Showing posts with label Ancient Ancestors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ancient Ancestors. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Nu Is Water- The Source of Life- Drink!

Nu is Water The Source of Life!

Nuta Beqsu AmenRa 2016

Nu is the KMT Ntr (Sacred Principle) for Water. She is associated with the primordial waters of the creation of the Universe and the waters of the womb of motherhood. She is the waters of life that MA - NUT the Celestial Universe, expresses all living existence.
She is the vital essence in All living things! So as we are born of water from our mothers, we must have water to sustain our existence.  

We pour Libations to our Aku (ancestors) as a Sacred Ceremony, Blessings, Anointings, Baptism and Purifications.
 We sing and speak to Nu our water to transfer energy vibrations to enhance our life.

Water is Life! Water IS ALIVE!

Water is more than for Drinking, Cooking, Bathing, or Cleaning. Water is alive! Water is Intelligent, Water has memory. Water is Electro-Magnetic, Water is Crystal, Water has it's own spirit, Water responds to you. The water molecule is H2O two Hydrogen Gas molecules and one Oxygen molecule. Separately, these are 2 gas molecules coming together to make something wet.

Make an Offering to Mama Wata Before Time Runs Out
Yemaya, is known as one of the "Seven African Powers." Yemaya is an Orisha, originally from the traditional religious practices of the Yoruba people in Africa. Orishas are sometimes described as the emissaries of Olodumare, or God Almighty.
Over the past decades, Yemaya has become prominent in the Afro-American religions and other forms of African American diasporic spirituality which can be found in various countries of the Caribbean and Latin America as well as parts of the USA South. #amenankh #nodpl #mamawata #auset #americanafrican

Make an Offering to Mama Wata Before Time Runs Out!

Ma, Nu, Tefnut, Auset, Yemaya, Oshun are the many names for Mother Waters used in the Afrakan Diaspora. Over time, the Mami Wata has become blended in cultures and religions, influenced by Hinduism, Islam and Christianity. Shrines and Altars glisten among the paintings and sculptures that depict her with her colors of blue and white, in the waters as a mermaid-like form, flowing hair or grasping a snake.
*Ma is one of the oldest names of the Most High source, creator. She is the Milk source or represented as the Cow in the Milky Way Galaxy. This Elemental power and presence of the universe is reflected in Ankh- The Womb of life, She has a special relationship with Ra the Sun, and her descendants are Mary, Marie, and Mason. She also lives as the name of:
*Nu the Eternal primordial waters and fountain of life. The Black Womb of Ma+N Is known as the vortex of the spirit that is transformed and transitioned into the empirical world.
*Tefnut is the primordial elemental power of moisture and atmosphere. She is depicted as the dew, firmament, steam, mist, fog or the clouds.
*Auset (later Isis) is representative of the primordial waters and mysteries of Ankh the womb of life, birth Breast milk and family. She is the Kandaki Mother, wife and co-regent of Ausar, her husband, and ruler of Amenta, heaven. After Auset's husband was murdered and destroyed by his jealous brother Set, Auset was able to conceive her sun Heru who would move to vanquish and restore the benevolent rule and kingdom of heaven in the world.
*Oshun is the mother of the fresh waters, She flows into the rivers, lakes, streams and ponds
*Yemaya, is known as one of the "Seven African Powers." Yemaya is an Orisha, originally from the traditional religious practices of the Yoruba people in Africa. Orishas are sometimes described as the emissaries of Olodumare, or God Almighty.
Over the past decades, Yemaya has become prominent in the Afro-American religions and other forms of African American diasporic spirituality which can be found in various countries of the Caribbean and Latin America as well as parts of the USA South.
  #amenankh #nodapl #mamawata #indigenous

Here and Now 

In this modern-day of oil fracking, The abomination of the Dakota Access pipeline, The open genocide in Flint Michigan with Mercury and Lead Pollution in water, The Gulf water pollution in the aftermath of Katrina in Louisiana, the death of the Great Lakes, Missouri, and Mississippi rivers, we are suffering from a core assault on our lives and the Ecological environment. We must be aware of the close ties that bind us to the life of this planet, and the continual assault of the environment. Our water is used not only for drinking, bathing, cooking, and cleaning.  Finding clean air, water and food are fundamental to our existence and survival as a species.  It is fundamentally important to have access to clean water, and learn how to preserve and filter clean your water, We must use Alkaline waters to raise the health of our bodies. Most Important, we must re-establish our relationship with Mother Water.

People seem to carry bottled water everywhere they go these days. In fact, it has become the second most popular drink (behind soft drinks). This is a disturbing statistic, since sugary soda, especially those containing high fructose corn syrup, is a huge dehydrating health hazard, that raises the risk of obesity, stroke, and other heart problems. However, these dangers can be avoided if people choose to just drink water- which doesn’t have negative side effects. So, let's put the sugary stuff to the side and make water the number one drink of choice. The benefits really are endless. The old suggestion to drink eight glasses a day is our best guideline.

There are plenty of reasons to drink water. In fact, drinking water (either plain or in the form of other fluids or foods) is an essential nutrient to your health. When your water intake does not equal your output, you can become dehydrated. Fluid losses are accentuated in warmer climates, during strenuous exercise, in high altitudes, and in older adults, whose sense of thirst may not be as sharp.

"Through the posterior pituitary gland, your brain communicates with your kidneys and tells it how much water to excrete as urine or hold onto for reserves," says Guest, who is also an adjunct professor of medicine at Stanford University.

When you're low on fluids, the brain triggers the body's thirst mechanism. And unless you are taking medications that make you thirsty, Guest says, you should listen to those cues and get yourself a drink of water, Coconut water, or Real Fresh natural juices -- anything but alcohol.
 Most people are suffering from levels of dehydration, most of the day, usually, a lot of the pains in our bodies are usually attributed to dehydration. The first thing a hospital will do for someone who has been admitted into a hospital is tagging them, then introduce a saline IV.


Getting enough water every day is important for your health. Healthy people meet their fluid needs by drinking before they get thirsty. Most of your fluid needs are met through the water and beverages you drink. However, you can get some fluids through the foods that you eat. For example, broth soups and foods with high water content such as Coconuts, Watermelon, Celery, or other melons can contribute to fluid intake.

Water helps your body:

  • Keep your temperature normal
  • Lubricate and cushion joints
  • Protect your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues
  • Get rid of wastes through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements
  • Your body needs more water when you are:
  • In hot climates
  • More physically active
  • Running a fever
  • Having diarrhea or vomiting

If you think you are not getting enough water, these tips may help:

  • Carry a water bottle for easy access when you are at work or running errands.
  • Freeze some freezer-safe water bottles. Take one with you for cold water all day long.
  • Choose water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. This can also help with weight management. Substituting water for one 20-ounce sugar-sweetened drink will save you about 240 calories. For example, during the school day students should have access to drinking water, giving them a healthy alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages.
  • Choose water when eating out. Generally, you will save money and reduce calories.
  • Add a wedge of lime or lemon to your water. This can help Alkalinize and improve the taste to help you drink more water than you usually do

Many are trading pitchers of beer for glasses of water. Whether it’s a New Year’s resolution to drink more H2O to just plain Hot and thirsty, here are some convincing reasons to Drink Water Down
*Fluid balance

Roughly 60 percent of the body is made of water. Drinking enough H2O maintains the body’s fluid balance, which helps transport nutrients in the body, regulate body temperature, digest food, and more. Drinking-Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature.

*Calorie control

Forget other diet tricks—drinking water could also help with weight loss. Numerous studies have found a connection between water consumption and losing a few pounds. The secret reason? Water simply helps people feel full, and as a result, consumes fewer calories.
Muscle fuel


At the gym, sweating causes muscles to lose water. And when the muscles don’t have enough water, they get tired . So for extra energy, try drinking water to push through that final set of squats.
Clearer skin

Certain toxins in the body can cause the skin to inflame, which results in clogged pores and acne . While science saying water makes the skin wrinkle-free is contradictory, water does flush out these toxins and can reduce the risk of pimples.

*Kidney function

Our kidneys process 200 quarts of blood daily, sifting out waste and transporting urine to the bladder. Yet, kidneys need enough fluids to clear away what we don’t need in the body. Let's drink to that!
Productivity boost

In order to really focus, a glass of water could help people concentrate and stay refreshed and alert.

*Fatigue buster

Move over coffee—water can help fight those tired eyes too . One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is tiredness. Just another reason to go for the big gulp! (Not the 7-11 kind.)
Hangover help

If alcohol has got the best of you, help a hangover with a glass of water to hydrate the body and stop that pounding headache.

*Pain prevention

A little water can really go a long way. Aching joints and muscle cramps and strains can all occur if the body is dehydrated.
Keep things flowing


Nobody wants to deal with digestion issues. Luckily, drinking enough water adds fluids to the colon which helps make things move smoothly.

*Sickness fighter

Water may help with decongestion and dehydration, helping the body bounce back when feeling under the weather. Just beware—drinking fluids hasn’t been scientifically proven to beat colds in one swoop, so don’t swap this for a trip to the doctor or other cold remedies.

*Brain boost

A study in London found a link between students bringing water into an exam room and better grades, suggesting H2O promotes clearer thinking. While it’s unclear if drinking the water had anything to do with a better score, it doesn’t hurt to try it out!
Bottoms Up—Your Action Plan 

The amount of water that people need per day is up for debate, but studies suggest adults need nine to 16 cups of H2O. However, this number varies depending on activity level, age, and how much water people are consuming in coffee, tea, or water-rich veggies and fruit. Here’s how to keep yourself hydrated: Begin by drinking a glass of water as soon as you wake up, and 30 minutes before eating any big meal. (This will help control appetite, too.) Get in the habit of keeping a water bottle on hand at all times. And if the taste beings to bore, spice up the taste buds with a squeeze of citrus to the glass! Before you know it, all the benefits of water will be right at your fingertips… and in your body.

At Amen Ankh Urban Farm, we grow and produce foods, fresh from our local farm, and growers.


Adenike's Arts Reduce Reuse Recycle

 We Invite your Support. 


The information on this blog has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality, Current Events, and Entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or the American Medical Association and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific conditions. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Kandaki-Ma Nuta Beqsu (Adenike Amen-Ra)

I hope you have enjoyed our presentation. Amen Par Ankh is our Outreach ministry. Please support our initiatives...

(c) All rights reserved. No part of this Blog may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the author; Nuta Beqsu Adenike AmenRa

We are available for Lectures, Panel Discussions, Conferences, and Workshops, along with an Af-Ra-Ka-N Centered curriculum for youth STEAM homeschooling, Workshops, and Itinerate Tutoring. 
We live in our ancient KMT Spiritual systems to serve our community in Libations, Griot Spoken Word Presentations, KMT Wedding, Naming and ReBirth, Personal consultations for Nia (Purpose), Health, Career and, Relationship, and Ascension officiant, Salutations and Blessings for new beginnings, (Home and Businesses blessings), Afrikan Storytelling. Amen Par Ankh is a Sacred Temple of Life- We are a KRST conscious Community. We Grow Food to restore balance in our relationship with the cosmos, earth, and our Natural communities by increasing awareness of Life, Health, and the Environment. We are a Maafia a "Healthy Place To Live" Amen Ankh Urban Farm’s Mission is to produce, promote, and perpetuate food, resources, and comfort and to grow local healthy Indigenous Foods in environmentally, respected, earth gentle ways. Call Us-816-281-7704 

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Indigo Veganism -Ankh Matters

Indigo Veganism All Life is Sacred

As Melanin Indigo People, the Vegetarian lifestyle, should not become another Willie Lynch polarizing fulcrum, to divide and conquer or alienate our people. It may be true that there were no ancient historical accounts of Africans or global Indigenous peoples who were culturally devout vegans or vegetarians.
Yet, I recognize, that in our contemporary society, veganism is a Kujichagulia lifestyle that many Indigo generations are building in this age for our benefit.

There are those in the so called conscious community, who will not speak to me or work with me to build, just because of my Age, Sex, Spirituality, my personal relationship or because, I am not a devout Vegan, who may have sparingly consumed locally grown organic meats, eggs, butter, cheese and honey on occasions. I am considered and treated by some Vegans, as a contaminated necromancer, who is worm infested and deranged. Even Eye must confess my own aversion from religious patriarchy and pork consumers. Yes, I feel the sting of the lash of exile and shunning from Patriarchal dogmas of Hebrews, Muslims, and Christians, and how they are controlling and micromanaging what little resources we have for divide and conquer, until we are rendered collectively ineffective.
Yet, right now, we are still living and raising our children, in enemy territory, and are moving targets as Melanin Indigo people, regardless of our religious, dietary, political, age, or sex, in the belly of the beast of Race Supremacy, under a critical fight for our very lives and that of our children. We have a lot of work to do for our own healing and that of our Children. These self-Willie lynchings that we use internally, to polarize ourselves form each other- of ageism, sexism religion-ism, Racism, dietary preferences, or smokers etc.., is stagnating.

As far as our food and life is concerned, we must seek to venerate and respect ALL life and not to take the life of ANYTHING without showing propitiation and sacrifice. We must seek to live in harmony and balance with the ecosystem of the Mother Earth for our Air, Water, Food and Shelter. Reading "How to Eat to live" Minister Elijah Muhammad speaks on the consideration, that we don't need to eat all vegetation, that we don't need to eat every day, and that we must leave some foods for the Animals to consume. Even in the Abrahamic or Levitical laws, there were foods, like shellfish, Swine, and Cloven toe animals that were forbidden to consume...

So, even the harvesting and alternative plant production measures, that have been employed by humans, along with the chemical controls, exploitation of labor, negligence in waste management, and intentional planned scarcity, by discarding foods or leaving them to die on the vine, rather than harvest, are major factors in sustainable living. Also the deforestation for building and expansion; should be challenged, with remediation established holistically. Historically, Mono-cropping deforested entire states and countries, bringing on plagues of locust infestations, drought, famine and tornadoes.


Many of us STILL do not grow or glean our own foods, or even know the process by which the foods we feed to our babies, is taken to these so called organic grocers, of which, so many of our Indigo peoples, are solely dependent upon!


YES! In Order to free ourselves WE MUST Feed ourselves! So Growing our own local fresh fruits and vegetables and even livestock must take place. We MUST be Mindful in ALL our relationships. #amenankh #blackautonomy

Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life) and Amen Ankh Academy; is a local home school network, and Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry and an Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Minister and Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra El and become a member of our Gnome Maafia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: ,and Call: 816-839-7945 to sign-up for courses and support: PAYPAL: , information: , ,also Look for us on Twitter & LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of First People Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool Curriculum network and Afterschool STEMM (science technology, mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group. We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies, KMT Readings for Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship Consultations using the Ausar Auset Method, We perform Home Blessings, African Naming, KMT Ordained Weddings and Wedding planning, We celebrate and observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We Grow and make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gifts, and Accessories. We provide an Online Radio Call-in show for Outreach ministry: Amen Communications Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, Par Ankh Reading Room, Herbal Teas & Juice bar, Nature walks and Outdoor camping Experiences, classes such as Spiritual Jewelry making, Sewing and other hand crafts, Henna Healing designs, of Head wrapping arts, Making Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. Also Envisioning, Dream Catchers, Vision Boards, Art Healing Mandalas, Spiritual Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings & Classes The information on this Blogsite has been put together for general information, education, reference, Spirituality Current Events and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any specific condition. Ask your doctor for his professional advice before making radical changes in your diet and lifestyle. Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot”. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra Please like our facebook pages: , , , Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Pan AfRaKan Amen Days

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Richard Pryor Show- KMT rediscovered Blacked Out Through Whitewash

Race Supremacy Lies- Richard Pryor was ingenious in revealing the race supremacy society structure using comedy as a vehicle. Many historical records of the stolen pirated Legacy of African Civilizations of Melanin rich (Black) African people, can be found in the private libraries, Universities and masonic temples in Europe and the US. Most contemporary movies, even today will continue to whitewash and remove the legacy of the true Black images and presence of Original Melanin rich peoples from history as Great leaders, Rulers and Teachers. This knowledge has also been critically removed from public school text books and consequently, the collective memory of world society in the next generations. Many movies like Noah, Exodus, Moses, The Prince of Egypt, Star Gate Sg1, Indiana Jones, The Gods of Egypt, and even the images of Jesus have purposely used Caucasian /Anglo actors in their cast to perpetuate the lies and false impression of their presence and to write themselves into the history of Ancient African Civilizations.

Caucasian/Anglos (Romans) did not appear on the continent of Afrika or engage in Afrikan society until 326 bc; long after the pyramids were built and many African tradesmen left KMT and traveled the planet to tell the tales of this fabulous legacy! It was Black Africans who populated and Civilized the planet.

Amen Par Ankh (sacred temple of life) and Amen Ankh Academy; is a local home school network, child Care and Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach Ministry and an Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact our Minister and Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra and become a member of our Gnome Maafia- as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or ,and Call: 816-839-7945 to sign-up for courses and support: , information: , ,also Look for us on Twitter & LinkedIn. We acknowledge our Great Ancient Ancestral history and heritage of Afrikan and Native American Spiritual Ways. We provide an Online Homeschool network and Afterschool STEMM (science technology, mathematics and medicine) careers with hands on Agriculture Experiences. –You GROWW Girls and Youth Going Green Economic Literacy study group.We Respect Mother Earth and acknowledge the natural sciences and ecology with recycling. We provide Ancestor Libation Ceremonies and Outreach to observe the Equinox and Solstice events, where we celebrate and show our respect for the wonder of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Song, music, dance, Workshops and special events. We make Org-Ankh Electric foods, Gift Boxes, and Accessories We provide an Online Radio Call-in show for Outreach ministry: Amen Communications Dial-in : (347)989-8509We provide whole Life Coaching For Destiny, Health, Career and Relationship, Ancient Cultural Wedding Ceremonies- Destiny Naming Ceremony and Newborn Blessings, Home and Business Spiritual Cleansing and Blessings, Ancient Funeral rites and Ascension ceremonies, Par Ankh Reading Room, Herbal Teas & Juice bar, Nature walks and Outdoor camping Experiences, classes such as Spiritual Jewelry making, Sewing and other hand crafts, Henna Healing designs, of Head wrapping arts, Making Natural Hair oils, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. Also Envisioning, Dream Catchers, Vision Boards, Art Healing Mandalas, Spiritual Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, We assist in Wellness for Body Mind and Spirit for Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide an active space for expressions of our original wisdom ways of life.Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings & Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We are growing orchards and constructing Aquaponic Systems of farm raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We also provide Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot” Sasteh Meter Mosley. We grow selected local “Org-Ankh” electric indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: (Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons) and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our Fresh produce we create canned and Baked Goods, teas, cosmetics, & liniments to provide Healing through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for everyone. Feel free or Contact the Director: Queenma Nuta Beqsu Moses aka Adenike Amen-Ra Please like our facebook pages: , , , Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Easter and East Star the Festival of Renewal

Easter Eastre East-Star -the Festival of Renewal

The Holy day of East Star was originally a celebration of renewal and rebirth for original Indigo people. Celebrating the return of early spring, it honors the Mother Nature goddess is known in ancient Indigo societies as Nu, Nut, Auset, and Het-Heru. The Sun star was represented as Ausar, Set, and  Heru.  Later in west Afrikan cultures, nature was represented as the Orishas, and in many cultures following, like the Druids, then the Greeks, Romans and Pagans as, Eostra, Hathor, Isis, Ishtar, Oestera, Eastre(Esther), Aurora, or Adonis...

Earth has been referred to as Mother since ancient times as “Mother Earth” and “Mother Nature.”

The Goddess Nut, swallows the sun as Heru striking his uncle Set every evening, then to give birth to the Sun as Ausar every morning. During the night, guided by the moonlight of his mother Auset, a battle of Heru and his uncle Set is fought to release Heru's father, Ausar, and to once again witness the rising of Ausar to take his place as earth sovereign of all things green and growing. 

Auset brought forth her son Heru, after the murder of her husband Ausar, symbolic of abundant crops, as the rains from the sky met the welcoming earth in the spring. Festivals like “The Marriage Feast of Canaan” were Spring fertility rites in ancient times which celebrated Pregnancy, and the dawn of spring and fertility. The dawn of the Sun Star the equinox, was in the east, so Sunrise celebrations centered on growth and renewal were celebrated. Growers celebrated to ask petition for abundant crops, and eggs were eaten and exchanged as talismans.

Easter is exceptional, depending on where you live in proximity to the Equator. There are only 3 seasons, instead of 4 for those living near the equator.

Other Names of Spring Goddess:

With brightening and longer days after the Vernal equinox, Eastre is full of growth and passion of new life. Eastre was known as Ma, the Great Mother Goddess of Northern Europe, by our Ancient Twa/Khoisan Ancestars. She is a goddess of dawn and spring, and her name derives from dawn, the light arising from East. The word, East and the female hormone, estrogen is also related to her.

The Rite of Spring,

Eastre’s male consort was the Sun god Ra, and rites of spring were celebrated in her honor on the first day of spring. Celebrations were on the first full moon following vernal equinox. The full moon represents a “pregnant” phase of Eastre, passing into fertility to give birth to the Sun’s offspring.

“Eastre” is derived from the direction East, and the Spring Goddess is associated with dawn. Eastre is related to the Indo-European Hausos, Goddess of dawn, and the Roman and Greek Goddesses, Aurora and Eos. In German Austron means dawn, derived from Aus, “to shine.” The ancient word for Spring was Eastre, and Goddesses in many cultures are celebrated as the bearer of springtime.

Aphrodite ~ Cyprus

Ashtoreth ~ Israel

Astarte ~ Greece

Demeter ~ Mycenae

Auset ~ Het-Heru (Hathor) ~ Kemet (Egypt)

Ishtar ~ Assyria

Kali ~ India

Ostara ~ Norse Goddess of fertility

The Middle East celebrates many Spring festivals, including the Iranian Nowruz, ascension of the mythological king of Persia. Commemorated by Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India, Turkey, Zanzibar, Albania, Kurds, and central Asia, it is a Zorostrian holiday, and celebrated by Baha’i’ and Nizari Ismalili Muslims.

Sham El Nessim has been celebrated since 2700 B.C. the ancients celebrated this creation story with a feast at the Great Pyramid. The feast of Shemu, means ‘renewal of life’ later changed to Shu/‘shamm’ (smelling or breathing) and ‘nessim’ (breeze). Sham El Nessim is celebrated as a national holiday, and is celebrated by Christians and Muslims as “Easter Monday”.

Rabbits and Eggs

Eastre represents renewal and fertility, and eggs and rabbits were sacred to her. Rabbits are a potent symbol of fertility, as a female rabbit can conceive a second litter while still pregnant with the first! The markings of the full moon were believed by some Eastern cultures to be an image of a rabbit pounding a mortar.

The Earth in Spring is filled with fertility and awakening, many people get married during this season and many children are born during this time. The egg is an obvious symbol, and it has been a symbol of rebirth since ancient times. The hare was the sacred animal of the Spring Moon. At vernal equinox, an egg is the symbol of New Life.

Our Mother Earth

Earth is referred to as Mother since ancient times: “Mother Earth” and “Mother Nature.” Watching the cycles of Nature one sees that rain falling brings life to Earth, so ancient cultures saw Father as Heaven, and Earth as Mother.
Auset suckling her Sun Heru

So essentially Easter is the celebration of the fertile womb and the lunar menstrual cycle. Easter was not always celebrated as the Ascension Christ from the dead; the meaning of Easter was quite different from what Christians celebrate today. Long before the name of Jesus, many peoples associated this festival with the coming back to life of the god of the earth Ta-mmuz (see Ezek 8:14,) also known as Geb, Ausar, Adonis Orpheus or Perseus, who had been dead in the underworld during the winter to rise in the spring. The name by which Christians still celebrate the festival is the name of the ancient fertility goddess Eastre, Ishtar, Auset, or Ashtoreth (whose name also survives in the name of one of the books of the Old Testament, the only Bible book that contains no reference to God - the Book of Esther).

Ausar is the god who conquered the underworld. Easter was celebrated as a time of new life, Beauty, sunshine, and birth. Jesus (in the Christian version of the myth) is just the latest in a long line of gods to symbolize new life through resurrection. Easter was originally (and still is) a celebration of the fertility of the earth, renewed each springtime. The egg, the chick, the rabbit, the flowers, are all fertility symbols (and much older than this latest Christian symbol of the resurrected god). Its celebration has often been marked by sexual exuberance, pregnancy and new birth, as is still prominent in the pre-Lenten Carnivals and Mardi Gras festivals and the phallic symbolism of the May pole and the cross.

The precise date of Easter has at times been a matter for contention. By the later 2nd century, it was accepted that the celebration of the holiday was a practice of the disciples and an undisputed tradition.

The First Council of Nicaea (325) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the March equinox. Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March. Easter is a movable feast, meaning it is not fixed in relation to the civil calendar. The date of Easter therefore varies from 22 March to 25 April inclusive. churches in and around Rome observed the practice of celebrating Easter on the following Sunday calling it “the day of the resurrection of our Savior.”

Western Christianity, using the Gregorian calendar, Easter always falls on a Sunday between 22 March and 25 April inclusive, whereas Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian calendar, whose 21 March corresponds, during the 21st century, to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar, and in which therefore the celebration of Easter varies between 4 April and 8 May. Initially, in the early days,

The specific day on which the resurrection should be celebrated became a major point of contention within the church.

If his resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him, when was he crucified- To rise again in three days? Did he rise on the Sabbath or the first day of the week?

It is the central tenet of Christian faith and theology and part of the Nicene Creed: "On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures.” The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the centerpiece of the Christian faith, according to the Apostle Paul, who even says that if Jesus Christ has not been resurrected then the Christian faith is worthless and futile (1 Cor. 15:14-17). Therefore, without Easter there is no Christianity.


Maafa syndrome was constantly occurring in the Americas, long before Stockholm syndrome... Maafa Syndrome is the total identification with an abuser, for the hope of favor. Maafa Syndrome is capture bonding. Many of Our Indigo People of color have totally rejected their own Cultural and Spiritual practices and Icons, that were empowering for Nation building and their own interests and survival, to completely surrender and embrace a false god, created in the image of a western alien construct by Asians, Aryan Caucasians and Arabs, for the sole purpose of perpetuating, propagating the interests and survival of Arabs, and Aryan Caucasians, to absolutely and perpetually control the Cultural Social, economic, political, educational, capital resources of the masses of Human Indigo peoples of color around the world! These believers have colorized this Icon, (like making chitterlings into a gourmet delicacy,)  and will lay down their lives, and turn on their own family, to protect this deeply embedded inception... "The Matrix is a technicolor dream world"... Morpheus...

Historically, the Christian church, because it could not eradicate the celebration of this popular festival, reinterpreted it and assigned to it a new meaning, but was unable to erase completely its original significance. The Mother and Sun Icons, the egg and the rabbit, the Ankh, the Khepra Beetle (the real symbols of this festival) will continue to be loved and celebrated as long as we can marvel at the new life which the spring brings.

Things to Energize You!

Decorate your home with Spring flowers; crocuses, daffodils, violets, lilac, lilies, roses, iris
Add something green: a plant, candles, soap to represent growth and expansion
Work on projects and ideas initiated around Winter Solstice

Here are some favorite Spring Flower symbols. Add some to your home!

Dogwood Flower: 4 petals symbolize 4 directions
Iris: Purity, wisdom, faith, birth blessing, life, and resurrection
Honeysuckle: Rebirth, renewal, spiritual sight, versatile mind
Jasmine: Lunar, psychic, spiritual love
Lily: Strong associations with fertility, purity, rebirth
Rose: True love, joy, yellow roses for Eastre

These are some of the many herbs that can be used for cleansing and raising our immune system:

Green Tea
Purple Dead-Nettle
Stinging Nettle

The soil is prepared, planting season has begun, so sow your seeds and hard work will bring you full bloom!

Amen Par Ankh (Sacred House of Life) and Amen Ankh Urban Farm; is a local Urban Farm nestled around a Spiritual Outreach and Education Center in the heart of midtown Kansas City, Missouri. Contact Us and become a member, as We Celebrate the Cycles of Life! Email: , or, and Call: 816-281-7704 to sign-up for courses, information: , , Look for us on Twitter , LinkedIn. We Celebrate the Cycles of Life, Wellness and Balance in our everyday existence on earth. We assist in Wellness for Physical Fitness, Mental Health, and Spiritual Attunement - to realize the fullest capacities of life, health, prosperity and strength. We provide Whole Life Coaching, Energy work, A Par Ankh Reading Room, Org-Ankh Electric food Boxes, an Herbal Tea House ; Juice bar, Outdoor Experiences, classes such as Cultural Headwrapping, Natural Hair oils, Henna healing designs, beading and Lox twisting, Cosmetics, and Herbal products. We offer Classes in ASCAC (The Association for the Study of Classical African Civilization), Art Healing Mandalas, Jewelry Making, Gentle Yoga, Canning and preserving food, Health and Wellness Study Courses. We make Gifts and Accessories. We Celebrate and show our respect of nature with Cultural Ceremonies, Workshops and special events. Amen Par Ankh means sacred House of Life. We Celebrate Life! We provide a space for your own personal discovery with quiet reflection and time for internal work, as well as an active space for expressions of our original ways of life. Ceremony, Counseling, Coaching, Cleansings, and Classes Amen Ankh Urban Farm is an urban agricultural enterprise with the goal of achieving environmental justice and sustainability by Healthy local food production and improving local neighborhood access to healthy Foods. We run Aquaponic Systems of farm-raised fish, Herbs and microgreens. We create custom landscapes of Victory gardens for health and home. We also provide Urban Farm-a-See tours of successful Local Farmers with the “Green Griot” Sasteh Meter Mosley. We grow selected local indigenous Herbs, Fruits, Vegetable and plant life of the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans, and Squash/Melons and cruciferous vegetables: Cabbage, and Kale, With Wheat Grass and other Sprouts, Herbs: Basil, Sage, Chives, Rosemary, Parsley, Peppers, with Moringa nutritional drink supplements, -From our foods we produce Baked Goods, cosmetics, and; liniments to provide Healing and Sovereignty: Through the inspiration of Kujichagulia (Self-determination) for all Original peoples. Feel free or Contact the Amen Ankh Urban Farm... or call: 816-281-7704 Please like our facebook pages: , , ,
Dua (Th-ankh you!) ♥.