent unarmed black people, be able to be suspended and terminated because of racist tactics from one police station, only to go to another town, and be immediately hired to continue the same racist conduct unchecked!? A national investigation is needed on how many Police officers and other civil servants serve dual loyalties, not only to their "Fraternal Order of Police" but also to the Fraternal orders of the KKKlan, Neo-Nazis, militia cells and other international terrorist organizations!  Caucasian Police are targeting (Racial Profiling) and killing our Black Men, Women and Children all over the United States, with impunity now. This has become a national trend!

 An outside investigation is also needed, not only into corrupt officers, but also Judges, Lawyers, Security, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, Teachers, Bankers, Real Estate agencies, and delivery drivers, as well all other Public Professional institutions, Unions, Orders, and Organizations who use their professional positions to act out racist objectives, drug running, Organ harvesting, and Human trafficking. When background checks, employment screenings, hiring policies, and social references fail to find correlations to hate/terrorist organizations and the applicant's ties to other officials and professionals who serve in our governmental structures- Federal, State, County, and City divisions, Then this is a great blind spot that needs to be addressed. When officials work in the day, then show up to meetings for hate-cells, to act on their agendas in the evenings and weekends.... This smells like the same strange fruit of Slave Patrols and Jim Crow Lynching,  White supremacists often recruit caucasian youth for initiation into "Preppers", "Militias" and race war Armageddon fanatic extremism while in school. Even the military, from which many police are recruited, is imbued with caucasians who have been indoctrinated into white supremacy. Included in their agenda of white supremacy, are private corporations who are funding terrorist organization members with reward bounties- to openly kill/ lynch black People- and then fund their paid leave, release, private security, lawyers, and judges with impunity- often for the rest of their lives! Doctors and Judges have been found involved in human trafficking, sex slavery, pornography, "Down-low behavior", organ harvesting, Medical experimentation (much like the Tuskegee experiment)  with incarcerated people, who have succumbed to imprisonment for plea bargains, awaiting trial and imprisoned. Hell, the cabinet of the standing President (T-Rump) is a pack of white supremacists. White supremacy no longer hides under a white robe. It is dressed in judges and professors robes, as well as suits and ties.

Many police officers are involved with human trafficking, Illegal Drugs, and Weapons distributions in every city in the US. The police department responds with the distinction of "corrupt police"

IMHO, *We need to change the laws where police officers can no longer have immunity from punishment, release from malpractice and abuse of power, while in uniform or without uniforms, when they shoot innocent, weaponless Black youth down in the streets of this nation over minor offenses!

*Mainly POLICE OFFICERS MUST SEE BLACK SKINNED CITIZENS AS HUMAN BEINGS, WITH FEELINGS AND STRESSES or they should NOT be police officers! Black-skinned people are not "potential suspects" or a "criminal element. "The culture of Black Americans, should not be cast as a monolithic criminal construct for racial profiling.

*The emphasis on local control, community policing, and tribal councils should be employed over invader police who are insensitive to the cultural practices of Indigo people.

*Stop Targeting the black community to fulfill quotas and police training

*All Citizens should be able to remain in the safety of their car to call and wait for a supervisor and/or be escorted while they drive their vehicle to a police station if an officer chooses detainment.

*Yet, Some police stations are rigged to capture and assault citizens, especially Citizens of African Descent. They set up speed traps, Auto accident set-ups, and other snares. They should be shut down.

*Demilitarize Policing.

*NEVER use their uniform or authority to Sexually Harass and exploit People of Color specifically. 

 *Community/Neighborhood relationships must be established, for domestic disputes, starting with localizing neighborhood members for security patrolling, watch members, and establishing safe houses. 

*Requiring Police officers to reside and be culturally apprised of the community that they serve 

*We need to revisit the training strategies that are being employed to use deadly force in lieu of arrest, for non-life-threatening offenses.

*We should end the use of a chokehold, which is essentially lynching (Eric Gardner and George Floyd)

*Officers should be expelled from service if they are found intoxicated or under the influence of ANY abused drug, prescription, or narcotic, while on duty- much like a rapist, pedophile/ child molester would be expelled.

* More drug testing should be required - more than illegal drugs and alcohol, (even caffeine abuse) pertaining to physical health and mental state of mind. (If you take an allergy pill, for instance, it can affect driving, machine operation, and state of mind due to drowsiness, etc... A police officer should be considered unfit for duty if they are incapacitated in any way-especially during field duty.

* How about returning to reciting the Maranda Rights, and explaining why a citizen is being detained, and what charges they are being detained for.
*Changing/Ending on the 72-hour arrest/hold of any individual without being charged (Sandra Bland)

*Officers should rotate their field assignments and have limited field duty assignments, much like forensic doctors, to reduce burnout, and frequent patrol location changes to avoid corruption.

*More educational requirements to serve as a police officer (More than a barber/cosmetologist)

*Meet the request for an African American Police officer's presence, during traffic stops and domestic disputes, just as language interpreters are made available for foreign language speakers.

*Return Juvenile detention and more lenient sentencing like community service, to end the school-to-prison pipeline

*Ending "Tag and Release" objectives on people (especially youth) to ruin careers, blemish records, for credit, housing, and careers

*Immediate Termination of any officer involved with planting or doctoring evidence.

*Reassessment for when a citizen is struggling for their life or breath or moving from the pain of having their arm dislodged from their socket, and "resisting arrest"

*DOGS ARE NOT POLICE OFFICERS! DOGS should not be a priority over human beings. For a cop to use a dog to attack a man under the guise of law and order, or appropriate police work, having the man handcuffed, while the dog is ripping into the flesh and vital organs. Then to accuse the victim of resisting arrest, or charging the victim with assaulting a police officer, is sadistic, cruel, and should be outlawed!

*Police must have more accountability for Black citizens with disabilities, PTSD, and other mental health conditions. Techniques of de-escalation instead of inciting violence must be employed as the first choice for policing any situation.


The Civil Rights movement has proven that the US system cannot legislate against hate and bigotry. Yet White privilege and white supremacy mentality is still running unchecked in most departments.

 It used to be required that Police officers serve as ministers of peace, who lived within the community that they serve. That meant that they knew the students and parents like neighbors.

  • We really need Self-Policing! We also need OUR OWN Private Autonomous community developments monitored by our own private Patrol and Security services for self-police. Much like the Native American tribal councils, we can establish our own societal structure that encompasses a council of Elders, security, self-police, fire/ rescue- coming from our own community. We need to lower the involvement of the government and their controlling influences within our communities. We need our own Tribal Councils, private patrols, and safe houses, where we only call the police after a homicide. Policing within the US really came from Slave Patrolling. Police inherently support the status quo of the Wealthy and Corporations. 
  • Police officers should live where they serve, and at least attend and commemorate community celebrations like graduations, Ballgames, Community achievements and other success stories, not as a hostile display of force, but as ministers of peace.
  • Police officers should return to being community servants and not the Bounty Hunters, Slave Patrollers, and predatory guard dogs for corporations, businesses, private interest groups and drug distribution. 
  • They should not target and use Black people to fill a quota system for the City and corporate prisons and extort and harvest tax money through excessive fines and charges.

 African Americans need neighborhood security, and community workers, Black Community representatives, outside monitors as well as employees, for Security, Police, Fire/ Rescue emergency, and Paramedics who have been recruited from the same neighborhoods and communities that they serve.

We first must move from the Assimilated, Integrated, individual- multicultural- codependency-mindset-that we feel the need for outsiders to invade and work to control us, and people who(look like us) but do not participate or practice our ethnic and cultural backgrounds, to be involved in our lives and community affairs. The examples of Hispanics, Jews, Asians, etc who have always operated in their own private cloisters; show a success model for our community. It is not until Black People take the stand to be autonomous, that race-baiting accusations and issues come about- often by our own –“house Negroes” who feel the conditioned threat and need to answer to "massa".

Queenma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...


(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in: Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling, Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704
Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health and Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Saturday, October 29, 2016


US Imperialists are NOT America.

This is the United States- NOT America. Racism is Real in the US. The real mass murders and attempted genocides that have taken place on Indigo peoples in this US race-supremacy system are the manifestations of Pirates practicing maritime law...The U.S. commissioned criminal organizations under the Trilateral Commission that have promoted the expansion of Great Briton, in North America and the Latin Vatican in the southern American regions. They are the real mass murderers that have exacted their tortures on Indigo peoples in this US race-supremacy system for centuries.  The US is like an abusive
America is the Land and pre-colonial inhabitants that were mass murdered so that Great Briton and the Vatican could expand. America is occupied by people who were dying of their own Un-hygienic state of disease, and plagues after they destroyed the Twa/Khoisan who initially established Europe. For almost 1000 years, the Moors civilized these cave beasts, then broke the spell of the dark ages, and brought them to the American Islands, The Moors ignored the warning signs from the Twa, who left these Neanderthals under the spell of the Dark Ages and the flat earth, which contained the Neanderthals in fear of not endeavoring into other worlds... Neanderthals are not indigenous Americans. They are only US colonizers who are Mass Murdering Pirates, occupying the Americas under maritime law. They have spawned across the planet, just like in Australia, Hawaii, New Guinea, and South Africa, and the list goes on! . The real "Americans" are people of color who have been oppressed, subordinated, disenfranchised, and mass murdered, to make room for these Neanderthals to establish their expansion of the Vatican, into South America and England, in the north, with maritime law. The US is part of this Trilateral Commission. The US is a Kkorpratakrazy. The US is just a conglomerate of Corporations. POTUS is just the chairman of the board of directors. Each Senator is an autonomous corporate CEO.
#YPeopleAreUSPiratesNotAmericans # #GetOut #StayWoke #BlackAutonomy #FreeSouthAfrica #AfricaForRealAfricans

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

I am available for Lectures, Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Birth and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, Home and Businesses, Afrikan Storytelling, Conferences, and Workshops Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Nu Is Water- The Source of Life- Drink!

Nu is Water The Source of Life!

Nuta Beqsu AmenRa 2016

Nu is the KMT Ntr (Sacred Principle) for Water. She is associated with the primordial waters of the creation of the Universe and the waters of the womb of motherhood. She is the waters of life that MA - NUT the Celestial Universe, expresses all living existence.
She is the vital essence in All living things! So as we are born of water from our mothers, we must have water to sustain our existence.  

We pour Libations to our Aku (ancestors) as a Sacred Ceremony, Blessings, Anointings, Baptism and Purifications.
 We sing and speak to Nu our water to transfer energy vibrations to enhance our life.

Water is Life! Water IS ALIVE!

Water is more than for Drinking, Cooking, Bathing, or Cleaning. Water is alive! Water is Intelligent, Water has memory. Water is Electro-Magnetic, Water is Crystal, Water has it's own spirit, Water responds to you. The water molecule is H2O two Hydrogen Gas molecules and one Oxygen molecule. Separately, these are 2 gas molecules coming together to make something wet.

Make an Offering to Mama Wata Before Time Runs Out
Yemaya, is known as one of the "Seven African Powers." Yemaya is an Orisha, originally from the traditional religious practices of the Yoruba people in Africa. Orishas are sometimes described as the emissaries of Olodumare, or God Almighty.
Over the past decades, Yemaya has become prominent in the Afro-American religions and other forms of African American diasporic spirituality which can be found in various countries of the Caribbean and Latin America as well as parts of the USA South. #amenankh #nodpl #mamawata #auset #americanafrican

Make an Offering to Mama Wata Before Time Runs Out!

Ma, Nu, Tefnut, Auset, Yemaya, Oshun are the many names for Mother Waters used in the Afrakan Diaspora. Over time, the Mami Wata has become blended in cultures and religions, influenced by Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Shrines and Altars glisten among the paintings and sculptures that depict her with her colors of blue and white, in the waters as a mermaid-like form, flowing hair or grasping a snake.
*Ma is one of the oldest names of the Most High source, creator. She is the Milk source or represented as the Cow in the Milky Way Galaxy. This Elemental power and presence of the universe is reflected in Ankh- The Womb of life, She has a special relationship with Ra the Sun, and her descendants are Mary, Marie, and Mason. She also lives as the name of:
*Nu the Eternal primordial waters and fountain of life. The Black Womb of Ma+N Is known as the vortex of the spirit that is transformed and transitioned into the empirical world.
*Tefnut is the primordial elemental power of moisture and atmosphere. She is depicted as the dew, firmament, steam, mist, fog or the clouds.
*Auset (later Isis) is representative of the primordial waters and mysteries of Ankh the womb of life, birth Breast milk and family. She is the Kandaki Mother, wife and co-regent of Ausar, her husband, and ruler of Amenta, heaven. After Auset's husband was murdered and destroyed by his jealous brother Set, Auset was able to conceive her sun Heru who would move to vanquish and restore the benevolent rule and kingdom of heaven in the world.
*Oshun is the mother of the fresh waters, She flows into the rivers, lakes, streams and ponds
*Yemaya, is known as one of the "Seven African Powers." Yemaya is an Orisha, originally from the traditional religious practices of the Yoruba people in Africa. Orishas are sometimes described as the emissaries of Olodumare, or God Almighty.
Over the past decades, Yemaya has become prominent in the Afro-American religions and other forms of African American diasporic spirituality which can be found in various countries of the Caribbean and Latin America as well as parts of the USA South.
  #amenankh #nodapl #mamawata #indigenous

Here and Now 

In this modern-day of oil fracking, The abomination of the Dakota Access pipeline, The open genocide in Flint Michigan with Mercury and Lead Pollution in water, The Gulf water pollution in the aftermath of Katrina in Louisiana, the death of the Great Lakes, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers, we are suffering from a core assault on our lives and the Ecological environment. We must be aware of the close ties that bind us to the life of this planet, and the continual assault of the environment. Our water is used not only for drinking, bathing, cooking, and cleaning.  Finding clean air, water and food are fundamental to our existence and survival as a species.  It is fundamentally important to have access to clean water, and learn how to preserve and filter clean your water, We must use Alkaline waters to raise the health of our bodies. Most Important, we must re-establish our relationship with Mother Water.

People seem to carry bottled water everywhere they go these days. In fact, it has become the second most popular drink (behind soft drinks). This is a disturbing statistic, since sugary soda, especially those containing high fructose corn syrup, is a huge dehydrating health hazard, that raises the risk of obesity, stroke, and other heart problems. However, these dangers can be avoided if people choose to just drink water- which doesn’t have negative side effects. So, let's put the sugary stuff to the side and make water the number one drink of choice. The benefits really are endless. The old suggestion to drink eight glasses a day is our best guideline.

There are plenty of reasons to drink water. In fact, drinking water (either plain or in the form of other fluids or foods) is an essential nutrient to your health. When your water intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated. Fluid losses are accentuated in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, in high altitudes, and in older adults, whose sense of thirst may not be as sharp.

"Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain communicates with your kidneys and tells it how much water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves," says Guest, who is also an adjunct professor of medicine at Stanford University.

When you're low on fluids, the brain triggers the body's thirst mechanism. And unless you are taking medications that make you thirsty, Guest says, you should listen to those cues and get yourself a drink of water, Coconut water, or Real Fresh natural juices -- anything but alcohol.
 Most people are suffering from levels of dehydration, most of the day, usually, a lot of the pains in our bodies are usually attributed to dehydration. The first thing a hospital will do for someone who has been admitted into a hospital is tagging them, then introduce a saline IV.


Getting enough water every day is important for your health. Healthy people meet their fluid needs by drinking before they get thirsty. Most of your fluid needs are met through the water and beverages you drink. However, you can get some fluids through the foods that you eat. For example, broth soups and foods with high water content such as Coconuts, Watermelon, Celery, or other melons can contribute to fluid intake.

Water helps your body:

  • Keep your temperature normal
  • Lubricate and cushion joints
  • Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements
  • Your body needs more water when you are:
  • In hot climates
  • More physically active
  • Running a fever
  • Having diarrhea or vomiting

If you think you are not getting enough water, these tips may help:

  • Carry a water bottle for easy access when you are at work or running errands.
  • Freeze some freezer-safe water bottles. Take one with you for cold water all day long.
  • Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. This can also help with weight management. Substituting water for one 20-ounce sugar-sweetened drink will save you about 240 calories. For example, during the school day students should have access to drinking water, giving them a healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages.
  • Choose water when eating out. Generally, you will save money and reduce calories.
  • Add a wedge of lime or lemon to your water. This can help Alkalinize and improve the taste to help you drink more water than you usually do

Many are trading pitchers of beer for glasses of water. Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution to drink more H2O to just plain Hot and thirsty, here are some convincing reasons to Drink Water Down
*Fluid balance

Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water. Drinking enough H2O maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and more. Drinking-Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

*Calorie control

Forget other diet tricks—drinking water could also help with weight loss. Numerous studies have found a connection between water consumption and losing a few pounds. The secret reason? Water simply helps people feel full, and as a result, consumes fewer calories.
Muscle fuel


At the gym, sweating causes muscles to lose water. And when the muscles don’t have enough water, they get tired . So for extra energy, try drinking water to push through that final set of squats.
Clearer skin

Certain toxins in the body can cause the skin to inflame, which results in clogged pores and acne . While science saying water makes the skin wrinkle-free is contradictory, water does flush out these toxins and can reduce the risk of pimples.

*Kidney function

Our kidneys process 200 quarts of blood daily, sifting out waste and transporting urine to the bladder. Yet, kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what we don’t need in the body. Let's drink to that!
Productivity boost

In order to really focus, a glass of water could help people concentrate and stay refreshed and alert.

*Fatigue buster

Move over coffee—water can help fight those tired eyes too . One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is tiredness. Just another reason to go for the big gulp! (Not the 7-11 kind.)
Hangover help

If alcohol has got the best of you, help a hangover with a glass of water to hydrate the body and stop that pounding headache.

*Pain prevention

A little water can really go a long way. Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated.
Keep things flowing


Nobody wants to deal with digestion issues. Luckily, drinking enough water adds fluids to the colon which helps make things move smoothly.

*Sickness fighter

Water may help with decongestion and dehydration, helping the body bounce back when feeling under the weather. Just beware—drinking fluids hasn’t been scientifically proven to beat colds in one swoop, so don’t swap this for a trip to the doctor or other cold remedies.

*Brain boost

A study in London found a link between students bringing water into an exam room and better grades, suggesting H2O promotes clearer thinking. While it’s unclear if drinking the water had anything to do with a better score, it doesn’t hurt to try it out!
Bottoms Up—Your Action Plan 

The amount of water that people need per day is up for debate, but studies suggest adults need nine to 16 cups of H2O. However, this number varies depending on activity level, age, and how much water people are consuming in coffee, tea, or water-rich veggies and fruit. Here’s how to keep yourself hydrated: Begin by drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up, and 30 minutes before eating any big meal. (This will help control appetite, too.) Get in the habit of keeping a water bottle on hand at all times. And if the taste beings to bore, spice up the taste buds with a squeeze of citrus to the glass! Before you know it, all the benefits of water will be right at your fingertips… and in your body.

At Amen Ankh Urban Farm, we grow and produce foods, fresh from our local farm, and growers.


Adenike's Arts Reduce Reuse Recycle

 We Invite your Support. 


The information on this blog has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality, Current Events, and Entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the American Medical Association and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific conditions. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Common And Powerful Healing Plants You Can Find In Your Back Garden

So many of us oppose Big Pharma, GMOs, and pesticides being sprayed on our food. Then the poisoning of our air, water, soil and Ecosystem of plant life should be vitally important. We can’t stand the pollution in our system, but we know we might not live without it if we got sick or severely injured. This is why preventative maintenance,  Raising our immune systems, and discovering the long-lost art of plant medicine is so important. In search of alternatives, we have to rediscover what our ancestors knew so well: that pretty much every tree, bush, flower and herb we see around us can be used to heal various illnesses. These medicines still grow all around us to this day, on every continent on the planet, and learning how to use them is our birthright. 

The growing interest in herbalism is a positive step in the right direction for humanity, after so many decades and years depending on an empire of consumerism. It’s amazing to realize just how many common plants you can use for a wide variety of diseases, from eczema and depression to flu and gallstones.

The following plants and herbs should ideally be gathered fresh from the countryside or garden, although they can be dried and stored for when needed. The best time to pick them is in the early morning (after dew has evaporated) in spring or summer. Leaves should be gathered while young, and their stalks trimmed off. Flowers should also be picked when young and freshly open, before they are visited by bees and other insects. Seeds should be left on the plant to ripen before being taken (a sign that seeds are ripe is the yellowing of leaves). Roots and barks should be gathered in early Spring or Fall. Don’t pick anything that is wilted, eaten by insects, faded, old or mottled. Finally (although not easy nowadays) you must bear in mind any man-made toxins on the plants. If you can gather them from a place that is sure to be pesticide-free, do it there.

Deciding which remedies to include, I chose those which are easy to find wherever you are. If you can’t find a specific plant where you live, consider buying the seeds online or check out your local health food or Chinese medicine shop for powders, ointments or oils. A note on measurements: the exact amount isn’t quite as important in plant medicine as it is in toxic pharmaceutical drugs, so ‘traditional’ ways of describing measurements (spoonfuls, cupfuls, handfuls etc) are sufficient in herbalism. Nature is gentle, so just use your common sense (and the internet if you have any doubts). 


Plantain, like dandelion, is a healthy, hardy weed as ubiquitous in the city as broken glass. You know what it looks like, but you might not have known the name.
Part of the confusion is that plantain shares its name with something utterly different, the banana-like plantain, whose etymology is a mix of Spanish and native Caribbean. The so-called weed plantain, or Plantago major, was cultivated by Native Americans. There is also the Plantain that European settlers pre-Columbus brought to the Americas.

Plantain has a nutritional profile similar to dandelion — that is, loaded with iron and other important vitamins and minerals. The leaves are tastiest when small and tender, usually in the spring but whenever new shoots appear after being cut back by a lawnmower. Bigger leaves are edible but bitter and fibrous.

The shoots of the broadleaf plantain, when green and tender and no longer than about four inches, can be described as a poor-man's fiddlehead, with a nutty, asparagus-like taste. Pan-fry in olive oil for just a few seconds to bring out this taste. The longer, browner shoots are also tasty prepared the same way, but the inner stem is too fibrous. You'll need to place the shoot in your mouth, clench with your teeth, and quickly pull out the stem. What you're eating are the plantain seeds.

The leaves of the equally ubiquitous narrow-leaf plantain, or Plantago lanceolata, also are edible when young. The shoot is "edible" only with quotation marks. You can eat the seeds should you have the patience to collect hundreds of plants for the handful of seeds you'd harvest. With time being money, it's likely not worth it.




(Arctium Lappa/Arctium Minus. England, Europe, some parts of northern USA)

Usually thought to be little more than a persistent weed, Burdock is revered in herbal medicine. This spiky purple plant protects against cancer and detoxifies the body. The root, herb and seeds can be used (usually as an infusion) to aid digestion and settle the stomach, and it is a great blood purifier. The root specifically heals scurvy, boils and rheumatism. Bruises, swellings and ulcers can also be cured with burdock poultices, as well as eczema, acne, scoriosis, and other dry or flaky skin problems. This amazing plant is also an effective treatment for gout, diabetes, cystitis, loss of appetite, and when used along with dandelion root it gives the liver an extra boost.


(Taraxacum officinale. Temperate parts of Northern hemisphere)

Another plant that most presume to be just another annoying weed, dandelions are full of healing properties, from roots to flowers. Their leaves and stems are filled with a creamy white juice, which acts as a magic medicine for a whole range of problems. Dandelion cleanses the blood by neutralizing the acids and is an excellent diuretic and kidney tonic. It is a powerful remedy for all kinds of liver disorders (especially jaundice), and the root has been known to cure gallstones, gout, rheumatism and dyspepsia. To aid these illnesses, you need to roast the roots (best collected at the end of the year) in the oven at a low temperature for several hours (until you can smell a nice aroma). You then crush them into a powder to drink with hot water, known as ‘Dandelion coffee’. Real coffee can be added to taste. Dandelion is also an effective treatment for bee stings, warts and blisters (simply apply juice until healed), and can even be taken to fight diabetes and obesity. Just six leaves eaten raw daily will make a huge difference, or an infusion if you prefer.

Dandelion is one of the healthiest and most versatile vegetables on the planet. The entire plant is edible. The leaves are like vitamin pills, containing generous amounts of vitamins A, C and K — far more than those garden tomatoes, in fact — along with calcium, iron, manganese, and potassium.

The leaves are most tender, and tastiest, when they are young. This happens in the spring but also all summer along as the plant tries to rebound after being cut or pulled. You can add them to soup in great abundance. Or you can prepare them Italian style by sautéing with a little olive oil, salt, garlic and some hot red pepper.

You can eat the bright, open flower heads in a lightly fried batter. You can also make a simple wine with the flowers by fermenting them with raisins and yeast. If you are slightly adventurous, you can roast the dandelion root, grind it, and brew it like coffee. It's an acquired taste. You might want to have some sugar on hand.

Dandelion Greens

The yellow-topped flower is happily shunned and sprayed, but did you know it is one of the most healing herbs for the liver and kidneys? Dandelion (the flower and greens) is a diuretic, contains potassium, alleviates arthritis and intestinal disorders, and is even thought to regulate blood sugar levels. Used topically, it also has use to treat skin disorders such as Eczema.


(Sambucus Nigra. Europe, Britain, some parts of Northern America)
Elder is a hedgerow shrub that is sacred to many, and has such a potent healing properties it’s been known to cure blindness (by repairing nerve damage, for example during a bomb blast). Every part of the bush can be used for many purposes, from bark to roots. Elder encourages perspiration and eliminates toxins, The root can be washed and soaked to treat all lymphatic ailments. The bark is a strong purgative and can be made into a tincture (more information here) to relieve asthma and croup. For epilepsy, elder bark can be dried and powdered (remove from the inner side, powdered and drunk with wine either daily to reduce fits, or every quarter hour when a fit is imminent). The leaves are full of medicinal properties and can be made into green elder ointment to treat bruises, sprains, itches, ringworm, haemorrhoids, and skin conditions. They can be used as an infusion. Elderflowers can be distilled or dried, the water used to treat eye problems. As an infusion, elderflowers are a gentle laxative. The tea can also be used to treat coughs, colds and flu, and it purifies the blood. Making a poultice from the flowers is an effective treatment for wounds, scalds and burns, and also cures chapped skin and chilblains. Elder has a reputation for being a fantastic aid to beautiful and healthy skin and hair.

Golden Seal

(Hydrastis Canadensis. Eastern USA, Canada)

This bitter herb increases circulation to the uterus and has been used for centuries to ease labor pains and heavy periods (but don’t use for prolonged periods if you are pregnant, and avoid if you have diabetes, glaucoma or heart disease). Golden Seal acts as an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory to also treat indigestion, constipation and help to regulate periods. It stops colds and sore throats if taken when the first signs appear, and it can cure bronchitis, sore sinuses and respiratory conditions. An all-round wonder ‘drug’, Golden Seal can be taken dried and powdered, as a tincture or an infusion, to strengthen the immune and digestive systems for a whole range of ailments. Native Americans used it as a dye for their clothing, and as a remedy for bad digestion and sore eyes. The root of Golden Seal eases constipation, sickness and vomiting.



(Foeniculum vulgare. India, Middle East and Europe)

Fennel water is used as an ingredient in common tonics to settle babies’ stomachs and relieve colic. The leaves, hearts, roots and seeds are all beneficial, used as distilled water or an essential oil, made from crushed leaves. Fennel is an anti-depressant and also boosts the flow of milk in breastfeeding mothers. It can aid a wide range of ailments: arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, wind, anxiety and melancholy, cellulite, nausea, indigestion, cramps, urinary tract infections, gum disease, and detoxification of the body. Fennel is believed to give long life when taken regularly (fennel tea bags are easy to find).


*The information on this Blogsite has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle. 

Please visit our website when you get the chance. We have an Apothecary of Heirloom, Non-GMO Seed Packs, Dried Herbs for teas, Tinctures, Liniments, 

You can also Call Us 7 days a week, and up to 7:00 pm each night, at 816-281-7704 if you would like to Order by Phone.

If you LIKE US on our Facebook page, you will be on our list for more great Articles, new Heirloom Seeds and seedling Offers, and healthy Juice Recipes Amen Ankh Urban Farm | Facebook

Dua U Hetepu Thank you, and Peace be Unto You and Your Family.

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you enjoy our presentations. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. 

Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. Our Mission We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Ma'afia a "Healthy Place to Live" 

Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 
Contact: or 

 Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life) and Amen Ankh Academy; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry and an Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Minister and Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra and become a member of our Gnome Maafia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or , to sign-up for courses and support: , Look for us on Twitter & LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of Afrikan and Native American Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool network and Afterschool STE-A-M (science technology, Engineering Industrial and Vocational Arts, Mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group.We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies and Outreach to observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gift Boxes, and Accessories 

We provide whole Life Coaching For Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship, Ancient Cultural Wedding Ceremonies- Destiny Naming Ceremony and Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, Par Ankh Reading Room, Herbal Teas & Juice bar, Nature walks and Outdoor camping Experiences, classes such as Spiritual Jewelry making, Sewing and other hand crafts, Henna Healing designs, of Head wrapping arts, Making Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. Also Envisioning, Dream Catchers, Vision Boards, Art Healing Mandalas, Spiritual Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life.Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot” Sasteh Meter Mosley. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra Please like our facebook pages: , , , Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

ANKH Auset Queen Mother's Day

ANKH Auset Queen Mother's SUN-Day

Hetepu (peace be unto you) and welcome to Amen Ankh Communications social
network. Amen Ankh means "sacred life" -We communicate and breathe life into our world.

I am your hostess Queen Ma Nuta "Moses" aka Adenike Amen-Ra.

We are returning to our roots to celebrate ANKH and Auset,
the Queen Mother.
We will learn the true meaning of Mother's Day. 
Let us Celebrate ANKH! And the true Indigo KRST AUSET as
Queen Mother Goddess and womb of mankind! Auset is Ma+Re (Mary) and Ma-Sun, the first woman
to immaculately conceive a Sun named KRST Heru!

Let us also share condolences to All of our grieving Queen
Mothers who have lost their Suns and Daughters in sacrifice, crucifixion,
lynching and global war on our KRST Herus and KRST Ausets!

To all of the Indigo Melanin Mothers who have lost their Suns
from Maafa: the Global Invasion  to Colonialism; from the Civil Rights death march into a "burning" house of shrouded promises of integration and assimilation to CoIntelPro; from
Gang violence to the School to Prison Pipline; from Civil Injustice, Police
Brutality, and terrorism to Corporatokrazy invasion; and from Imperialism and tyranny to Global War...


Guest Call in show Sundays at 5pm-cst (347)989-8509

  Amen Ankh Enterprises LLC is a local Society of Growers and producers who have established Amen Ankh Urban Farm; nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life),  and an Education Center Amen Ankh Academy; in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Founder, Minister and Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra and become a member of our Gnome Maafia (a healthy place to live)- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or , Call: (816) 281-7704 to sign-up for courses and support: Donations are welcomed and appreciated: Paypal:, information: , , Look for us on Twitter and LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of AKaBalon and Native American Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool network and Afterschool STEAM (science technology, mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group.We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies and Outreach to observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gift Boxes, and Accessories We provide an Online Radio Call-in show for Outreach ministry: Amen Communications Dial-in : (347)989-8509 We provide whole Life Coaching For Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship, Ancient Cultural Wedding Ceremonies- Destiny Naming Ceremony and Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings and Classes.

Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot”. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta "Moses" Amen-Ra, Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Please like our facebook pages: