Showing posts with label Trayvon Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trayvon Martin. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Michael Brown Ritual Sacrifice of KRST Heru

Heru Michael Brown and The Ritual Sacrifice of Indigo KRST-  Heru and the Ka

I would like to share my sincere, highest humble honor for, and deepest condolences and respect to the Family of Michael Brown, during their time of grief and tremendous loss of our young man. Michael Brown was just 17 years old!

I have been pondering the energy and sickness of Isfit. (chaos, destruction, malevolence, mayhem) The searing human outrage of the lynching, public execution, and open murder of Michael Brown, a young Highschool Football Player, and 17-year-old Indigo prince, walking down the street with his friend, innocent of any criminal charges, and without a weapon. This is an open display of injustice that perpetuates mistrust of U.S. authority figures by our American Afrikan youth. 

I have thought about the report from the forensic team, who stated that Michael Brown could have survived every other gunshot by the police officer, except the ones to his head- through his right eye and then the shot in the top of his head! 

Why wasn't Michael Brown simply arrested and charged with a crime by the officer?!

This was a ritual sacrifice to destroy the KRST ascension and energy in this Melanin Indigo Male KRST child and to diminish the spirit of our community of Americans of Afrikan Decent. KRST stands for *Ka- Immortal Eternal Soul, Life Force *Ra- Sun, Creation, Enlightenment, Illuminator *Sa- Protector, Guardian, Bes *Ta- Land, Kingdom. (See previous essays) and

The male who murdered this young man, showed cowardice, incompetence, while openly abusing, status and power, misrepresenting his position of a Police officer, and misused his weapon, while on duty, to publicly execute this Sun KRST. The murdering police office appeared to be under the influence of drugs or narcotics. The police agency response was complicit, as they waited for almost 2 hours, to respond and bring Emergency support or even release and examine the murderer, posed as police, for substance abuse, while Michael Brown's body was left exposed for the world to witness. Michael Brown's mother was not even permitted to touch her sun, attempt to revive him or express her grief, and was threatened with guns and arrest.

In the earlier history of colonizing the United States, it is customary for captors and oppressors to publicly display the people who they have tortured and punished, to the remainder of those who were captured or incarcerated. These remaining people were forced to openly witness the execution of anyone who was defiant, rebellious, or a runaway, to make an example of them as a warning, and to break the spirit of anyone else who would want to defy authority. A lynched victim would often be left to hang and rot for days and weeks.

These civil servants no longer seem to represent what their uniforms are supposed to portray as the roles of peace officers who exhibit helpfulness, rescue, friendliness, trust, or to protect and serve- for African Americans. Instead, they abuse their office to control, degrade, bully, insult, brutalize, assault, provoke, harass, rape, plant weapons and drugs, then trump up charges to siphon money from our people, and finally, to detain, murder and incarcerate our people into their corporate privatized neo-slave system and now to overtly murder children.

How can this police officer be suspended and terminated because of racist tactics from one police station, only to go to another town and be immediately hired to continue the same racist conduct un-checked? A national investigation is needed on how many Police officers serve dual loyalties, not only to their "Fraternal Order of Police" but also to the KKKlan, Neo-Nazi cells, and other terrorist organizations! Police are killing our Black males all over the United States with impunity now- This has become a national trend!

An investigation is needed, not only into corrupt officers, but also Judges, Lawyers, Forensic experts, Paramedics, Nurses, Firemen, Insurance Brokers, Bankers, and Teachers, etc., who use their professional positions to act out racist objectives. When Background checks, employment screenings, hiring policies, and social references fail to find correlations to hate/terrorist organizations and the applicant's ties to other officials and professionals who serve in our governmental structures- Federal, State, County, and City divisions, Then this is a great blind spot that needs to be addressed. When officials work in the day, then show up to meetings for hate cells to act on their agendas in the evenings and weekends.... These killings smell like an initiation for "Hate group Preppers, Militias and Armageddon fanatic extremism.  Included in their agenda are private corporations who are funding members- to openly kill/ lynch our black men- and then fund their release with impunity...

IMHO The US Inc. turned around and sold "We the People" back to the British Vatican "Empire of the States"... We are still living in a neo-Greco-Roman Empire- Corporatakrazy- fueled by the school to prison pipeline for the military-industrial complex... While the neo "Tea Party" is toting their guns to secede from the union and incite a race war with police cooperation -acting out a directive of Armageddon from their Militia Sleeper Cells who have learned their military tactics through USAF Military service- all the way back to World War I...
The 13th Amendment is a farce! Under this U.S. Maritime Pirate system, all People of African descent, are considered criminal suspects, and subject to mass incarceration or justifiable homicide in the line of duty of police!
There seems to be a civil war going on against Black Americans nationwide. These officers show their presence in our residential neighborhood areas like invaders, to stalk, apprehend and arrest people with trumped-up warrants, to write tickets and citations under a quota system. They complacently witness domestic disputes, then only work to protect and secure city buildings, businesses, and rental properties- For a police officer to act as judge, jury, and executioner -to our Black men, women, and children, in the street, then hide behind city statutes is unacceptable!

You hear public officials divert this issue to Black on Black crime. When you see black on black assault and murder, it is only symptomatic modeling of the ongoing assault of our Youth, by authority figures. Most of these assaults are based in the war on drugs, or shall i say the invasion of alcohol, drugs, and sexual misconduct on targeted neighborhoods. These victims are only following the examples of exploitation and the abuse of power and authority when they choose to assault each other. From the metal detectors in our youth's schools and civil locations, with aggressive security officers in the Public schools, to the urban streets and neighborhoods, our young people of color are under siege. Our Young people are accosted at shopping Malls, stores, Movie Theaters, Parks, etc. as delinquents and potential suspects.

"FERGUSON, Mo. Michael Brown, the unarmed Black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said."

Mr. Brown, 17, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.

His Family’s Attorney stated:

“The sheer number of bullets and the way they were scattered all over his body showed this police officer had a brazen disregard for the very people he was supposed to protect in that community,” Mr. Crump said. “We want to make sure people understand what this case is about: This case is about a police officer executing a young unarmed man in broad daylight.”

The private Forensic investigator stated:

"One of the bullets shattered Mr. Brown’s right eye, traveled through his face, exited his jaw and re-entered his collarbone. The last two shots in the head would have stopped him in his tracks and were likely the last fired."

"Mr. Brown", he said, "would not have survived the last two shoots even if he had been taken to a hospital right away. The autopsy indicated that he was otherwise healthy."

This brings me to reflect on the story from the Aku (Ancients) and the metaphysics behind this execution.

This policeman's fatal shots destroyed both the pituitary and the pineal Chakras areas to not only end the life of Mike Brown, but to extinguish his spiritual nature and portal connection to the Creator and Heaven. The shots to his right arm while it was raised also shunted the sending and connecting energy of this man's life. In effect, this youth was not able to ascend. his soul is condemned to wander the earth as a soul slave.

Eye of Heru

Often called the all-seeing eye, this ancient symbol has been found today, in the media and communications, from the US one-dollar bill, to digital and cable network television logos. Its origin and meaning is a mystery for a great number of people who come across this symbol in their daily lives. Some like to believe that it has hidden symbols and clues associated with the Illuminati. Not every picture or image of an eye has to do with some sort of conspiracy. This Eye is an ancient symbol that goes back to many ancient societies and was manifested in KMT- known as Ka-Ma-Ta (Kingdom of the Source of Life and the Enlightened, Eternal Soul) Aka- Khamet or Kemet. The Eye of Heru or The Eye of Ra symbol represents Understanding, Wisdom, Knowledge, Restoration, Salvation, Light, Illumination, Enlightenment, Sight, Vision, Looking, Observation, Viewing or Beauty.

Heru(Horus) was the ancient sun of Auset(Isis). Auset was the first to immaculately conceived her Sun during the sorrow of the death and desecration of her husband Ausar(Osiris) who was killed and divided into 14 pieces by his jealous brother Set. Heru’s eyes were said to be associated with the sun and the moon, right and left eye respectively. Heru soon became strongly associated with the rebirth of the sun (and the elemental powers of the sun known as Ra (as Ra-Hru-khty who is “Heru of the two horizons,") while his Mother Auset(Isis) or Djehuti, Tehuti(Thoth) was associated with the moon. An ancient myth describes a battle between Heru and Set in which Heru´s right eye was torn out and Set lost his testicles! Heru’s Mother Auset, with the help of Djehuti, magically restored Heru´s eye, at which point it was given the name "Wadjet" ("whole" or "healthy"). In this myth it is specifically stated that it is Heru´s Right eye that had been torn out, so the myth relates to the 28 day waxing and waning of the moon, during which the moon appears to have been torn out of the sky before being restored once every lunar month. The sunset each night, marks the battle between Set and Heru, with Heru as victor to permit the rebirth of the Sunrise every Morning.

The first fatal shot that Michael Brown received, was fired into the right eye. This destroyed not only his eye but his pituitary and pineal glands in his Third Eye 6th Chakra region. the second Shot destroyed his crown chakra region, down into his Pineal gland.

The Wadjet (or Ujat, meaning "Whole One") is a powerful symbol of protection in ancient Egypt also known as the "Eye of Heru" and the "all seeing eye". The symbol was frequently used in jewelry made of gold, silver, lapis lazuli, turquoise, onyx, wood, porcelain, and carnelian, to ensure the safety and health of the bearer and provide wisdom and prosperity. However, it was also known as the "Eye of Ra", a powerful force linked with the Light and fierce heat of the sun, which was described as the "Daughter of Ra". The "eye" was personified as his mother Auset and the goddess Wadjet and associated with a number of other gods and goddesses (notably Auset (Mother of Heru), Het Heru, Hathor, Bast, Sekhmet, Tefnut, Nekhbet and Mut).

The restored eye became an emblem of Ma’at in the re-establishment of order from isfit (chaos,) thus closely associating it with the concepts of Ma´at-Balance, order and reciprocity.

In one myth Heru made a gift of the eye to Ausar to help him rule the netherworld. Ausar ate the eye and was restored to life. As a result, it became a symbol of life and resurrection. Offerings of food and liquids are sometimes called "Eye of Heru" because it was thought that the goods offered were revitalizing and the receiver became divine when presented.

Wadjet fractions

The Eye of Heru was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet. It was also used as a notation of measurement, particularly for measuring the ingredients in medicines and pigments. The symbol was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Heru´s eye into six pieces. Each piece was associated with one of the six senses and a specific fraction. 

More complex fractions were created by adding the symbols together. It is interesting to note that if the pieces are added together the total is 63/64 not 1. Some suggest that the remaining 1/64 represents the placeholder of 0 to represent Amen the void and primordial beginning, Some see it as the Soul that is balanced against the feather for its purity, or the magic used by Auset and Tehuti to restore the eye, while others consider that the missing piece represented the missing phallus of Ausar, which prompted the immaculate conception of Heru by Auset. Others consider the fact that perfection was not possible. However, it is equally likely that they appreciated the simplicity of the system which allowed them to deal with common fractions quickly, after all they already had a symbol for the number "1" and they had other numerical notations available when they needed to use smaller fractions.

According to later traditions, the right eye also represented a solar eclipse in which the sun is momentarily blotted from the sky.

This symbolism is also reflected on the Chakra zones and energy vortexes of the body that are connected to endocrine glandular systems and the Third eye and Crown Chakra zones

Chakra is a Sanskrit word and it means "Wheel" or "Vortex" because that is what it looks like when it is observed in our spiritual nature. Each Chakra is like a solid ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body, in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body. The Chakras are not physical; they are the aspects of consciousness in the same way that the Auras are aspects of consciousness. Chakras are Energy Centers that have governance over particular areas of your body Chakras interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the nervous system. Each Chakra can be associated with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that Plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that Chakra.

The Crown Chakra 

Located at the top of the head, The Pineal gland pulsates and radiates its energy to connect with the creator and heaven. The Crown represents spiritual awakening and connection to Divine intelligence, the Ancestors and the cosmos.

The right side of the body is the sending energy. And the left side is receiving. The head has 2 chakra centers of the Pituitary and Pineal Glands, aligning with the Third Eye region and the Crown. The Pituitary Third Eye Zone, represents trust and Intuition, while the Pineal Crown connects to divine wisdom. It was these 2 energy centers that were completely destroyed in Michael Brown before he was able to ascend!

The Raised Hands of Ka

Michael Brown was assaulted on his right arm after following the orders to get into a submissive posture, on his knees with his hands up.

This is the posture of the KA. The Ka is one of the most powerful ancient signs of praise and nurturing. The right palm holds the sending energy, while the left palm receives energy.

The word, Ka, was expressed by a hieroglyph depicting two upraised arms, which was usually the symbol of an embrace, the protection of a man by his Ka, or a sign of praise, although other interpretations are possible.

The Ka hieroglyph appears on offering tables in place of representations of actual offerings, it represents a basic sense of life-power, the sign may appear in position with the ankh or other signs.

Frequently the symbol is seen as the "soul" or "spirit." So the Ka represented Eternal life. During very ancient times, the Ka may have indicated male potency, and in all periods it is used as a term for the creative and sustaining power of life.

Importantly, the physical Ka needed continuing nourishment in order to survive, and offerings of food and drink were made to it. Eventually, the offerings themselves were regarded as being imbued with the Ka's life-power and the plural Ka- u was used to mean "food offerings"

A distinction must be made between the internal and external Ka, as well as between the royal and the human Ka.

The idea that there was something securing the physical and mental activities of man arose in KMT and elsewhere during prehistory. The Ka (or internal Ka) was believed to be one of those entities. Many ancient words, such as "think about" and "thought" have the same basic root as the word for Ka, as do other words such as "magic" and "enchant", reflecting the supernatural essence of the Ka. There was also a reproductive role of the Ka. It is another part of what the ancients considered to be a part of mankind's existence, the Ba, which was usually related to the mind. Thus, in the literary work, "Dispute of a Man with his Ba", confusion of thought is described as a dialogue with the Ba. The Ka was also considered to be involved in the thought process.

The Ka could also refer to destiny or providence. The Ka designated individual human traits such as character, nature, temperament or disposition. And since one's character has so much to do with one's life.

The Ka is a universal symbol for vital force.

The ka was primarily associated with the placenta, considered the twin of a man, and was born with them. Scenes of the king's birth depicted as Khnum forming the royal baby and his ka on a potter's wheel. At the same time, to "go to one's ka" meant to die, even though the ka continued to live on after the body itself died, and was then supreme. In fact, priests who served in the funerary cult were called hemu-ka or "Ka servants".

Within Old Kingdom pyramid temples, New Kingdom royal tombs and the temples dedicated to the gods, there are many representations of the Ka accompanying the king, either as a personified Ka sign or even in human form with the Ka sign on its head. The royal Ka is related to Heru’s name describing the presence of god in the king. This shows the dual nature of the king, which combines divine and mortal components. His divinity is realized through the Ka. The relationship between the royal Ka and Heru is apparent. Unlike the royal Ka, the human Ka was never represented as a separate figure, because any representation itself is the ka.

The Eye of Ra

Ra (who was considered the Nsbity, of the Great Temple of KMT) had become an old and weak figure. The people no longer respected him or his rule. The people broke the laws and made jokes at his expense. He did not react well to this and decided to punish mankind by sending an aspect of his daughter, the Eye of Ra. He plucked her from the Ureas (royal serpent) on his brow, and sent her to earth in the form of a lion. She waged war on humanity slaughtering thousands until the fields were awash with human blood. When Ra saw the extent of the devastation he relented and called his daughter back to his side, fearing that she would kill everyone. However, she was in a blood lust and ignored his pleas. So he arranged for 7,000 jugs of beer and pomegranate juice (which stained the beer blood red) to be poured all over the fields around her. She gorged on what she thought was "blood" and became so drunk that she slept for three days and awoke with a terrible hangover. Thus mankind was saved from her terrible vengeance. Sa- Represents the Protector of the Ka, and Ta- Represents the divine place of existence. Together the KRST- OR Ka Ra Sa Ta is the divine existence of our Indigo Children on this planet.

Our President Barack Obama has received unprecedented defiance, resistance, and defamation, along with his wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. President Obama has two beautiful daughters, who have grown into brilliant young ladies. They represent our future and like millions of other youth, must bare the burden of the fate of this country.

Ancient African civilization is judged by the way the Children, Women, and Elders are treated.

Queenma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

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We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in: Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling, Contact: or Phone: 816-281-7704

The information on this website has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events, and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Trayvon Martin's Death Marks the End of a Post Racial Society Delusion

Giving Honor and deepest sympathy to the Martin Family. 

I would like to share my sincere, highest, humble condolences and respect to the Family of Trayvon Martin, during their time of grief and tremendous loss of our young man.

I AM TRAYVON’s FAMILY! I am his aunt, his cousins, his sister, his teacher, his grandmother, and I live in HIS world!… I feel his Absence on the planet. I am so disappointed. My Brother, Nephew, Uncle, Father, Grandfather, and son has been lynched by the “In-Just-Us” of this society, far too long. My outrage and distrust in the Police, US civic, and legal system isn't just about this out of contol security watch "z" anymore, it is about our own self-determination in controlling an oppressive power structure- that systematically emasculates and dehumanizes our men and censors and manipulates the mass media. "z" was only their attack dog for the status quo of Racism/White Supremacy, with the polarizing exile of the gentrification of undercover Redlining in residential Real Estate and, commercial businesses. So z only served the interests of that status quo. He was the watchdog for white supremacy, yet he refused to follow orders and stand down. But, white supremacy came all out to reward him with a pat on the head in the aftermath. 

For our young men to be on an unspoken curfew- and invisible redline, where they cannot go out at night and walk freely down the street. That he chose to buy the toxic waste of GMO high fructose corn syrup-based Candy and Tea is a sad and fatal irony. Black people work at alien jobs, buy from alien stores, eat their junk foods, rent from them- and get shot for living in their neighborhoods; instead of organizing to create and own OUR world. Trayvon was profiled by someone who has inserted the alien oppressive stereotypes of this society into his consciousness. Mexicans and other Hispanic/Latina -latin speaking people have often leaped in and out of the WASP Privileged society structure for their own survival. All they have to do is deny their culture and speak English. We call this "Passing.

 “z” considers himself to be a part of this “WASP” (White Arrogant Society of the Privileged.) This brainwashed attack dog is now celebrated and financially supported by these same WASP gated communities and political organizations!

Trayvon still matters today. The legacy of this young man’s life and his traumatic destruction and miscarriage of justice, reverberates, echoes and metastasizes as a symbol in so many matters of day to day prejudices, bigotry, stereotypes, sentiments, attitudes and actions toward our Black youth in the U.S.

Currently, in Kansas City, our youth are being racially profiled, corralled and blocked out of specific public access areas in Kansas City. They have shut our youth out of Swope Park, The Country Club Plaza,(J.C Nichols Plaza) Westport, the 39th street shopping area,  The Power and Light District and North town.

Here in KC we have the Country Club Plaza - The first Gated Community built by JC Nichols, father of "white flight," from Integration, and the Power and "Light- white- Reich" districts for example, that are heralded as elite commercial and tourism attractions.

The Power and Light District is presently a commercial business organization that has put in place watchdog security strategies that have stereotyped our Afrikan American males in particular and instituted their dress codes that attack the cultural attire of Afrikan Americans. They have also attacked Afrikan American business owners and discouraged patronage by sending city officials to nitpick and pass out city code citations, while the police, harass the patrons in the parking lots and on their way home. To address this blatant discrimination, our young people staged a “White Tee-Shirt” Protest in 2008…

Very little was changed. Even Afrikan American community leaders, dressed in full traditional Afrikan Attire, have been thrown out of businesses in this district.

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EMWOT Griot Gathering is now available as a classic CD or DVD film! - to place your order,  PayPal:, Contact: Nuta Beqsu at 816-281-7704 

The JC Nichols Country Club Plaza - Was the first Gated Community built by for "white flight" from Integration. There was a time when Blacks were not allowed to live passed 24th street, and The Plaza was a segregated area where only Black menial workers and maids were allowed to enter. They also had "Sundown Laws" in place after 6pm. Presently this area has the only local movie theater in the midtown metro area. This has created an uproar and complaints against Black youth who are seen around the fountains and high price tagged shops. KC Black parents are not organized to chaperon and self-police our youth from their own neighborhoods or sufficiently provide mentorship and assistance for struggling single parents,  or carpool and provide transportation for the youth to go in public areas. Black people are expressing so much self-hatred toward our youth, and yet, we are ignoring the fact that we are all steadily being harassed, detained, picked off and quarantined by the police, targeting mostly the blighted zip code areas where many Black elderly, disabled, lower-income single parents and those on fixed incomes are concentrated.

Trayvon still matters today. The legacy of this young man’s life and his traumatic destruction and miscarriage of justice, reverberates, echoes and metastasizes as a symbol in so many matters of day to day prejudices, bigotry, stereotypes, sentiments, attitudes and actions toward our Black youth here in Kansas City. Currently, our youth are being racially profiled, corralled and blocked out of public access areas in Kansas City. KC Black parents are not organized to self-police our own neighborhoods and sufficiently provide mentorship, assistance for struggling single parents, chaperones or transportation for the youth in public areas. Black people are steadily being harassed, detained, picked off and quarantined by the police, targeting mostly the blighted zip codes where many Black elderly, disabled, lower income single parents and those on fixed incomes are concentrated. Even though the Civil rights movement ended Legal Jim Crow Laws that included Redlining, where anyone can live in any community, with any Ethnicity, or skin color,. Yet, Afrikan Americans are still being racially profiled and pulled over in their vehicals, and harassed by cops, when they drive through "certain" neighborhoods...

Afrikan Americans are still being treated as 3/5ths human after the United States established themselves for more that 200 years in this country. In effect, our youth are being systematically captured, fingerprinted, photographed, and branded as juvenile delinquents to be treated as "Catch-and-Release" refugees in their own residential neighborhoods. This seems like our youth are pre-sentenced for the prison industrial complex. The paradox of federal penitentiaries is that the tax dollars are now given to the rural areas for each prisoner, where the majority of these prisons are built- in many cases ON THE SAME LAND THAT WAS ONCE USED AS SLAVE PLANTATIONS! So even more money is siphoned out of the Black economy and neighborhoods.

Kansas City built a brand new police campus and Black people insisted on naming it after Leon Jourdan. This monstrosity includes a forensic lab (as if there is an anticipation of more police killings, murder and crime.) Prior to this multi-million dollar building project, many of the Black Homeowners (often elderly and on fixed incomes) were forced out of their properties, without even a fair market replacement value, which prevented them from restoring their lives and being able to move into another home that was comparable to their existing way of life.  So even more money is siphoned out of the Black economy and neighborhoods. Jeon Jordon had a history of establishing an independant police force- IN LIBERIA! He encouraged self sufficiancy in Afrikan Americans, not assemilation and codependancy to a hostile oppressive society.  Our people are still being treated like captured war refugees in their own country. The confederate and Nazi flags are still waving over this country.

Now on the south side of Kansas City, they are building a new nuclear weapons plant facility for the military-industrial complex, while tearing down the old, Honeywell/Bendix nuclear weapons plant- to create one great Brownfield area. In the heart of the midtown area, the city builds a brand new police campus that includes a forensic lab (as if there is an anticipation of more death by murder and crime.) Prior to this multi-million dollar building project, many of the Black Homeowners (often elderly and on fixed incomes) were forced out of their properties, without even a fair market replacement value, which prevented them from restoring their lives and being able to move into another home that was comparable to their existing way of life. The Public Education system formulated an attack against the homegrown Afrikan Centered School to replace it with a doppelganger Afro-themed construct.

What I find most disturbing is the apathy! In any other community, If we found 2 youth per week, murdered, or missing, there would be an international moratorium until there is an end to this tragedy! Yet this IS happening, all over the world, to Melanite people. Black families, overwhelmingly are not involved in the foster parents provider system. The majority of their children who are left orphaned by their imprisoned fathers and mothers, are also left vulnerable, so that the cycle perpetually continues to exspose Black children to a "Kill the Afrikan- save the child for indoctrination to serve white supremacy,... To compound this, Afrikan Americans are dying MORE from stress, and contaminated food related ilnesses to mitigate what I call the hand of death and disease, Stroke, Heart Attack, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Cancers!

It is so typical to hear House Negropeans attempt to rationalize a “post racial society” when it is nonexistent. I speak of arrogant classism and privilege in the oppression of man’s inhumanity against man and in opposition to our struggle for human rights in which African American leaders were slaughtered, lynched and detoured from the successful achievement of economic acquisition by Cointelpro. If you would only research the profound disparities in relationship to police and civil brutality and murder of African American Men, and the prison industrial complex, You would know that the odds are stacked against our people.

YES I AM ANGRY -I am outraged, and very hurt. I have righteous indignation about the continual and systematic injustices toward Afrikan American Men, and those who seek to rationalize and justify the wholesale lynching, murder, disenfranchisement and neo-slavery of our men from the third grade- to special education and the penitentiary. This is a cycle of violence and terrorism that our young men are daily introduced to. I had a Father and Mother in my household, with Brothers, Uncles, Sons, Students, and Grandsons that need more than just their fathers and mothers together in the household, a basketball hoop and an integrated “Kum-ba-ya”. They need to know how to live, survive and maneuver in a world of apathy, callused bigots, institutionalized psychopathic racism, invisible redlining and a treacherous civil and legal system!

So where is the "Brown- People of Color Brotherhood"? Black people are alway inclusive of "POC" but I rarely- hardly hear People of Color Speak on behalf of the interest of Black people. Mexicans and Latina act like they despise us, unless they are sexualizing or exploiting Black Women. We spend Billions, while they shoot to kill us over petty crimes.  Asians, Arabs, Islamic, and Hispanic businesse owners invade our neighborhoods that Black elders, and often children patronize because they lack the transportation and resoutces to find consistant Black businesses, yet they shoot-to-kill black people for panhandeling, or even petty theft of fake eye lashes. 

Trayvon Martin also had his father and mother living together in his household- So, he didn't fit the "Single Mother household" Stereotype. Trayvon went out on the night before his murder, at the request of his little brother, and was never able to make it back home to his family or his little brother- to be a role model and a big brother to him! Yet even though Trayvon was innocent of any crime, he was caught up in the system and a world of prejudice and stereotypes and at the mercy of a no-win system of heartless, opportunist and vigilantes Dressed in blue, that have targeted our young men for genocide and menticide.   Travon was NOT a Native son, yet, he was brought into the turmoil in the United States, festered globally, of racism, white supremacy...-

YES! We have the same rights to our own Kujichagulia (Self-determination) -in building our own self- sustainable economic communities, just as Latinos, Mormons, Jewish, Native Americans, Chinese, Mennonites, Islamic, Italian, Japanese, Koreans, Buddhist, Taiwanese, and other communities have. WE NEED OUR OWN small businesses, land, resources, energy, militias, and police and private security! We DON’T NEED TO LIVE AS SECOND CLASS CITIZENS IN A society that still views Afrikan Americans as a “sub-class.”

I AM TRAYVON’s FAMILY. I am his mother, his aunt, his cousins, his sister, his teacher, his grandmother, and I live in HIS world… I have a right to grieve the loss of my son without the typical middle-class conservative worldview sentiments and opinions.  I hear the hateful gloating of the same old callus, insensitive and offensive, Archie Bunker's bigoted mentality. It is apparent that the US Corporatocracy may have some “demons” of their own to deal with. The US has used African Americans as scapegoats far too long.

By the way, there is no such thing as “race.” It is just another political construct (like the term urban core) to isolate, redline, dehumanize and terrorize independent communities and rob them of economic stability. There is an undeniable “skin game” that is real for melaninated peoples. This is pervasive all over the world, where Black-skinned people are hidden outcasts living in exile from the overall population and society. Indian “Untouchables,” Black Native Americans, Black Mexicans, Black Chinese, and Black Europeans often live in exile, hidden and unspoken. Yet, racial profiling still exists, along with, police brutality, the Injustice system, economic redlining, and other “white” collar criminals and invaders! When I use the word “white” I don’t speak of a race- I speak of the 1% elite class and those who identify and discriminate using this construct to receive privileges. Many Indigo people live in a state of capture bonding where they completely identify with their abuser. This is what I call Maafa Syndrome, which predates what is known as Stockholm syndrome, that many suffer from. 

Queenma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

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Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Farm; is a spiritual center to become balanced physically, emotionally, and spiritually and to Realize your fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity, and strength. We provide Life Coaching, gentle yoga, classes, Energy work Courses, Gifts, and Accessories, Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops, and Special Events. Contact Us and become a member as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , Call: 816-281-7704 sign-up for courses and Counciltations , Amen Par Ankh is a place of peace and healing through connection with nature and the cycles of life. Here we can truly come together and create and build something to share together. It is our intention that this spiritual center becomes a sacred space for personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, but is also an active space for expressions of our life. Dua (Thank you!) ♥. We offer: Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, and Classes